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太阳活动与全球气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳不断向地球辐射电磁波和粒子, 太阳辐射是地球气候系统最主要的能量来源. 地球气候系统对太阳活动的响应是一个复杂的过程, 包括辐射过程、动力学过程以及微观物理过程等. 根据太阳辐射的卫星观测结果和重建结果, 例举了古气候、温度、大气环流和云量等方面太阳影响气候的观测证据, 论述了太阳影响气候的三种可能机制, 即太阳总辐射变化可以影响地表温度, 并通过海-气耦合改变大气环流; 太阳紫外辐射通过调制平流层的温度和风场影响下面的对流层; 太阳通过行星际磁场调制银河宇宙线, 而银河宇宙线通过电离大气影响云量, 进而改变地球的能量收支.  相似文献   
We highlight how the downward revision in the distance to the star cluster associated with SGR 1806–20 by Bibby et al. (2008) reconciles the apparent low contamination of BATSE short GRBs by intense flares from extragalactic magnetars without recourse to modifying the frequency of one such flare per 30 years per Milky Way galaxy. We also discuss the variety in progenitor initial masses of magnetars based upon cluster ages, ranging from ∼50 M for SGR 1806–20 and AXP CXOU J164710.2–455216 in Westerlund 1 to ∼17 M for SGR 1900+14 according to Davies et al. (2009) and presumably also 1E 1841–045 if it originated from one of the massive RSG clusters #2 or #3.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of low-dose carbon ion irradiation on reproductive system of mice, the testes of outbred Kunming strain mice were whole-body irradiated with 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 Gy, respectively. We measured DNA double-strand breaks (DNA DSBs) and oxidative stress parameters including malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and testis weight and sperm count at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation in mouse testis. At 12 h postirradiation, a significant increase in DNA DSB level but no pronounced alterations in MDA content or SOD activity were observed in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups compared with the control group. At 21 d postirradiation, there was a significant reduction in sperm count and distinct enhancements of DSB level and MDA content in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups in comparison with control. At 35 d postirradiation, the levels of DNA DSBs and MDA, and SOD activity returned to the baseline except for the MDA content in 1 Gy (P < 0.05), while extreme falls of sperm count were still observed in 0.5 (P < 0.01) and 1 Gy (P < 0.01) groups. For the 0.05 or 0.1 Gy group, no differences were found in DNA DSB level and MDA content between control and at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation, indicating that lower doses of carbon ion irradiation have no significant influence on spermatogenesis processes. In this study, male germ cells irradiated with over 0.5 Gy of carbon ions are difficult to repair completely marked by the sperm count. Furthermore, these data suggest that the deleterious effects may be chronic or delayed in reproductive system after whole-body exposure to acute high-dose carbon ions.  相似文献   
The dried, fleshy stems of Cistanche deserticola (Orobanchaceae) are popular tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat the inability of kidney in expelling extra fluid in the body, causing fluid retention, and reform reproductive system. However, the wild plants of C. deserticola have become endangered due to habitat downsizing and over-harvesting for its medicinal usages. The present research was carried out for the following purposes: (1) promoting the space-breeding research; (2) providing molecular evidence for agricultural selective breeding; and (3) protecting this endangered herbal medicine and conserving its genetic resources.  相似文献   
