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串联式TBCC进气道模态转换模拟器设计及其特性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘君  袁化成  葛宁 《航空学报》2016,37(12):3675-3684
为了实现涡轮基组合循环(TBCC)推进系统平稳模态转换过程的模拟,在前期风洞试验研究的基础上对串联式TBCC进气道模态转换模拟器进行重新设计。采用线性化及非对称的思路对该模拟器进行设计并对其特性展开数值仿真研究。结果表明:该模拟器不仅需要模拟发动机工况改变引起的背压变化,而且能通过流通截面面积线性变化,实现两个通道的流量分配。该装置的特点是能保证模态转换过程中每一点的涡轮/冲压通道的总堵塞比不变,使本文所研究的进气道在总堵塞比保持为65%时进行模态转换,结尾激波基本维持在喉道等直段内且进气道出口马赫数基本维持在0.30,流量系数基本为0.45,涡轮/冲压通道流量呈线性变化,与预期目标一致。  相似文献   
针对卫星反作用轮遥测数据存在不完备情况,提出一种基于核模糊均值聚类(KernelFuzzy C-Means,KFCM)的数据修复诊断算法KFCM-Imputation(KFCM-I)。该算法通过KFCM聚类实现已知故障样本的聚类中心和聚类半径,通过相似度计算查找与不完备数据最相似的数据点,将该数据点填充于不完备数据点位置,保证数据的完备性,并通过数据的相似度进行故障诊断。考虑所有故障特征同步缺失数据和各故障特征随机缺失数据两种工况,对比工程上直接删除缺失数据的方法,在数据缺失量小于总数据量的13%时,KFCM-I诊断精度能达90%以上;当数据缺失量占总数据量13%~20%时,诊断精度仍能达到80%。KFCM-I算法故障诊断精度高、计算简单,对工程应用有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
利用CLIPS建立专家系统知识库及推理机,通过CLIPS嵌入式编程,设计并实现了飞机燃油故障诊断专家系统,并经过仿真验证,该系统很好地发挥了专家系统的智能性,能够快速准确地诊断出故障。  相似文献   
This paper investigates fault tolerant attitude control theory and experiment for under-actuated spacecraft with one reaction wheel completely broken and two others suffering actuator faults of partial loss of effectiveness or bias. A non-smooth robust adaptive fault tolerant control law is proposed under the zero-momentum and input saturation conditions. It shows that the available reaction wheels need to produce sufficient control torque for the fault tolerance. Such a new control method is implemented in a semi-physical simulation system of an air-bearing platform. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in spacecraft practical engineering.  相似文献   
航空公司航线进入后的运营可持续性直接影响其盈利水平。基于生存分析方法探究影响航线运营持续时间的因素,从成本和供给特征、航线和机场特征、市场结构特征、航司合作类型和时间异质性5个方面选取关键因素,以自由化程度较高的欧美跨大西洋市场为实证对象,研究年份为2003—2021共19年,采用Kaplan-Meier方法进行单因素分析,并构建威布尔参数生存模型分析影响因素与航线运营持续时间的定量关系。结果表明:(1)航司在欧美航线的平均运营持续时间为5年,持续运营超过10年的航线占比为16%;(2)距离、航司投入总运力、航线结构、端点机场类型和竞争程度、航司类型及所属区域和联盟对航司航线运营持续时间具有显著影响;(3)联盟和代码共享独立变量和交互变量均对航线生存产生显著影响,星空和天合联盟成员的航线运营持续时间更长,联盟成员在代码共享合作时承担不同承运人角色对航线退出风险影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   
杨博  魏翔  于贺  刘超凡 《宇航学报》2023,44(2):243-253
针对火星返回上升器由于环境等因素造成的推力器故障导致的姿态控制系统失稳而难以安全返回的严重问题,提出基于模型预测的动态容错控制再分配方法。根据推力器动态特性建立上升器推力分配模型,对模型参数误差进行实时估计从而修正分配模型,根据模型预测自适应推力再分配方法实施容错控制。同时,将推力器输出限制作为优化求解器的约束,并将推力器故障模型作为优化求解的约束域,实现最小化分配误差和最小化燃料消耗意义下的最优推力再分配。计算机仿真表明了该方法的可行性和实用性,获得了满意的结果,它能使推力器输出推力误差降低60%以上,姿态控制系统能在故障状态下3~5 s快速镇定。  相似文献   
Relative measurements are exploited to cooperatively detect and recover faults in the positioning of Mobile Agent(MA) Swarms(MASs). First, a network vertex fault detection method based on edge testing is proposed. For each edge, a property that has a functional relationship with the properties of its two vertices is measured and tested. Based on the edge testing results of the network, the maximum likelihood principle is used to identify the vertex fault sources. Second, an edge distance testing...  相似文献   
A morphing aircraft can adapt its configuration to suit different types of tasks, which is also an important requirement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV). The successful development of an unmanned morphing aircraft involves three steps that determine its ability and intelligent: configuration design, dynamic modeling and flight control. This study conducts a comprehensive survey of morphing aircraft. First, the methods to design the configuration of a morphing aircraft are presented and analyzed...  相似文献   
Sparse signal is a kind of sparse matrices which can carry fault information and simplify the signal at the same time. This can effectively reduce the cost of signal storage, improve the efficiency of data transmission, and ultimately save the cost of equipment fault diagnosis in the aviation field. At present, the existing sparse decomposition methods generally extract sparse fault characteristics signals based on orthogonal basis atoms, which limits the adaptability of sparse decomposition. In this paper, a self-adaptive atom is extracted by the improved dual-channel tunable Q-factor wavelet transform (TQWT) method to construct a self-adaptive complete dictionary. Finally, the sparse signal is obtained by the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. The atoms obtained by this method are more flexible, and are no longer constrained to an orthogonal basis to reflect the oscillation characteristics of signals. Therefore, the sparse signal can better extract the fault characteristics. The simulation and experimental results show that the self-adaptive dictionary with the atom extracted from the dual-channel TQWT has a stronger decomposition freedom and signal matching ability than orthogonal basis dictionaries, such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete Hartley transform (DHT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). In addition, the sparse signal extracted by the self-adaptive complete dictionary can reflect the time-domain characteristics of the vibration signals, and can more accurately extract the bearing fault feature frequency.  相似文献   
Attitude estimation is a critical component of the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) of any satellite. It is used to convert the sensor observation data to an estimated attitude using filtering algorithms. However, in the presence of sensor faults, the ADCS fails to achieve the desired attitude accuracy. In this paper, the Fault Tolerant Extended Kalman Filter (FTEKF) is proposed to handle this imperfection. In accordance, various filtering steps are included in the FTEKF design to enhance both attitude estimation and sensor fault detection. The developed algorithm can detect and isolate any unexpected sensor faults in real time, which provides a reliable attitude estimation. A comparative study with the classical and robust Kalman filters is performed through numerical simulations in order to validate the effectiveness of the adopted filter in case of magnetometer fault data.  相似文献   
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