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Numerical simulation method of surge experiments on gas turbine engines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to obtain the surge margin of an aero-engine during its operation, an engine surge experiment is required. A multi-dimensional simulation method for an aero-engine is established in this paper. The simulation of a surge experiment using high-pressure air-injection is then carried out on a turbo-shaft engine to obtain the surge boundary using this method. More specifically, firstly, a body-force model is employed to calculate the compressor performance owing to its capability of capturin...  相似文献   
Solar sail technology has been proposed and developed for space explorations with advantages of low launch cost, no-propellant consumption, and continuous thrust, which has great potentials in earth polar detection, interstellar explorations and etc. The development of solar sail has made significant progress in structural design, manufacturing, materials, orbit transfer, and stability control in the past few decades, which makes meaningful contributions to astronomy, physics, and aerospace science. Technological breakthroughs of Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) propulsion and interstellar transfer have been achieved in current solar sail missions. However, there are still many challenges and problems need to be solved. This paper attempts to summarize the research schemes and potential applications of solar sailing in space missions from the viewpoint of key technologies, so as to provide an overall perspective for researchers in this field. Analyses of the key technologies of solar sailing system design are provided. Finally, challenges and prospective development of solar sailing are discussed.  相似文献   
The occurrence of Lean Blowout(LBO) is a disadvantage that endangers a stable operation of gas turbines. A determination of LBO limits is essential in the design of gas turbine combustors. A semiempirical model is one of the most widely used methods to predict LBO limits.Among the existing semiempirical models for predicting LBO limits, Lefebvre’s LBO model and the Flame Volume(FV) model are particularly suitable for gas turbine combustors. On the basis of Lefebvre’s and FV models, the concept o...  相似文献   
针对双级高压气冷涡轮的低温试验状态模化方法,对以空气为工质、基于不同相似准则数的试验模化状态的流场相似性进行数值仿真。结果表明:对于有冷气试验模化方法,采用出口马赫数与设计状态一致的模化方法可获得相似性较好的试验状态流场,此时反力度、载荷系数、马赫数均能保证良好的相似性,主要相似准则数偏差不超过5%;对于无冷气试验模化方法,保持涡轮几何不变并增大膨胀比使得等熵速比与设计状态的一致,或通过改变叶片数保证各排出口马赫数与设计状态的一致,均能显著改善无冷气模化状态与设计状态的流场相似性。其中前者反力度相似性接近98%,而后者载荷系数和马赫数的相似性达到了同样水平,但破坏了模型的几何相似。  相似文献   
为了阐明测点布局对航空发动机进气总压畸变测试结果的影响,利用旋转总压测量耙对5种畸变流场的稳态和动态总压畸变成分进行了测试,计算了旋转总压测量耙位于不同位置时畸变流场的稳态周向总压畸变指数和动态总压畸变指数,分析了不同测点布局下总压畸变指数计算结果的偏差。结果表明:测量耙/测点与畸变流场的相对周向位置对总压畸变指数计算结果的准确性至关重要,对于所分析的5种畸变流场,增加测量耙/测点周向数目并不能使总压畸变指数计算结果的偏差单调减小,但可降低其对测量耙/测点周向位置的敏感度。基于畸变区域周向分布设计稳态总压畸变测量耙的周向位置,组合使用不同相对半径处测点对动态总压畸变进行监测,可提高总压畸变指数计算结果的准确性。  相似文献   
钣金类零件的制造是根据自身经验来制定生产工艺的,一直以来对工艺的革新较少,造成生产合格率偏低、成本高。而影响板材冷成形性能最主要的因素即为材料自身的成形性能。以U型蒙皮为研究对象,进行试验研究与材料分析,为有限元模型提供参数与验证。基于弹塑性有限元理论,通过测试毛坯材料的应力应变数据,建立材料的本构模型,准确预测闸压过程中钣金结构的应力、应变和回弹量。创建闸压成形仿真模型,模型验证后,进行闸压后试片内部应力应变分析、试片厚度,以及回弹分析。基于建立的有限元模型进行了毛坯材质与闸压方向的影响分析。  相似文献   
容积和预充气压力是充气式蓄能器的关键参数,对其动态性能(工作状态下,其压力与流量的输出性能)有较大影响。以某型飞机舵面应急型充气式蓄能器计算选型为例,基于Hypneu 仿真软件中的液压元件库,结合该型飞机液压系统的主要设计参数以及应急型蓄能器的工作原理,建立蓄能器作动仿真模型;在Hypneu中设置测试点记录仿真曲线,通过分析仿真曲线探究充气式蓄能器的关键参数对其动态性能的影响;结合理论计算与仿真分析,提出一套蓄能器参数选型方法,并通过试验验证该选型方法。结果表明:蓄能器的预充气压力越大,初始蓄能器输出的有效容积越小,减少预充气压力增加有效容积的同时会降低蓄能器的输出压力,试验结果与仿真结果接近,使用该方法选型的蓄能器可以满足作动要求。  相似文献   
建立了变循环发动机整机模型并对可变几何低压涡轮特性进行修正,研究了低压涡轮导叶开度从-6°~6°时对各部件以及发动机整体性能的影响。结果表明:随低压涡轮导向器角度变大,低压涡轮进口折合流量增大,不论低压涡轮导向器开大或关小,高、低涡轮效率均下降;随导叶开度增大,高压涡轮膨胀比增大,高压轴功率增大,高压压气机(High pressure compressor,HPC)与核心机驱动风扇级(Core driven fan stage,CDFS)压比增大;双外涵模式下涡轮导叶角度为0°时单位推力最大,单外涵模式下涡轮角度为-1°时单位推力最大。  相似文献   
A spinning solar sail IKAROS’s membrane is estimated to unexpectedly deform into an inverted pyramid shape due to thin-film devices with curvature, such as thin-film solar cells and steering devices on the membrane. It is important to investigate the deformation caused by the curved thin-film devices and predict the sail shape because the out-of-plane deformation greatly affects solar radiation pressure (SRP) and SRP torque. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the global shape and orientation and position of curved thin-film devices and to evaluate SRP torque on the global shape using finite element analysis. The global shape is evaluated based on the out-of-plane displacement and the SRP torque. When the curved thin-film devices make the membrane shrink in the circumferential, diagonal, and radial direction, the sail deforms into a pyramid shape, an inverted pyramid one, and a saddle one, respectively. The saddle shape is more desirable for solar sails than the inverted pyramid shape and the pyramid one from the viewpoint of shape stability to SRP and control of SRP torque in the normal direction of the sail (windmill torque). The position of the thin-film device tends to increase the absolute value of windmill torque when it is biased circumferentially from the petal central axis. The suggested design principles for the arrangement of thin-film devices is that the curved thin-film devices should be directed so that the sail shrinks in the radial direction in order to deform the sail into a saddle shape with high shape stability, and the position of the thin-film devices should be biased in the circumferential direction paying attention to the absolute value of windmill torque to determine the direction of windmill torque.  相似文献   
This paper studies deorbiting using an analogue to the quasi-rhombic-pyramid concept for planar motion. The focus is on maintaining a stable (meaning oscillatory) attitude close to the direction of the velocity of the spacecraft relative to the atmosphere. The study consists of a massive computation of deorbit times chosen in a region of the phase space where atmospheric drag plays a leading role. Here, no damping effects are considered. Thus, any passive stabilisation observed is either due to solar radiation pressure or atmospheric drag. The results show that such stable deorbiting is feasible up to a threshold that depends upon the physical parameters of the sail. This threshold is around 500 km of altitude. Stable deorbiting is also shown to reduce the unpredictability that appears due to tumbling.  相似文献   
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