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对于两个分布参数都未知的极大值Ⅰ型-正态模型,在结构强度的方差比应力的方差大得多的条件下,给出了它的结构可靠性的近似置信下限。  相似文献   
讨论闪电间接效应和高强度辐射场的飞机传递函数的同步测量与分析计算,论述飞机系统设备对闪电间接效应或高强度辐射场响应的分析预测方法,说明系统定义中电磁兼容及设备电磁防护的设计方法。  相似文献   
一种非结构网格上基于径向基函数重构的ENO格式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于二维Euler方程,对非结构三角形网格给出了一种基于紧支径向基函数重构的ENO型有限体积格式,方法的主要思想是先对每一个三角形单元构造插值径向基函数,而在计算交界面的流通量采用两点高斯积分公式以保证格式的整体精度。时间离散采用三阶TVD Runge—Kutta方法。最后用该格式对一些典型算例进行了数值模拟,结果表明该方法计算速度快,对间断有很好的分辨能力。  相似文献   
基于加速度频响函数小波分解的模型修正方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭珍瑞  曹明明  刘满东 《航空学报》2020,41(7):223548-223548
为提高模型修正效率,满足修正方法对于实测环境噪声的鲁棒性,将Kriging模型和小波分解引入加速度频响函数模型修正。首先,将加速度频响函数进行小波分解,用得到的第1层幅值较大的小波系数来表征原频响函数。其次,采用拉丁超立方抽样对初选待修正参数进行设计,根据设计结果对各参数进行灵敏度分析,从而确定模型修正的待修正参数,以待修正参数作为Kriging模型输入,所对应的小波系数作为Kriging模型输出,通过混合灰狼算法寻得最优Kriging模型相关系数,建立精确有效的Kriging模型。最后,以目标加速度频响函数小波分解的小波系数与Kriging模型输出的小波系数差值最小为目标,通过水循环算法求解模型待修正参数。数值算例表明,所提模型修正方法具有良好的修正效果,即使在加速度频响函数中加入信噪比为5 dB的高斯白噪声时,修正误差也低于4%,证明了该方法对于随机噪声的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
李珍  武恒州  殷毅  赵所  连鑫 《飞机设计》2020,40(4):1-6,34
人机功能分配的合理性影响飞行员与飞机的高效率协作,对战斗机实现人机优势互补、加速OODA (观察、调整、决策、行动)作战闭环有重要意义。基于运行场景分析,通过研究人与机的能力特征和人机交互信息流模型,提出了一种定性分析与定量评估相结合的人机功能权衡分配方法。分析飞机运行场景下,人的操作使用行为,识别关键任务,综合匹配人与机的认知-感知能力特征,对比关键任务中同一活动人机分别执行的利弊实现功能分配的优化。给出的人机功能分配的方法和模型,为解决战斗机复杂作战环境下提高人机适配问题提供了一种新的参考。  相似文献   
Based on the method for establishing a global plasmaspheric model using observations from COSMIC and MetOp-A orbit determination GNSS receivers, Chen et al. (2017) obtained a global plasmaspheric total electron content product with a spatial resolution of 2.5° × 5° and a time resolution of 4 h. In this paper, we use those global plasmaspheric electron content product in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 for 1446 days to establish a global plasmaspheric empirical model based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF). The model can well characterize the spatiotemporal variation of plasmaspheric electron content (PEC) and the influence of solar radiation on it. Only the first four orders of EOF sequences can characterize the 98.43% features of the original PEC dataset. The principal component coefficient Pk is decomposed twice during modeling, and the combination of trigonometric function and linear function is used to model Pk to characterize the solar cycle, annual cycle, semi-annual cycle and quarter-cycle variation. We compare the PEC model values with the actual observation data, the results show that the empirical PEC model values are highly correlated with the actual observations. The correlation between the two is above 0.96, and the RMS maximum of the difference between the PEC model values and the observed values are 0.70 TECU, and the average of the difference between the PEC model values and the observed values are −0.18 TECU, respectively. In addition, we validate the reliability of the global plasmaspheric model established by two empirical orthogonal function decomposition method using actual observation data, according to the global distribution of the differences between the PEC model values and the observed values in low solar activity and high solar activity, it can be seen that under low solar activity and high solar activity conditions, the model has good adaptability.  相似文献   
With the continuous deployment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, the estimation of differential code biases (DCBs) based on GNSS observations from LEO has gained increasing attention. Previous studies on LEO-based DCB estimation are usually using the spherical symmetry ionosphere assumption (SSIA), in which a uniform electron density is assumed in a thick shell. In this study, we propose an approach (named the SHLEO method) to simultaneously estimate the satellite and LEO onboard receiver DCBs by modeling the distribution of the global plasmaspheric total electron content (PTEC) above the satellite orbit with a spherical harmonic (SH) function. Compared to the commonly used SSIA method, the SHLEO model improves the GPS satellite DCB estimation accuracy by 13.46% and the stability by 22.34%, respectively. Compared to the GPS satellite DCBs estimated