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The precision forming of thin-walled components has been urgently needed in aviation and aerospace field. However, the wrinkling induced by the compressive instability is one of the major defects in thin-walled part forming. The initiation and growth of the wrinkles are interac-tively affected by many factors such as stress states, mechanical properties of the material, geometry of the workpiece and boundary conditions. Especially when the forming process involves compli-cated boundary conditions such as multi-dies constrains, the perturbation of clearances between workpiece and dies and the contact conditions changing in time and space, etc., the predication of the wrinkling is further complicated. In this paper, the current prediction methods were summa-rized including the static equilibrium method, the energy method, the initial imperfection method, the eigenvalue buckling analysis method, the static-implicit finite element method and the dynamic-explicit finite element method. Then, a systematical comparison and summary of these methods in terms of their advantages and limitations are presented. By using a combination of explicit FE method, initial imperfection and energy conservation, a hybrid method is recommended to predict plastic wrinkling in thin-walled part forming. Finally, considering the urgent requirements of com-plex thin-walled structures’ part in aviation and aerospace field, the trends and challenges in wrin-kling prediction under complicated boundary conditions are presented.  相似文献   
三旋流器加装外套环对燃烧性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对带有两种不同头部结构(基准型为方案1,头部加装外套环为方案2)的三旋流单头部燃烧室进行了研究,对有两种头部结构的燃烧室进行了流场和燃烧场的数值模拟,在相同的进口试验条件下,用燃气分析法和15点测温耙分别测量了两种头部的燃烧效率、出口冒烟数和出口温度场.结果表明:三旋流器的燃烧效率超过了99.7%,加装外套环后其流场、温度场分布均较基准型有所改善,回流区更加饱满,油气混合和燃油雾化效果增强,出口温度分布系数(OTDF)和出口冒烟数分别降低了36%和25%.   相似文献   
为对航空发动机蜂窝式轴心通风器油气分离效率进行研究,建立考虑油气双向耦合的流场计算方法及油滴/壁面相互作用模型,在验证通风阻力及油气分离效率可靠性的基础上,对不同转速、通风流量和环境温度下蜂窝式轴心通风器的油气分离效果进行计算和分析.结果表明:转速的增加会使油气分离效率得到提升,而通风流量和环境温度的增加则导致油气分离效率的降低.蜂窝孔结构的加入对通风阻力影响不大,却对通风器的滑油分离过程起主要作用,计算表明其对滑油分离贡献率在80%以上.   相似文献   
为了研究加筋壁板大开口结构的压缩承载极限问题,规划了两组具有不同设计参数的试验件进行了静力试验,并同时采用了线性特征值法以及非线性的弧长法对其压缩极限进行了对比分析。在采用弧长法分析时,引入了模态扰动技术,而且考虑了材料的弹塑性性质。计算结果与试验的对比表明:针对复杂结构稳定性问题,屈曲特征值法具有较大局限性,而结合模态扰动的弧长法对这种复杂的加筋壁板类结构压缩极限的分析精度较好。通过分析给出了加筋壁板大开口结构设计的一些建议。  相似文献   
民用飞机弹性结构水上迫降试验载荷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐文岷  李凯 《航空学报》2014,35(4):1012-1018
刚体模型和弹性体模型的载荷传递方式不同,为了研究刚体模型和弹性结构模型对飞机水上迫降载荷的影响,根据动力相似性原理设计制造了刚体模型,并根据强度相似性原理设计制造了弹性结构部件,通过气囊加载试验系统验证了弹性结构部件满足强度相似设计要求。通过水上迫降模型试验测得加速度-时间历程曲线,使用傅里叶变换处理试验数据得到加速度峰值。根据刚体模型的试验数据分析,飞机以初始俯仰角12°、襟翼为着陆构型、较小的下沉速度和中重心状态入水时,飞机在水上迫降过程中受到的载荷较小。研究表明:带弹性结构模型和刚体模型所得到的飞机载荷有明显的不同,带弹性结构模型得到的垂向加速度峰值明显低于刚体模型。这种现象主要是由于机体着水底部弹性结构变形吸收了大量的能量。  相似文献   
对400K下简化环氧分子结构的键长、键角、四原子扭转角及非键合原子间距离等结构参数在微小温度波动时进行动态模拟,分析了这些结构参数在该条件下的变形刚性。  相似文献   
我国近年来经济发展中出现的生产过剩不同于资本主义国家经济危机时的相对过剩,而是我国经济发展中的结构性生产过剩,具有过渡的性质。这一现象的出现对传统经济理论具有挑战意义。本文试图对我国目前出现的结构性生产过剩的原因作出探讨,并对其调整提出对策。  相似文献   
国外航天运输系统防热系统,结构和材料的总体分析研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
对近年来国外航天运输系统包括飞船、航天飞机和空天飞机等的防热方案的选用方向、防热结构和防热材料的研究与应用以及发展方向进行了高度概括与分析,采用了新的分类方法,介绍了各种新型的防热系统、结构和材料。  相似文献   
Cavitation caused by insufficient suction is a major factor that influences the life of aircraft pumps. Currently, pressurizing the tank can solve the cavitation problem under steady large-flow conditions. However, this method is not always effective under transient conditions (from zero flow to full flow in a very short time). Moreover, to apply and design other measures, such as a boost impeller, the suction dynamics during the transient period must be investigated. In this paper, a novel approach based on the pressure wave propagation theory is proposed for predicting the inlet pressure of an aircraft pump under transient conditions. First, a dynamic model of a typical aircraft pump is established in the form of differential equations. Then, the transient flow model of the inlet line is described using momentum and continuity equations, and the governing equations are discretized by the method of characteristics and the finite difference method. The simulated results are in good agreement with the results from verification tests. Further simulation analysis indicates that the wave velocity and transient time may influence the inlet and reservoir pressure as well as the size of the inlet line. Finally, solutions for upgrading the inlet pressure are discussed. These solutions provide guidelines for designing inlet installations.  相似文献   
针对生产中重物产品,半成品物流,包装过程中提升困难的问题,提出了自锁型重物提升机构,以达到节能,降低运行成本,降低劳动强度的目的.  相似文献   
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