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在进行大包线飞行控制律设计中,需将飞行包线分为几个区域,针对各个区域设计线性控制律,采用多个线性控制律来近似替代所需的非线性控制律,本文中线性控制律采用PID控制结构,若用传统PID控制律参数整定方法,工作烦琐、设计时间长,而且控制效果不是很好,提出运用遗传算法优化控制律参数,并针对遗传算法局部寻优能力差、收敛速度差、易早熟等缺点,对其进行了几点改进,为提高鲁棒性,对其适应函数进行了设计,针对某机型某个区域的俯仰控制进行了PID控制律设计仿真,利用改进的遗传算法对其参数进行优化,结果表明,该方法在23代就能得到最优控制参数,而且使系统动态性能有了较明显的提高。  相似文献   
 For the navigation algorithm of the strapdown inertial navigation system, by comparing to the equations of the dual quaternion and quaternion, the superiority of the attitude algorithm based on dual quaternion over the ones based on rotation vector in accuracy is analyzed in the case of the rotation of navigation frame. By comparing the update algorithm of the gravitational velocity in dual quaternion solution with the compensation algorithm of the harmful acceleration in traditional velocity solution, the accuracy advantage of the gravitational velocity based on dual quaternion is addressed. In view of the idea of the attitude and velocity algorithm based on dual quaternion, an improved navigation algorithm is proposed, which is as much as the rotation vector algorithm in computational complexity. According to this method, the attitude quaternion does not require compensating as the navigation frame rotates. In order to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis, simulations are carried out utilizing the software, and the simulation results show that the accuracy of the improved algorithm is approximately equal to the dual quaternion algorithm.  相似文献   
The task assignment problem of multiple heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), concerned with cooperative decision making and control, is studied in this paper. The heterogeneous vehicles have different operational capabilities and kinematic constraints, and carry limited resources (e.g., weapons) onboard. They are designated to perform multiple consecutive tasks cooperatively on multiple ground targets. The problem becomes much more complicated because of these terms of heterogeneity. In order to tackle the challenge, we modify the former genetic algorithm with multi-type genes to stochastically search a best solution. Genes of chromo- somes are different, and they are assorted into several types according to the tasks that must be performed on targets. Different types of genes are processed specifically in the improved genetic operators including initialization, crossover, and mutation. We also present a mirror representation of vehicles to deal with the limited resource constraint. Feasible chromosomes that vehicles could perform tasks using their limited resources under the assignment are created and evolved by genetic operators. The effect of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated in numerical simulations. The results show that it effectively provides good feasible solutions and finds an optimal one.  相似文献   
