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研究了7501 氰酸酯树脂的工艺和耐热性能,以EW220 布为增强材料,采用RTM 成型工艺制备
了EW220/7501 复合材料层板,研究了其室温和高温力学性能。结果表明:7501 氰酸酯树脂的最低黏度为87
mPa·s,开放期大于10 h,300℃固化后,热分解温度为431℃,Tg 可达421℃;EW220/7501 复合材料室温下具有
良好的力学性能,其中拉伸强度为393 MPa,压缩强度为356 MPa,弯曲强度为602 MPa,层间剪切强度为43
MPa,在300℃下,各项力学性能保持率均≥80%。  相似文献   
为解决传统商用nano-SiO2粒子在双环戊二烯型氰酸酯(DCPDCE)树脂基体中容易团聚的问题,利用Sol-Gel法制备的有机-无机nano-SiO2为填料对DCPDCED进行改性。研究了有机-无机nano-SiO2含量对nano-SiO2/DCPDCE杂化材料力学性能、介电常数、介电损耗因子的影响。结果表明:有机-无机nano-SiO2较商用nano-SiO2在DCPDCE中分散更优;当有机-无机纳米SiO2含量为3.0wt%时,杂化材料的综合性能最优。  相似文献   
壳聚糖硫酸盐的制备及其催化作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述利用虾蟹壳为原料制备壳聚糖硫酸盐,探索以其为催化剂的多相由化反应催化体系的影响因素。通过研究,得出催化剂的催化效能与壳聚糖的分子量和脱乙酞度的关系,以及壳聚糖硫酸盐为催化剂的酯化反应多相催化体系的应用范围和主要影响因素。  相似文献   
采用表面预涂环氧E51树脂的方法制备了具有层间柔性缓冲层的M40增强双酚A型二氰酸酯(BADCy)复合材料单向板。FT-IR、SEM及力学性能分析表明,高温下(180℃)环氧E51与BADCy反应形成柔性好且线胀系数(CTE)较低的五元噁唑烷酮环能有效地松弛复合材料界面间的层间应力。当E51处理液的浓度为10%时,M40/BADCy复合材料的层间剪切和弯曲强度分别由原来的69.8和1 080 MPa增加到78.1和1 110 MPa,提高了约12%和3%。  相似文献   
The role of condensation agents and minerals for oligopeptide formation was inspected to see whether minerals possess catalytic activity under mild and hydrothermal conditions. Under mild conditions, oligopeptide formation from negatively charged amino acids (Asp and Glu) using different minerals and the elongation of alanine oligopeptides ((Ala)2–(Ala)5) were attempted using apatite minerals. Oligo(Asp) up to 10 amino acid units from Asp were observed in the presence of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide (EDC). Notable influence of minerals was not detected for the oligo(Asp) formation. Oligo(Asp) was gradually degraded by the further incubation in the presence of EDC in both the absence and presence of minerals. The formation of oligo(Glu) was less efficient in the presence of carbonyldiimidazole. The elongation from (Ala)3, (Ala)4, and (Ala)5 and the formation of diketopiperazine from (Ala)2 proceeded immediately in the presence of EDC in the meantime of the sample preparations. In addition, it was unexpected that the disappearance of the products and the reformation of the reactants occurred by the further incubation for 24 h; for instance, (Ala)5 decreased but (Ala)4 increased with increasing the reaction time in the reaction of (Ala)4 with EDC. These facts suggest that the activation of the reactant amino acids or peptides immediately occurs. Under the simulated hydrothermal conditions, EDC did not enhance the formation of oligopeptides from Asp, Glu or Ala nor the spontaneous formation of (Ala)5 from (Ala)4.  相似文献   
酸性铬兰k褪色指示反应动力学光度法测定微量铬   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了在硫酸介质中,微量铬催化过硫酸钾氧化酸性铬兰K裉色的指示反应,确立了催化动力学测定铬(Ⅵ)的新方法。该法检出极限为7.79%10^-6g.L^-1,测定线性范围0-8.0μg/50mL Cr(Ⅵ),本法已用于电镀废水中铬(Ⅵ)的测定。  相似文献   
Dating back to the Apollo and Skylab missions, it has been reported that astronauts suffered from bacterial and viral infections during space flight or after returning to Earth. Blood analyses revealed strongly reduced capability of human lymphocytes to become active upon mitogenic stimulation. Since then, a large number of in vitro studies on human immune cells have been conducted in space, in parabolic flights, and in ground-based facilities. It became obvious that microgravity affects cell morphology and important cellular functions. Observed changes include cell proliferation, the cytoskeleton, signal transduction and gene expression. This review gives an overview of the current knowledge of T cell regulation under altered gravity conditions obtained by in vitro studies with special emphasis on the cell culture conditions used. We propose that future in vitro experiments should follow rigorous standardized cell culture conditions, which allows better comparison of the results obtained in different flight- and ground-based experiment platforms.  相似文献   
研究了聚丙烯酸(PAAC)、苯扎溴铵(DBDAB)在工业纯铁/盐酸体系中的缓蚀性能,推导了一种既能快速测出腐蚀缓蚀剂的缓蚀效率又能确定腐蚀缓蚀剂类型的新方法,定义了能够确定腐蚀缓蚀剂类型因子P。研究结果表明,P〉1.00的缓蚀剂为阳极型的缓蚀剂,P〈1.00的缓蚀剂为阴极型缓蚀剂。  相似文献   
为研究航天用1420铝锂合金底遮板表面产生异常亮斑的形成原因,对异常痕迹进行了组织分析、形貌观察、断口能谱分析、显微硬度测试、化学成分检测。结果表明:底遮板表面的异常痕迹贯穿壁厚,该区域组织成分异常,为光亮晶缺陷。结合底遮板所用原材料生产工艺分析,发现此光亮晶是1420铝锂合金铸锭在熔铸过程中形成的,属冶金类缺陷,在磷酸阳极化过程中,由于缺陷处膜层质量较差形成了宏观显现的亮斑。  相似文献   
氰酸酯/环氧树脂体系的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用环氧树脂(E 51)与氰酸酯树脂共聚以改善氰酸酯树脂的韧性,研究了环氧树脂的加入量、后处理温度、湿热老化、紫外光老化等条件对改性后树脂体系的力学性能和介电性能的影响规律,采用扫描电子显微镜对断口形貌进行了分析。结果表明环氧树脂可以明显改善氰酸酯树脂的韧性,环氧树脂含量为30wt%的体系的冲击强度和弯曲强度分别比改性前提高了100%和50%。随环氧树脂用量的增加,改性树脂的冲击强度和弯曲强度增大,树脂表现为明显的韧性断裂;改性体系经200℃后处理2h的介电性能最佳,环氧树脂用量的增加、湿热老化和紫外光老化都使介电常数和介电损耗增加,但当环氧树脂用量低于30wt%时仍属于优异的介电材料。  相似文献   
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