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本文导出探空火箭速度方向角(俯仰角)和方位角(偏航角)满足的一组微分方程,并在一些近似假定下分析了风对探空火箭飞行弹道的影响。  相似文献   
This paper studies the proximate satellite interception guidance strategies where both the interceptor and target can perform orbital maneuvers with magnitude limited thrusts. This problem is regarded as a pursuit-evasion game since satellites in both sides will try their best to capture or escape. In this game, the distance of these two players is small enough so that the highly nonlinear earth-centered gravitational dynamics can be reduced to the linear Clohessy-Wiltshire (CW) equations. The system is then simplified by introducing the zero effort miss variables. Saddle solution is formulated for the pursuit-evasion game and time-to-go is estimated similarly as that for the exo-atmospheric interception. Then a vector guidance is derived to ensure that the interception can be achieved in the optimal time. The proposed guidance law is validated by numerical simulations.  相似文献   
赵春晖  樊斌  田利民  胡劲文  潘泉 《航空学报》2018,39(5):321727-321727
针对基于特征点的图像匹配中匹配数目不多以及重复结构下匹配较差等问题,提出了一种基于极线几何的统计优化特征匹配算法。利用正确匹配特征点之间满足对极约束的特点,从而可以减小特征点搜索区域,避免由于重复结构引起的误匹配对。首先使用一个小的特征点样本估计图像之间的基本矩阵,并利用它结合对极约束模型来引导特征匹配;然后利用基于特征点主方向和尺度信息的统计优化方法进一步消除误匹配,得到最终匹配结果。实验结果表明,该算法对图像的旋转和缩放变换具有良好的鲁棒性,匹配精度和数目有了很大提升,对于具有重复结构的图像匹配效果也较好。  相似文献   
组合卫星导航系统的快速选星方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了选星数目与几何精度因子(GDOP, Geometry Dilution of Precision)及导航运算量的关系,基于遗传算法提出了一种以满足用户定位精度需求为条件的快速选星方法——快速遗传选星法.根据用户需求确定选星数目初值、选星数目最大值和GDOP阈值,构造选星方案的初始种群,在进化代数上限为1的条件下对种群进行选择、交叉和变异运算,获得初始选星解,根据初始解的GDOP与阈值的关系确定是否依据GDOP最小原则对初始解进行优化,直至满足算法终止条件,输出选星解.仿真结果表明,该算法可以在一次进化之内以不低于92.45%的概率满足GDOP阈值在2.5~6的要求,同时可有效降低54.75%以上的导航运算量.   相似文献   
一种轴对称变几何进气道设计方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对带凹腔的圆锥流动进行了数值分析,就流场结构和总压分布与实验结果进行了比较,数值模拟结果与实验数据吻合较好,结果可信.数值模拟研究了不同几何构型的凹腔对圆锥流动的影响,分析并揭示了凹腔与圆锥流场的耦合流动特征.据此,对一种圆锥头部可移动的轴对称变几何进气道开展了方案设计及气动性能分析,并与相应定几何进气道进行了对比.结果表明:当来流马赫数高于设计马赫数时,后退圆锥头部可以调节进气道外压缩波系,保证流量系数达到0.99以上,采用该变几何技术,在不改变进气道内通道几何形状的前体下,可明显提高进气道的流量系数.   相似文献   
A novel variable geometry flame-holder (VGF) based on V-gutter was presented. The structural characteristics of the flame holder were introduced. Experimental study on drag characteristics of the VGF on un-burning and burning states was conducted in a rectangular combustion test rig. The influence of the change of gutter trailing edge width w on pressure recovery in different operating conditions was analyzed emphatically. Furthermore,drag characteristics in different trailing edge width variation modes were discussed. Results show that: (1) Narrowing w can observably raise the total pressure recovery σ but the highest σ is not obtained at minimum w. (2) The relationship of drag coefficient ψ and w in the un-burning conditions can be well expressed in a form of exponential equation (w/d>0.4). (3) Drag characteristics are not sensitive to the variation modes and speeds of w . (4) In the burning condition,σ decreases with the increasing of w basically and the course can be divided into three stages. The results and experimental data presented in this paper would enhance the phenomenological understanding of this type of VGF,and would contribute to the next experimental study and numerical calculus of this novel VGF.   相似文献   
失谐叶盘结构的概率响应局部化特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于某典型叶盘结构的减缩有限元模型和Monte Carlo-响应面法数值计算,详细分析了几何参数失谐叶盘结构的概率响应局部化特性.给出了几何失谐叶盘结构的有限元建模及减缩方法,并通过定义响应放大因子对受迫响应的局部化程度进行定量描述,分别计算了不同形式的随机失谐和主动错频叶盘结构的概率局部化特性,讨论了失谐形式和失谐参数的影响规律等.研究表明,随着失谐程度的增加,失谐系统的响应水平及其分散程度都会有一个峰值存在.   相似文献   
具有仲裁的认证码既要防止敌手的欺骗,又要防止收方和发方的互相欺骗。利用有限域上辛几何构造了一类具有仲裁的认证码,计算了其容量参数。假设编码规则是按照均匀概率分布选择,给出了敌手模仿攻击、敌手替换攻击、发方模仿攻击、收方模仿攻击和收方替换攻击的成功概率。研究结论表明可用辛几何构作许多带仲裁的认证码。  相似文献   
A nanosatellite to investigate the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars by differential photometry is currently developed by a Canadian/Austrian team within the BRITE (Bright Target Explorer) project. The first Austrian satellite funded by the Austrian Space Program, called TUGSAT-1/BRITE-Austria, builds on the space heritage of the most successful Canadian CanX-2 and MOST missions. The satellite makes use of recent advances in miniaturized attitude determination and control systems. Precision three-axis stabilization by small reaction wheels and a star tracker provides the necessary accuracy for the photometer telescope to the arcminute level. This will provide to the astronomers photometric data of the most massive stars with unprecedented precision; data which cannot be obtained from the ground due to limitations imposed by the terrestrial atmosphere.The paper describes the spacecraft characteristics and the ground infrastructure being established in support of the BRITE mission which will consist of a constellation of up to four nearly identical satellites allowing to carry out long-term observation of stars (magnitude +3.5) not only with respect to brightness variations, but also in different spectrum ranges.  相似文献   
VARIABLESTRUCTURECONTROLOFAIRCRAFTFORATMOSPHERICDISTURBANCEZhuXiaoping;ZhouZhou(NanjingUniversityofAeronauticsandAstronautics...  相似文献   
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