介绍了针对某车载气动试验设备中配置的特种高压调压阀而开发的一种控制算法,目的是将调压阀用于快速开关定位控制与压力调节双重任务。配置有快速阀和调压阀的系统,对调节过渡时间有严格的要求。调压阀用于根据实际系统工艺的要求,改变调压阀后的压力,以跟踪系统气源压力的变化。快速阀用于快速接通系统工作介质。由于受车载空间限制,通过本方案的改造,可以使系统不需使用快速阀,减小系统空间的占用,适合车载系统等对空间要求苛刻的场所。笔者提出的调压阀快速开关控制算法,经过实际验证,证明方法可行,效果良好,满足实际的需要。  相似文献   
In this paper, a new strategy for optimal design of complex aerodynamic configuration with a reasonable low computational effort is proposed. In order to solve the formulated aerodynamic optimization problem with heavy computation complexity, two steps are taken: (1) a sequential approximation method based on support vector regression (SVR) and hybrid cross validation strategy, is proposed to predict aerodynamic coefficients, and thus approximates the objective function and constraint conditions of the originally formulated optimization problem with given limited sample points; (2) a sequential optimization algorithm is proposed to ensure the obtained optimal solution by solving the approximation optimization problem in step (1) is very close to the optimal solution of the originally formulated optimization problem. In the end, we adopt a complex aerodynamic design problem, that is optimal aerodynamic design of a flight vehicle with grid fins, to demonstrate our proposed optimization methods, and numerical results show that better results can be obtained with a significantly lower computational effort than using classical optimization techniques.  相似文献   
孙心宇  周建江 《宇航学报》2012,33(4):492-499
空间平滑是一种传统去相干算法,此算法是基于圆信号提出的,同时存在孔径损耗问题。针对非圆相干信号,提出了一种全阵加权扩展空间平滑波束成形算法。首先将扩展空间平滑的子阵分解思想引入波束成形算法中,从理论上证明了算法的去相干特性,并通过分析证明了算法比传统空间平滑算法在可适用信源数上的提高。为了更好地去除期望信号与干扰间的相干性,利用虚拟波束得到权值对子阵进行加权。最后设计了一种转换矩阵,可将子阵波束权矢量扩展至全阵波束权矢量,从而避免了扩展空间平滑带来的孔径损耗问题。仿真结果表明了算法的可行性及优越性。  相似文献   
针对纯方位跟踪系统非线性较强、传统跟踪滤波方法收敛速度慢且容易发散的问题,提出了一种基于改进高斯混合粒子滤波的纯方位跟踪算法。该算法基于Sigma点卡尔曼滤波(SPKF)和粒子滤波的特点,用有限的高斯混合模型来近似后验状态密度、系统噪声和观测噪声的分布。利用贪心EM算法实现模型的降阶,一定程度上克服了EM算法假定混合成分数为已知、迭代的结果需要依赖初始值、可能收敛到局部最大点和可能收敛到参数空间的边界的缺点,从而改善粒子枯竭的问题。仿真实验结果表明在纯方位跟踪领域,与传统粒子滤波(PF)和基于EM的高斯混合粒子滤波相比,该算法在保持高精度估计能力的同时,具有较强的鲁棒性,是解决非线性系统状态估计问题的一种有效方法。  相似文献   
SpaceWire星载网络通信协议设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨志  李国军  杨芳  刘胜利 《宇航学报》2012,33(2):200-209
SpaceWire是ESA和NASA推荐的新一代星载数据总线标准,其应用方向之一是构建统一总线星载网络。星载网络是典型的实时系统,它对网络信息的传输时延具有严格要求。然而,传统SpaceWire网络多源、异步、事件触发的特性使它难以提供确定的信息传输时延,这制约了它在统一总线星载网络中的应用。本文为克服SpaceWire的上述应用瓶颈,提出一种基于时间触发的SpaceWire星载网络通信协议,并提出相应的节点通信调度算法,通过合理的规划使节点在确定的时间窗口发送通信数据,从而避免了网络资源冲突,使信息传输时延的确定性得到保证。  相似文献   
一种GEO/LEO双层卫星网络路由算法及仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨力  杨校春  潘成胜 《宇航学报》2012,33(10):1445-1452
时间虚拟化策略的时间片过短将影响路由性能,提出一种基于GEO/LEO双层卫星网络的时间虚拟化和分层管理的路由算法(VLRA),对时间虚拟化策略进行合理改进,通过新的分层管理思想,在每个时间片开始进行路由计算和更新。分析和仿真验证表明,改进的时间虚拟化策略得到的时间片更合理,利于网络的路由和通信。GEO/LEO双层卫星网络下VLRA算法时延稳定,并具有较好的丢包率和吞吐量性能。  相似文献   
界面捕捉中耦合Level-set与VOF算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的level-set方法在处理界面问题时守恒性差的缺点,提出了一种耦合level-set方法和VOF方法的算法(CLSVOF)。不仅保持了level-set界面光滑性好的特点,还结合了VOF高守恒性的优点。Level-set方程的求解采用五阶WENO格式,而VOF的体积分数输运方程采用Gueyffier的界面重构方法求解。三维数值计算结果表明这种耦合算法对level-set的守恒性有明显的改善。  相似文献   
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