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长沙航空职业技术学院在人才培养模式上不断创新,探索出“工学六合”的人才培养模式,即专业设置与市场需求相结合、课程体系与工作过程相结合、课程标准与岗位要求相结合、教学情境与工作环境相结合、顶岗实习与学生就业相结合、学校考核与企业评价相结合等。  相似文献   
针对复杂战场环境下对海目标检测识别的需求,设计了一种基于改进Yolov3 算法的海面舰船目标实 时检测识别系统。使用微调分类网络、增加训练尺度、聚类目标边框维度、二级特征分类等方法对Yolov3 检 测识别网络模型进行了优化,在提高识别精度的同时有效降低了漏检率和虚警率。实验结果表明,优化后的网 络模型在自建的舰船图像数据库中将检测识别平均准确率提高到了79.3%,对真实海上航拍视频中舰船目标识 别的平均准确率达到了81% 以上。  相似文献   
应答着陆系统是一种基于应答机的精密进近着陆系统,是FAA认可的Ⅰ类精密进近的导航系统,满足ICAO要求的精度标准.本文介绍了系统的组成、配置和工作流程,分析了系统的测角、测距原理和方法,阐述了系统的应用特点和主要性能,为导航系统的发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   
研究了TA15钛合金氩弧焊焊接接头超声冲击前后的组织及力学性能,并对接头拉伸断口进行了观察。结果表明,焊接后焊缝区和热影响区的组织与母材的组织差别很大,表现为魏氏组织特征;超声冲击前后母材和接头的组织均变化不大。冲击处理使焊缝区和母材区的强度和伸长率均有所增加。冲击前后的焊缝及母材的室温拉伸断口均属于韧窝型断口。冲击后接头的表面和断面显微硬度均得到了提高。  相似文献   
为支撑型号设计选用,针对P型和马鞍型两种结构的聚醚醚酮卡箍进行了拉伸载荷试验和多种环境试验,分析了振动与冲击、温度老化、液体浸渍、湿度、盐雾等环境试验条件对产品性能的影响,试验得到了卡箍最易失效的受力方向以及不同安装方式、不同温度条件下的拉伸载荷数据。研究表明:PEEK卡箍在试验环境温度下拉伸性能比较稳定;在湿热环境下易出现开胶现象;在振动与冲击、温度老化等环境载荷下能保证结构完整和性能稳定,可以在一定条件下代替金属箍带卡箍。  相似文献   
从素质教育和创新人才培养角度出发,结合高校扩招,学分制实施,行业院校特色,介绍了民航学院实验技术队伍现状,以及加强队伍建设的紧迫性,提出了解决问题的一些思路。  相似文献   
人的全面发展是马克思主义教育观的核心。文章阐述了素质教育所包含的内容,结合大学生成长的实际情况对素质教育具体实施的途径和方法作了研究。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to mark the fruitful collaborative research between scholars in the University of Southampton and Beihang University for last 25 years on structural integrity. Their efforts addressed some important issues in structural integrity such as fatigue and fracture behavior,fatigue load spectra, fatigue and fracture lifetimes, reliability-based service period, adhesively bonded composite patch repairs, Plain Woven Fabric(PWF) composites and composite artefacts.New advances in engineering approaches, experimental methods, numerical algorithms and understanding of failure mechanisms relating to structural integrity are highlighted. Probable limits(or drawbacks) are also discussed. This review provides an insight into the general aspects on structural integrity and constitutes a basis for pointers to the further works on structural integrity.  相似文献   
Unlike monocrystalline cubic boron nitride (CBN), polycrystalline CBN (PCBN) shows not only higher fracture resistance induced by tool-workpiece interaction but also better self-sharpening capability; therefore, efforts have been devoted to the study of PCBN applications in manufacturing engineering. Most of the studies, however, remain qualitative due to difficulties in experimental observations and theoretical modeling and provide limited in-depth understanding of the self-sharpening behavior/mechanism. To fill this research gap, the present study investigates the self-sharpening process of PCBN abrasives in grinding and analyzes the macro-scale fracture behavior and highly localized micro-scale crack propagation in detail. The widely employed finite element (FE) method, together with the classic Voronoi diagram and cohesive element technique, is used considering the pronounced success of FE applications in polycrystalline material modeling. Grinding trials with careful observation of the PCBN abrasive morphologies are performed to validate the proposed method. The self-sharpening details, including fracture morphology, grinding force, strain energy, and damage dissipation energy, are studied. The effects of maximum grain cut depths (MGCDs) and grinding speeds on the PCBN fracture behavior are discussed, and their optimum ranges for preferable PCBN self-sharpening performance are suggested.  相似文献   
丁羟推进剂伸长率主曲线形状的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
给出了丁羟推进主要曲线的典型结果,针对其中的一些现象,提出了描述基拉焦形行煌双模量模型和描述其拉伸破坏行为规律的韧性断过程模型。  相似文献   
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