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基于洛伦兹力的空间用电磁激励器是空间高微重力主动振动隔离系统的核心控制部件. 为满足系统实时变化的控制器输出要求, 必须标定激励器的设计参数, 得到输出力与输入电流之间的关系. 设计了一套用于激励器静态标定的自动测试系统, 并对其硬件结构设计、软件模型及测试数据处理进行了介绍. 系统硬件结构包含力传感器、力值显示控制仪、三轴位移台、电机驱动器模块及数据接收分发模块. 系统软件采用LabVIEW编程技术, 实现了对信号的采样、显示和存储. 利用Matlab进行数据处理, 得到相应处理结果, 为激励器进一步的优化设计提供了技术依据.  相似文献   
The science analysis of the data from the High Energy X-ray Telescope (HE) on the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) satellite is organized in three stages: calibration, screening and extraction of high-level scientific products. At the first stage, the raw PHA value of each event is converted to PI value accounting for temporal changes in gain and energy offset. At the second stage, the calibrated events are screened by applying cleaning criteria. At the third stage, scientific products, i.e. spectra, light curves and redistribution matrix files, are extracted. This work will introduce the three stages as well as the screening criteria and the data combining method.  相似文献   
微重力池沸腾中的气泡行为实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用图像分析方法,对实践十号返回式科学实验卫星沸腾气泡实验项目获得的微重力单气泡过冷沸腾实验图像进行研究,提取并分析了微重力条件下单个气泡的生长过程.实验中观察到气泡激发形成、稳定黏附生长和滑移三个阶段,其中气泡稳定黏附生长又可分为底部扩张与回退两个子阶段.在气泡稳定黏附生长的底部扩张子阶段,气泡半径可以表示为时间的指数函数,时间指数从初期小气泡时的0.42减小到中期的0.28,最终趋于0.气泡尺寸在气泡底部收缩之初略有回调,随后再次缓慢增大,直到过冷液体完全侵入气泡底部,使气泡与加热面脱离,并在外界扰动作用下在加热面上滑移.相关数据可以作为沸腾现象中气泡热动力学分析的依据.  相似文献   
临近空间大气中子诱发电子器件单粒子翻转模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据重离子试验数据, 采用长方体(RPP)模型, 用GEANT4软件工具包编程, 建立了垂直于器件表面入射的中子诱发电子器件的单粒子翻转模型. 考虑敏感体积及其附近的次级粒子对单粒子翻转的贡献, 统计了次级粒子在敏感体积内沉积能量的微分能谱分布, 对在敏感体积内沉积不同能量的次级粒子对单粒子翻转的贡献进行了区分计算, 模拟计算结果与地面试验结果符合较好.  相似文献   
In the past two years, many progresses were made in Magnetospheric Physics by using the data of SuperMAG, Double Star Program, Cluster, THEMIS, RBSP, DMSP, DEMETER, NOAA, Van Allen probe, Swarm, MMS, ARTEMIS, MESSENGER, Fengyun, BeiDa etc., or by computer simulations. This paper briefly reviews these works based on papers selected from the 248 publications from January 2018 to December 2019. The subjects covered various sub-branches of Magnetospheric Physics, including geomagnetic storm, magnetospheric substorm, magnetic reconnection, solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction, radiation belt, ring current, whistler waves, plasmasphere, outer magnetosphere, magnetotail, planetary magnetosphere, and technique.  相似文献   
太阳耀斑是重要的空间天气事件, 有关太阳耀斑参数的预报对于电离层突然骚扰(SID)影响的评估具有实用意义. 本文采用GOES-8卫星上第23太阳周软X射线通量的数据, 通过数值拟合的方法对X级耀斑强度的峰值以及X级耀斑的结束时间进行预测. 利用这种方法对第23太阳周中的X级耀斑进行分析, 最多可以提前17min预测出X级耀斑的峰值, 在预测X级耀斑结束时间时, 预测的X级耀斑结束时间最多可以提前60min左右, 从预报结果来看, 预报方法具有一定的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
The data association problem of multiple extended target tracking is very challenging because each target may generate multiple measurements. Recently, the belief propagation based multiple target tracking algorithms with high efficiency have been a research focus. Different from the belief propagation based Extended Target tracking based on Belief Propagation(ET-BP) algorithm proposed in our previous work, a new graphical model formulation of data association for multiple extended target tracki...  相似文献   
In the pitching motion, the unsteady transition and relaminarization position plays an important role in the dynamic characteristics of the airfoil. In order to facilitate the computer to automatically and accurately calculate the position of the transition and relaminarization, a Variable Slip Window Technology(VSWT) suitable for airfoil dynamic data processing was developed using the S809 airfoil experimental data in this paper and two calculation strategies, i.e., global strategy and single p...  相似文献   
通过对机务段设备工作环境特点分析 ,结合工程设计实验经验 ,提出了机务段设备数据采集系统抗干扰措施。  相似文献   
在众多的蒙特卡罗模拟程序中,介绍了其中的一种程序--GEANT程序.首先对蒙特卡罗方法的产生和基本思想作了解释,对GEANT程序的主要模块和基本结构以及粒子在程序中的传输过程作了描述.在程序中,GEANT程序应用了先进的ZEBRA存储管理器,使各个模块之间的联系更为方便.在空间粒子探测中,利用GEANT程序,可以计算空间粒子在探测器中的能量损失,在不同材料中的射程以及产生的次级粒子的数量,最后利用GEANT程序可以模拟出各种粒子在不同材料中的LET值,本文还进一步表明了蒙特卡罗方法对空间粒子探测的重要意义.  相似文献   
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