Both Doppler spectral aliasing and azimuth output time folding simultaneously exist in TOPSAR (Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans) raw data. Resampling in both Doppler frequency and azimuth time domain can resolve the azimuth aliasing problem but with the seriously increased computational complexity and memory consumption. According to the special characteristics of TOPSAR raw data support in the slow time/frequency domain (TFD), the presented azimuth scaling preprocessing step is introduced to not only resolve the Doppler spectral aliasing problem but also reduce the increased azimuth samples. Furthermore, the correction of sawtoothed azimuth antenna pattern (AAP) becomes easy to be implemented. The following conventional stripmap processor can be adopted to focus the residual TOPSAR raw data but with the result of azimuth aliased TOPSAR image. The mosaic approach, which has been presented to unfold azimuth aliased ScanSAR image, is exploited to resolve the problem of azimuth output folding in TOPSAR mode. Simulation results and pulse response parameters are given to validate the presented imaging approach.  相似文献   
In this paper, Science Operations Planning Expertise (SOPE) is defined as the expertise that is held by people who have the two following qualities. First they have both theoretical and practical experience in operations planning, in general, and in space science operations planning in particular. Second, they can be used, on request and at least, to provide with advice the teams that design and implement science operations systems in order to optimise the performance and productivity of the mission. However, the relevance and use of such SOPE early on during the Mission Design Phase (MDP) is not sufficiently recognised. As a result, science operations planning is often neglected or poorly assessed during the mission definition phases. This can result in mission architectures that are not optimum in terms of cost and scientific returns, particularly for missions that require a significant amount of science operations planning. Consequently, science operations planning difficulties and cost underestimations are often realised only when it is too late to design and implement the most appropriate solutions. In addition, higher costs can potentially reduce both the number of new missions and the chances of existing ones to be extended. Moreover, the quality, and subsequently efficiency, of SOPE can vary greatly. This is why we also believe that the best possible type of SOPE requires a structure similar to the ones of existing bodies of expertise dedicated to the data processing such as the International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA), the Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) or the Planetary Data System (PDS). Indeed, this is the only way of efficiently identifying science operations planning issues and their solutions as well as of keeping track of them in order to apply them to new missions. Therefore, this paper advocates for the need to allocate resources in order to both optimise the use of SOPE early on during the MDP and to perform, at least, a feasibility study of such a more structured SOPE.  相似文献   
图结构异常检测可以发现金融欺诈行为、网络入侵和可疑的社交行为。针对当前检测图异常算法的计算复杂度高、不能处理大规模动态图的缺点,研究并提出了一种增量并行式的算法以便更有效地发现和检测大规模动态图中的异常。该算法使用时间滑动窗口对图进行划分,在初始化阶段选取N个子图,使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理并行检测正常模式和异常模式,并行迭代地检测其他子图中的正常结构和异常结构。在多个大规模图数据集上的实验结果表明,检测动态图结构异常准确率达到96%,召回率达到85%,运行时间减少了一个数量级。同时还讨论了滑动窗口大小和并行数量对算法运行时间的影响。  相似文献   
为从受谐波和随机噪声干扰的振动信号中提取出故障冲击成分,融合四大基本形态学算子提出了改进形态滤波方法--平均组合差值形态滤波(ACDIF)方法,同时与固有时间尺度分解(ITD)相结合,并将ITD-ACDIF方法应用到滚动轴承的故障诊断中。首先,对轴承振动信号进行ITD分解得到一系列旋转分量(PRC);然后,以峭度为准则筛选出含故障信息丰富的有效PRC,对每个有效分量进行ACDIF滤波提取冲击成分进行信号重构;最后,利用频谱分析提取重构信号中的故障特征。数值仿真和轴承故障振动信号的试验结果表明,本文方法可有效滤除谐波干扰,提取强背景噪声下的冲击故障特征,实现设备的故障诊断。  相似文献   
基于改进积分视线导引策略的欠驱动无人水面艇路径跟踪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
路径跟踪控制是无人水面艇(USV)自主完成各项任务使命的关键技术之一,受到国内外运动控制领域的普遍关注。为提高风浪流等外界环境干扰下,无人水面艇(USV)路径跟踪控制的准确性和鲁棒性,研究海流等外界扰动环境下一类非对称欠驱动无人水面艇的路径跟踪问题,提出了2种改进积分视线(ILOS)导引策略,并基于改进导引策略和反馈控制思想实现了无人水面艇水平面的路径跟踪。与传统ILOS导引策略相比,第1种改进策略具有变积分增益能够避免积分饱和及超调现象;第2种改进策略在前者的基础上将前视距离设计为时变量,使得无人水面艇操纵更加灵活,其中积分增益和前视距离均为垂直距离误差的不同函数,引导无人水面艇灵活快速地跟踪期望路径。基于级联系统理论证明了当所有控制目标实现时,控制系统为全局k-指数稳定(GKES)的,理论分析和仿真实验证明了算法的有效性和先进性。   相似文献   
提出了一种基于欧拉壁面液膜(EWF)模型的热气防冰腔性能仿真计算的新方法。通过FLUENT软件用户自定义标量(UDS)框架求解水滴控制方程获取三维表面水滴撞击特性。通过对各微元的水收集率、水膜蒸发率等进行质量平衡分析得到了通过该微元的质量流量,并以此作为EWF模型质量流量边界条件进行空气驱动下三维水膜厚度分布的计算,进而建立了防冰表面水膜流动动态模型。在此基础上建立了适用于三维防冰表面的耦合换热模型,通过引入亚松弛因子实现了内外流场、水膜流动及蒙皮导热的松散耦合求解。通过对某发动机短舱模型三维算例计算结果的分析和对比,结果表明所采用的计算方法是合理可信的,可以用于三维防冰腔性能的计算。  相似文献   
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