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In the paper,a set of algorithms to construct synthetic aperture radar(SAR)matching suitable features are frstly proposed based on the evolutionary synthesis strategy.During the process,on the one hand,the indexes of primary matching suitable features(PMSFs)are designed based on the characteristics of image texture,SAR imaging and SAR matching algorithm,which is a process involving expertise;on the other hand,by designing a synthesized operation expression tree based on PMSFs,a much more flexible expression form of synthesized features is built,which greatly expands the construction space.Then,the genetic algorithm-based optimized searching process is employed to search the synthesized matching suitable feature(SMSF)with the highest effciency,largely improving the optimized searching effciency.In addition,the experimental results of the airborne synthetic aperture radar ortho-images of C-band and P-band show that the SMSFs gained via the algorithms can reflect the matching suitability of SAR images accurately and the matching probabilities of selected matching suitable areas of ortho-images could reach 99±0.5%.  相似文献   
推导出扇面波导中激励探针的等效输入电阻表达式,探针是伸入波导中的同轴线的内导体,在X波段,计算了输入电阻值随着探针伸入波导中不同长度的变化。  相似文献   
光线示波器振子的选用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确地测量记录各种被测信号,应当正确地选用振子的固有频率和阻尼,适当地选取被测信号的大小,保持信号源内阻Ri与振子的内阻rg相匹配,同时要正确地调整光点位置,以减小圆弧误差.  相似文献   
本文证明了对于一类高阶对象,其输出可以用一系列系数连续变化的线性定常二阶系统的输出组合完全代替。  相似文献   
研究了用完全模型匹配方法求解模型跟踪控制的问题。对通常的模型匹配解法进行了扩展,并所据此引入广义最小方差控制思想,提出一种模型跟踪和误差的新方法。最后,对该方法在惯性导航系统中的应用进行了仿真研究。验证了其可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
贝叶斯景象匹配技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
景象匹配技术以其极高的末制导精度在导航系统中起着关键性的作用。经典的景象匹配定位方法只能提供象素级的定位精度,为了获得更高的精度可采用FFT匹配算法、最小二乘匹配算法等。该文首次提出了一种新的贝叶斯景象匹配算法。其基本思想在于:匹配定位位置可看作为随机量,先利用匹配图像间的信息求其条件概率分布,再利用图像中的大量样本来求解其贝叶斯估计值。同时研究了基于贝叶斯估计的景象匹配技术的原理及算法,并将其与  相似文献   
介绍了适用超声钻削加工的半波长振动系统结构、针对该振动系统,给出了工具更换后变幅杆与工具之间进行阻抗匹配的方法,依据各部分的边界条件,按一维问题,导出了加工中工具更换后的阻抗匹配数学模型,在超声钻削加工应用中具有一定的实用价值  相似文献   
Polygonal Impact Craters (PICs), having a distinct polygonal rim geometry, are common on terrestrial planets, their natural satellites such as Earth’s Moon and the asteroids. The straight segments of PIC-rims are arguably subparallel or oblique to existing fracture/fault planes in their vicinity, and such pre-existing structural weak planes are considered responsible for the shape of the PICs. The Mare Fecunditatis, a lunar maria, preserves mappable PICs as well as different geomorphic features like wrinkle ridges, grabens and pit crater chains which owe their origin to either compressional or extensional faulting. To understand the structural control, if any, on the PIC-rim geometry in Mare Fecunditatis, PICs, both simple and complex, and the deformational features are mapped, superposition relations between them are observed and trends are compared. The comparison between frequency of rim segment trends of the two types of PICs with wrinkle ridges, grabens and pit crater chains, and also statistical correlation between them, interestingly indicate that the wrinkle ridges and grabens are found to have negligible or no influence on the rim geometry of the PICs. Wrinkle ridges, known to be a group of the Mare Fecunditatis' oldest deformation features, are older than most of the preserved craters and are likely to have had control over the PIC shape. However, lack of correlation between the trends of wrinkle ridges and PIC rims indicates that most of the craters were formed after the fractures beneath the old wrinkle ridges ceased to act as mechanical discontinuity planes due to possible induration caused by fracture-filling through concomitant and later magma injection. The PICs dispersed throughout the maria could have avoided the influence of the grabens, the majority of which are located near the margin of the maria. Pit crater chains with possible deep roots and still/recently continued dike activities, were the only available weak planes which could influence the PIC rim shapes.  相似文献   
This study numerically investigated a single stage centrifugal compressor ‘‘Radiver’’ with a wedge diffuser and several tandem-designed impellers to explore the flow phenomena within the tandem impeller and the potential to enhance compressor performance. The results demonstrate that tandem design and clocking fraction (λs) significantly affects the compressor performance. The compressor stage with tandem impellers of Series A of boundary layer growth interruption alone are observed to have a widely operating range but efficiency and total pressure ratio penalty compared with that of conventional impeller. The tandem impeller with at least the same impeller efficiency as the conventional design is considered as a critical design criteria so that further modification process based on the flow characteristic of tandem impeller is necessary. In order to restrain the inducer wake and exducer shock losses, parameters modification of blade angle and thickness distributions are necessary and the modified tandem impeller of Series B is obtained. The modified tandem impeller with 25% clocking arrangement shows an 8.45% stall margin increase and maintains the total pressure ratio and efficiency as the conventional design, which proves the potential of tandem impeller to improve compressor stage performance. It is noteworthy that the tandem impellers of Radiver have not shown obviously balanced exit flow field and the fundamental mechanism of stall margin extending of tandem impeller lies on the improved impeller/diffuser matching performance resulting from the incidence angle variation at diffuser inlet.  相似文献   
赵春晖  樊斌  田利民  胡劲文  潘泉 《航空学报》2018,39(5):321727-321727
针对基于特征点的图像匹配中匹配数目不多以及重复结构下匹配较差等问题,提出了一种基于极线几何的统计优化特征匹配算法。利用正确匹配特征点之间满足对极约束的特点,从而可以减小特征点搜索区域,避免由于重复结构引起的误匹配对。首先使用一个小的特征点样本估计图像之间的基本矩阵,并利用它结合对极约束模型来引导特征匹配;然后利用基于特征点主方向和尺度信息的统计优化方法进一步消除误匹配,得到最终匹配结果。实验结果表明,该算法对图像的旋转和缩放变换具有良好的鲁棒性,匹配精度和数目有了很大提升,对于具有重复结构的图像匹配效果也较好。  相似文献   
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