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飞机燃油油量测量及姿态误差修正方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
提出了一种基于 CAD技术的航空燃油油量实时测量方法。采用三维实体造型技术 ,建立了某飞机机翼油箱模型 ,利用油量传感器的输出值及飞机姿态信息 ,对燃油油量进行实时测量及姿态误差修正。  相似文献   
In this paper, the spray characteristics of a double-swirl low-emission combustor are analyzed by using Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) technologies in an optical three-sector combustor test rig. Interactions between sectors and the influence of main stage swirl intensity on spray structure are explained. The results illustrate that the swirl intensity has great effect on the flow field and spray structure. The spray cone angle is bigger when the swirl number is 0.7, 0.9 than that when the swirl number is 0.5. The fuel distribution zone is larger and the distribution is more uniform when the swirl number is 0.5. The fuel concentration in the center area of the center plane of side sector (Plane 5) is larger than that of the center plane of middle sector (Plane 1). The spray cone angle in Plane 5 is larger than that in Plane 1. The width of spray cone becomes larger with the increase of Fuel–Air Ratio (FAR), whereas the spray cone angle under different fuel–air ratios are absolutely the same. The results of the mechanism of spray organization in this study can be used to support the design of new low-emission combustor.  相似文献   
首先介绍了空间应用燃料电池高效散热及温控技术。高精度控温主要是利用被动散热技术,将产生的热量快速传导至外部冷却介质,从而保证产热面的温度均匀性,实现电池稳定工作。通过嵌入式被动散热和双端散热的冷却方式,实现电堆内部最大温差小于5℃,换热系数达1000W/(m·K)。  相似文献   
采用一种新型的基于可靠性优化技术的计算和选择过盈配合的新方法,把常规设计与可靠性设计结合起来,利用优化设计的方法,对直喷式燃调风门止动过盈修复的可靠性设计进行了分析,推导出了计算公式,并验证了其正确性。  相似文献   
黄河  周军  刘莹莹 《宇航学报》2010,31(9):2108-2113
在卫星编队队形重构过程中,如何在实现编队整体燃料消耗较少的同时使得各子卫星燃料消耗均衡,能够有效地提高卫星编队整体的寿命。提出了一种基于虚拟中心位置可变的卫星编队队形重构新方法。该方法以虚拟中心位置为寻优变量,以首末脉冲时刻可优化的双脉冲规划作为单星轨道机动策略,将编队队形重构问题转化为混合0-1数学规划问题。仿真结果表明,该优化算法在实现整体燃料次优的同时,兼顾了各星当前的燃料剩余水平,实现了各子卫星的燃料均衡。  相似文献   
In this study a flush wall scramjet combustor is tested in a supersonic incoming air flow with the Mach number of 3 which is generated by an air vitiation heater producing the stagnation temperature of 1505 K. Using liquid kerosene as the fuel, the flame is stabilized by means of a centrally mounted O2 pilot strut after being ignited by a plasma torch. During experimental measurements, the fuel is injected with a constant equivalence ratio of 0.8 according to specified strut/wall injection ratios, i.e., a portion of the fuel amount is injected from the strut while the rest is injected from the wall. The strut and wall injectors are arranged at the same axial position. The combustion performance and wall temperature gradients are evaluated with various fuel feeding ratios between the wall and the strut. Experimental results show, when the equivalence ratio is constant and the axial injection position is fixed, the combustion characteristics vary significantly with the strut/wall fuel feeding ratio, especially when this ratio is close to its lowest and highest limits. Among the four fuel feeding ratios examined, the strut only injection mode and the average distributed strut/wall injection mode show the best combustion performance. However, the strut/wall injection mode produces a smaller wall temperature gradient compared to the strut only injection mode, which is due to the significant film cooling effect caused by the wall injected liquid kerosene.  相似文献   
基于MATLAB/Simulink的飞机燃油箱内燃油温度仿真计算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
燃油温度是飞机燃油箱可燃性评估的关键参数之一。为了研究飞机燃油箱内温度的分布规律及传热模型的正确性,采用MATLAB/Simulink软件平台搭建出了客机的燃油箱热仿真模型。在输入飞行实验所对应的的边界条件后,通过数值模拟获得燃油箱内部各计算节点处的燃油温度。结果表明,在三种不同的航行条件下,燃油箱热模型仿真结果均能较好地与飞行实验结果吻合,能够将计算误差控制在一定范围内。采用该燃油箱热模型进行热仿真数值模拟可以获得较为准确的飞机燃油箱热特性,能够在飞机设计阶段,用于对燃油箱结构以及内热源部件布置的优化。  相似文献   
燃油喷嘴是航空发动机燃烧室的一个主要元件,它的主要功用是按照发动机不同的工作状态,供给燃烧室合适数量的、具有良好雾化质量的燃油。喷嘴的供油量是保证发动机推力要求、影响燃烧效率和性能的一个主要指标。根据燃油喷嘴的不同结构,对影响发动机燃烧室性能的流量、喷雾锥角和分布不均匀度等参数进行理论分析,并结合实际调试情况进行验证,解决了燃油喷嘴性能试验时流量、喷雾锥角和分布不均匀度调试困难的技术瓶颈,具有较大的指导意义和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
张铎  鲍文  秦江  黎林林 《推进技术》2013,34(12):1708-1712
为了研究油气涡轮泵燃油供给系统中,碳氢燃料裂解油气的做功能力,以正癸烷为替代燃料,基于其裂解后的实验组分分析,发展了基于Soave-Redlich-Kwong(SRK)状态方程的真实气体裂解混合物的等熵焓降计算方法,并对油气涡轮的做功能力进行了分析和评估。研究表明,当膨胀起始温度为950K,膨胀起始压力超过3MPa,膨胀比为2时,裂解混合物的等熵焓降可达110kJ/kg,具备较强的做功能力。   相似文献   
相似理论在层板式喷注器试验研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将相似理论应用于层板式喷注器的试验研究,利用自行设计的溅板式喷嘴进行了冷流试验,通过试验证明该喷嘴的原形件与模型件在满足几何相似且进入第二自模区的条件下,流动特性相似。最后阐述了此结论的重要意义。  相似文献   
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