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The previous studies of time delay compensation in flight control systems are all based on the conventional aerodynamic derivative model and conducted in longitudinal motions at low angles of attack. In this investigation, the effects of time delay on the lateral-directional stability augmentation system in high-α regime are discussed based on the β̇ model, which is proposed in our previous work and proved as a more accurate aerodynamic model to reveal the lateral-directional unsteady aerodynamic characteristics at high angles of attack. Both the β̇ model and the quasi-steady model are used for simulating the effects of time delay on the flying qualities in high-α maneuvers. The comparison between the simulation results shows that the flying qualities are much more sensitive to the mismatch of feedback gains than the state errors caused by time delay. Then a typical adaptive controller based on the conventional dynamic derivative model and a gain-prediction compensator based on β̇ model are designed to address the time delay in different maneuvers. The simulation results show that the gain-prediction compensator is much simpler and more efficient at high angles of attack. Finally, the gain-prediction compensator is combined with a linearized β̇ model reference adaptive controller to compensate the adverse effects of very large time delay, which exhibits excellent performance when addressing the extreme conditions at high angles of attack.  相似文献   
Electrochemical machining (ECM) has emerged as an important option for manufacturing the blisk. The inter-electrode gap (IEG) distribution is an essential parameter for the blisk precise shaping process in ECM, as it affects the process stability, profile accuracy and surface quality. Larger IEG leads to a poor localization effect and has an adverse influence on the machining accuracy and surface quality of blisk. To achieve micro-IEG (<50 μm) blisk finishing machining, this work puts forward a novel variable-parameters blisk ECM strategy based on the synchronous coupling mode of micro-vibration amplitude and small pulse duration. The modelling and simulation of the blisk micro-IEG machining have been carried out. Exploratory experiments of variable-parameters blisk ECM were carried out. The results illustrated that the IEG width reduced with the progress of variable parameter process. The IEG width of the blade’s concave part and convex part could be successfully controlled to within 30 μm and 21 μm, respectively. The profile deviation for the blade’s concave surface and convex surface are 49 μm and 35 μm, while the surface roughness reaches Ra = 0.149 μm and Ra = 0.196 μm, respectively. The profile accuracy of the blisk leading/trailing edges was limited to within 91 μm. Compared with the currently-established process, the profile accuracy of the blade’s concave and convex profiles was improved by 50.5 % and 53.3 %, respectively. The surface quality was improved by 53.2 % and 50.9 %, respectively. Additionally, the machined surface was covered with small corrosion pits and weak attacks of the grain boundary due to selective dissolution. Some electrolytic products were dispersed on the machined surface, and their components were mainly composed of the carbide and oxide products of Ti and Nb elements. The results indicate that the variable-parameters strategy is effective for achieving a tiny IEG in blisk ECM, which can be used in engineering practice.  相似文献   
Modeling of a centrifugal compressor is of great significance to surge characteristics and fluid dynamics in the Altitude Ground Test Facilities (AGTF). Real-time Modular Dynamic System Greitzer (MDSG) modeling for dynamic response and simulation of the compression system is introduced. The centrifugal compressor, pipeline network, and valve are divided into pressure output type and mass flow output type for module modeling, and the two types of components alternate when the system is established. The pressure loss and thermodynamics of the system are considered. An air supply compression system of AGTF is modeled and simulated by the MDSG model. The simulation results of mass flow, pressure, and temperature are compared with the experimental results, and the error is less than 5%, which demonstrates the reliability, practicability, and universality of the MDSG model.  相似文献   
针对光学助降系统易受到不良天气(如低能见度)影响的缺点,研究了不同视觉条件对驾驶员跟踪着舰引导指令的影响。在光学着舰引导系统模型建立的基础上,针对不同视觉条件,对驾驶员跟踪菲涅尔透镜“肉球”的情况进行了仿真对比。结果表明,当视觉品质下降时,为防止跟踪效果变差,驾驶员应当减小操纵增益。  相似文献   
舰载机着舰的难度很大、要求很高,而着舰系统的复杂性又使得指标要求涉及很多方面。为了从整体上明确着舰的指标要求,从而有利于着舰理论和工程等研究,整理了公开文献中分散的指标要求,并梳理了指标间的逻辑关系,最终构建了着舰指标体系,将指标归纳到总体框架中。研究结果对着舰的控制与分析等具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
从项目管理中的三角关系,装备质量进度成本一体化监督模型的可操作性和监督结果的可信性等方面,分析了武器装备质量进度成本一体化监督需求,研究了装备项目一体化监督函数具有的依概率收敛、边际效益递减律和极值等条件,利用卡诺质量模型,以统计均衡分析方法为手段,阐述了项目管理一体化监督函数的生成及求解过程.结合装备研制过程,采用定性分析与定量计算相结合的方式,在大质量观的主导下,以直-8型直升机典型故障为实例,阐明了项目一体化监督函数的求解过程,开展了项目监督风险决策和风险预警工作.  相似文献   
空气助力改善液滴雾化质量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对一种新型的内混式空气雾化喷嘴进行了测量和研究,其目的是探索新型内混式喷嘴在添加空气助力下增强混合改善雾化质量的应用性能。试验采用4组不同几何结构参数的内混式空气雾化扇形喷嘴,通过马尔文激光粒度分析仪测量不同气压、不同水流量等工况参数下雾化液滴索特平均直径(SMD)D32和喷雾锥角等雾化性能参数,并对试验结果作对比分析。结果表明,水流量为定值时,SMD随着气压的增加明显减小,在0.8MPa到达极小值后趋于稳定,喷雾锥角随气压的增大先变大后减小;气压为定值时,SMD随着水流量的减小逐渐减小,喷雾锥角随着水流量的增加逐渐增大;比较不同几何结构参数,#1-2内混式空气雾化扇形喷嘴在4组喷嘴中具有最好的雾化效果,当气压为0.8MPa,水流量为20L/h时,SMD极小值为16μm。  相似文献   
铝合金厚板搅拌摩擦焊焊缝疏松缺陷形成机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用圆锥形搅拌头焊接20mm厚的7075-T6铝板,分析焊接过程中焊缝内部疏松缺陷的形成过程及原因。研究表明,焊缝表面成形良好,无明显缺陷。但是,在焊缝轴肩区和焊核区之间出现了疏松缺陷。分析认为,焊缝上、下部金属温度差太大,导致其塑性流动行为发生变化是疏松缺陷形成的主要原因。搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)过程中,焊缝上部金属温度较高,而底部温度仍然很低,脱离搅拌针端部的塑化金属在周围冷金属巨大的变形抗力作用下转而沿搅拌针表面往上迁移。到达轴肩区下方汇聚区时,由于轴肩区金属温度高,向下的挤压力太小,导致回迁上来的塑化金属继续往上迁移并冲破轴肩区而沿轴肩边缘溢出形成飞边。汇聚区内没有足够的塑化金属填充、焊缝无法被压实而产生疏松孔洞。通过建立疏松缺陷形成的物理模型,可以更直观地反映出焊缝金属流动形态及缺陷形成过程。  相似文献   
提高教材质量是教材建设的永恒主题,而完善的教材建设质量监控体系是确保教材质量不断提高的重要保证。本文通过借鉴先进的全面质量管理理论,引入ISO9000族质量标准体系,构建切合实际、科学合理、先进实用的教材建设质量监控体系。  相似文献   
介绍了蜂窝结构板上M5 后埋直通连接件的拉脱力测试条件及结果,分析了后埋件胶接施工过
充效果最好,气孔最少,有利于提高拉脱力;对于EA934NA 后埋胶,于室温≥22℃下完成固化,更有利于提高拉
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