based on the Jason-3-only observations, the accuracy and monthly stability of the satellite DCBs can be improved by 14.42% and 26.8% when both Jason-2 and Jason-3 onboard observations are jointly processed. Compared with the Jason-2 solutions, the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations have an improved consistency of better than 18.26% and 9.71% with the products provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Taking the DCB products provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as references, there is no improvement in accuracy of the GPS satellite DCB estimates based on the fusion of Jason-2 and Jason-3 observations than the Jason-2 solutions alone. A periodic variation is found in the time series of both the Jason-3 and Jason-2 onboard receiver DCB estimates. Preliminary analysis of the PTEC distribution based on the estimated SH coefficients are also presented.  相似文献   
In the application of precise point positioning (PPP), especially in the dynamic mode, the classical Kalman filter (KF) usually produces a large number of estimation errors or diverges when there are gross errors in the observation data or unexpected turbulences occur in target motion state or both of them. For such problem, a variational Bayesian (VB)-based robust adaptive Kalman filtering (VB-RAKF) is proposed in this paper. This filter introduces a classification robust equivalent weight function to resist observation gross error and the inverse Wishart prior to model inaccurate process noise covariance matrix (PNCM). To improve the instantaneous accuracy of state estimation, the VB approach is used to obtain better estimations of inaccurate PNCM. Several sets of observation data collected by IGS reference stations and vehicles are employed to check the robustness and positioning accuracy of the VB-RAKF model. The results show that the VB-RAKF algorithm is more robust than the KF, and can effectively resist the gross error in observation data and control state disturbance. In the IGS reference station tests, when compared to the KF, the static positioning accuracies of the VB-RAKF in the north, east and up directions are improved by 13%, 8% and 22%, respectively, and the simulated dynamic positioning accuracies of the VB-RAKF in the north, east and up directions are improved by 19%, 9% and 21%, respectively. The in-vehicle dynamic test verifies that the VB-RAKF outperforms the KF, and shows that the VB-RAKF has better performance than the KF when dealing with observation data which has obvious gross errors, and similar performance as the KF when gross errors are small.  相似文献   
Vibrations impose negative impacts on the effectiveness and public acceptance of helicopters. Active rotors with trailing-edge flaps have been proved to be an effective way to actively eliminate helicopter vibrations. For the existing control algorithm based on offline system identification, the transfer functions of an active rotor under different flight conditions are pre-requisites to implement closed-loop vibration control. In this study, a three-bladed active rotor with improved trailing-edge flaps is designed, and wind-tunnel tests are conducted to identify the transfer functions of this active rotor using frequency sweep and phase sweep methods. The experimental results demonstrate that these transfer functions are insensitive to the variation of flight speeds: the amplitude of the transfer function varies slightly, while the phase delay almost remains unchanged. In addition, this finding is validated through closed-loop vibration control tests with the active rotor. The transfer function obtained from the hover test results is also applicable to closed-loop vibration control tests under the forward flight conditions. This will dramatically simplify the implementation and operation of an active rotor.  相似文献   
近年来MEMS陀螺发展迅速,应用广泛,但性能参差不齐。为改善MEMS陀螺的输出信号性能,综述了近年来小波阈值去噪法在该领域内的研究进展情况。重点从阈值函数的不同改进形式、阈值选取方式的不同以及分解层数三方面对比分析各小波阈值去噪法之间的优缺点。通过现阶段的去噪效果评判标准,结合MEMS陀螺信号的特点,对近年来小波阈值去噪的应用情况进行分析说明,总结小波阈值去噪法在不同使用条件下对MEMS陀螺信号处理上的优势与不足,为后续相关研究提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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