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The spectrum of turbulent pulsations induced in the atmosphere by the galactic cosmic rays is defined. A possible manifestation of genesis of fractal dimensions in the system of “spectrum of turbulent pulsations of cosmic plasma – galactic cosmic rays’ spectrum – spectrum of atmospheric turbulent pulsations” is analyzed.  相似文献   
This study reports on observations of large-scale atmospheric gravity waves/traveling ionospheric disturbances (AGWs/TIDs) using Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) and Fabry–Perot Interferometer’s (FPI’s) intensity of oxygen red line emission at 630?nm measurements over Svalbard on the night of 6 January 2014. TEC large-scale TIDs have primary periods ranging between 29 and 65?min and propagate at a mean horizontal velocity of 749–761?m/s with azimuth of 345–347° (which corresponds to poleward propagation direction). On the other hand, FPI large-scale AGWs have larger periods of 42–142?min. These large-scale AGWs/TIDs were linked to enhanced auroral activity identified from co-located all-sky camera and IMAGE magnetometers. Similar periods, speed and poleward propagation were found for the all-sky camera (60–97?min and 823?m/s) and the IMAGE magnetometers (32–53?min and 708?m/s) observations. Joule heating or/and particle precipitation as a result of auroral energy injection were identified as likely generation mechanisms for these disturbances.  相似文献   
为了更适合于较复杂几何外形的数值计算,本文提出仅引入1个参数来改进k-ω湍流模型并采用了一种双网格系统的有限体积格式来求解N-S方程与改进的的k-ω模型方程。通过平板附面层的计算结果表明了用本文提出的对k-ω湍流模型的改进对控制转捩是有效的。  相似文献   
用混合标架法处理药柱尾部人工脱粘滑动边界条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史宏斌 《推进技术》1995,16(5):78-81
介绍了采用混合标架法处理药柱尾部人工脱粘滑动边界条件以及对总刚方程进行对称处理求解的方法,用此法对某药柱模型进行了轴向加速度载荷作用下的应力分析,并与有关文献作了比较的分析,证明计算结果更接近实际。  相似文献   
设计参数及附面层修正对“咽”式进气道性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
董昊  王成鹏  程克明 《推进技术》2010,31(3):265-269
为了研究不同的平面斜激波流场对流线追踪\"咽\"式进气道性能的影响规律,寻求性能最佳的进气道,对设计马赫数为7,具有不同三维基本流场的流线追踪\"咽\"式进气道进行了数值模拟。研究表明:选择8-7无粘流场(即俯仰平面内的斜激波由和自由来流呈8°夹角的斜压缩面产生;偏航平面内的斜激波由和自由来流呈7°夹角的斜压缩面产生)作为基本流场设计出的流线追踪进气道压缩性能、总压恢复性能及起动性能均能满足设计要求,并有较高的捕获流量;另外,通过对其进行附面层修正,设计状态下的各性能参数都较接近无粘设计参数,并且大幅度提高了进气道的流场均匀性。  相似文献   
不同出口倾角合成双射流流动特性及边界层控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王林  刘冰  夏智勋  罗振兵 《推进技术》2010,31(6):757-763
基于合成双射流全流场计算模型———X-L模型,对不同出口倾角合成双射流的流动特性进行了数值研究。平直出口合成双射流激励器工作时,合成双射流在出口下游相互作用融合成一股射流,且合成双射流间有\"自给\"现象的发生;倾斜出口合成双射流激励器工作时,在激励器出口下游会形成一股沿壁面的流动,该壁面流可以对周围流体进行有方向的能量和质量输送;随着激励器出口倾斜角度的增大,合成双射流间\"自给\"现象减弱,沿壁面流速度增大。然后,对不同出口倾角合成双流激励器进行边界层流动控制进行了初步研究。结果显示,合成双射流激励器可控制边界层流动,通过改变激励器出口倾角可以实现对边界层内速度型\"饱和\"程度的控制。  相似文献   
接触刚度和阻尼是影响螺栓连接的装配结构动力学特性的关键参数,为了实现接触刚度和阻尼的同时识别,在前期开展的螺栓连接结构接触刚度识别的基础上,提出一种基于试验和薄层单元仿真的接触阻尼识别方法。通过在单螺栓连接结构中巧妙引入试验垫片,通过试验获得有界、对称且均匀接触状态下结构的固有特性与动态响应;进而建立模拟接触面刚度与阻尼的薄层单元,并仿真获得结构的动态响应特性;通过结构固有频率测试与仿真结果构建误差函数实现接触刚度识别,通过动态响应测试与仿真结果构建误差函数实现接触阻尼的识别,进而获得接触刚度与阻尼随接触法向力变化的模型。结果表明,接触刚度随法向力非线性增大而接触阻尼则非线性减小,当法向力较大时,接触刚度和阻尼趋于稳定。研究结果为接触刚度和阻尼的同时识别提供了一种行之有效的方法,识别平均误差分别为4.5%、14.8%,所识别的刚度和阻尼以合适的薄层单元形式,可直接应用到包含多接触面的装配系统动力学分析中。  相似文献   
陈浮  俞建阳  宋彦萍 《推进技术》2012,33(6):853-858
通过分析某高负荷压气机叶栅内部的流动状况,确定了端壁开槽吸气以及端壁与吸力面同时开槽吸气两种附面层吸除方案,并在低亚声速条件下进行了风洞吹风实验。结果表明,附面层吸除是一种提高高负荷压气机叶栅气动性能的有效措施,通过吸走附面层流体可以改善壁面附近流动状况,角区分离减弱,流道内高损失区范围减小。随着吸气量的增加,改善压气机叶栅性能的效果越显著。吸气方案不同,其作用机理也不一样。  相似文献   
In supersonic wind tunnels, the airflow at the exit of a convergent-divergent nozzle is affected by the connection between the nozzle and test section, because the connection is a source of disturbance for supersonic flow and the source of disturbance generated by this disturbance propagates downstream. In order to avoid the disturbance, the test can only be carried out in the rhombus area. However, for the supersonic nozzle, the rhombus region is small, limiting the size and attitude angle of the test model. An integrated supersonic nozzle is a nozzle and a test section as a whole, which is designed to weaken or eliminate the disturbance. The inviscid contour of the supersonic nozzle is based on the method of characteristics. A new curve is formed by the smooth connection between the inviscid contour and test section, and the boundary layer is corrected for the overall curve. Integrated supersonic nozzles with Mach number 1.5 and 2 are designed, which are based on this method. The flow field is validated by numerical and experimental results. The results of the study highlight the importance of the connection about the nozzle outlet and test section. They clearly show that the wave system does not exist at the exit of the supersonic nozzle, and the flow field is uniform throughout the test section.  相似文献   
赵有喜  谢旅荣  汪昆  段旭  张兵 《推进技术》2019,40(12):2674-2683
为改善二元超声速进气道前体激波与侧壁面边界层干扰问题,提出了一种在侧壁开泄流气缝的流场控制方法并进行了数值仿真验证,然后研究了侧壁面开缝的宽度、位置、角度等典型几何参数对进气道性能的影响规律。结果表明:设计马赫数下侧壁开缝使进气道唇口角区处的溢流明显减小,进气道内通道进口流场得到改善,进气道流量系数提高2.27%,喉道截面总压恢复系数提高3.37%;在非设计状态下,进气道性能也有一定的改善。典型几何参数研究结果表明,当侧壁开缝位置位于前体斜激波位置(L=-1.4~-0.21)、开缝宽度为0.85~1.10倍当地边界层厚度时,对进气道性能的改善效果最佳,而开缝的角度影响并不明显。  相似文献   
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