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围绕空间光学望远镜在轨建造中的结构机构技术进行分析,重点包括结构机构相关的关键技术基本概念和技术特点,分别对大型望远镜空间结构拓扑构型优化及模块技术、光机结构机构的高精度展开调整及锁合技术、典型光机元件的在轨增材制造技术、机器人辅助自主精密装配及控制技术进行了技术内涵及先进技术途径分析.最后展望了在轨建造中结构机构技术...  相似文献   
A novel variable geometry flame-holder (VGF) based on V-gutter was presented. The structural characteristics of the flame holder were introduced. Experimental study on drag characteristics of the VGF on un-burning and burning states was conducted in a rectangular combustion test rig. The influence of the change of gutter trailing edge width w on pressure recovery in different operating conditions was analyzed emphatically. Furthermore,drag characteristics in different trailing edge width variation modes were discussed. Results show that: (1) Narrowing w can observably raise the total pressure recovery σ but the highest σ is not obtained at minimum w. (2) The relationship of drag coefficient ψ and w in the un-burning conditions can be well expressed in a form of exponential equation (w/d>0.4). (3) Drag characteristics are not sensitive to the variation modes and speeds of w . (4) In the burning condition,σ decreases with the increasing of w basically and the course can be divided into three stages. The results and experimental data presented in this paper would enhance the phenomenological understanding of this type of VGF,and would contribute to the next experimental study and numerical calculus of this novel VGF.   相似文献   
研究并应用了基于翼型阻力分解策略的中场积分计算阻力的方法。中场积分方法是近年来提出的一种新的计算阻力的方法,方法将流场分为三个不同的区域:波阻区、型阻区、数值耗散区,通过对不同区域进行积分将阻力分解为波阻、型阻、数值耗散阻力。计算结果表明中场积分方法与传统的表面积分方法和远场积分方法相比,不仅可以将阻力分解成不同部分以便于进一步分析阻力产生机理,而且在计算中对网格量的要求较低,即使在网格量较小的情况下也能得到较精确的结果。  相似文献   
Drag Reduction for an Airship with Proper Arrangement of Propellers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this article, the flow field around an airship with propellers blowing is calculated on the basis of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with SST turbulent models. Modeled each as an actuator disk, the propellers are arranged at different positions around the body of airship in the flow direction. The numerical results show that the blowing propellers produce open outer flows. They drive the separated vortexes off the body thus reducing the drag coefficients. The results also show that the position after leading sucking peak is the best place for a propeller to blow. When the propellers are positioned after sucking peak, the longer the area which the propellers work on, the more the profile drag coefficients can be reduced. If the working position of propeller moves from the sucking peak forward to the leading edge, the friction drag coefficient will increase. The bigger the diameter of the propellers and the stronger the pressure jump, the more the drag coefficient will be reduced. The results also reveal that for the design of circularly-positioned propellers with space intervals, the more drag coefficient reduction results, the smaller the space interval is specified.  相似文献   
在阻力伞试验,特别是高速滑车试验过程中,由于阻力伞系统作非匀加速的非定常运动以及前置体尾流场的影响,现有的阻力伞试验数据计算方法已经难以准确计算其阻力系数.本文针对阻力伞试验过程中的这种非定常运动和尾流干扰特性,对阻力伞系统进行了动力学分析,并对阻力伞非定常运动过程中的附加质量和尾流场特性进行了理论研究,提出了阻力伞双...  相似文献   
共轴式直升机桨毂阻力占全机废阻的50%以上,因此有必要对桨毂阻力特性和减阻设计进行研究。 通过对某共轴式直升机桨毂模型、减阻方案及减阻方案加装涡流发生器进行风洞试验,研究轴式直升机桨毂的 阻力特性,验证减阻方案及减阻方案加装涡流发生器的减阻效果。结果表明:桨毂支臂方位角、转速和攻角变 化对桨毂及其减阻方案的阻力影响很小;上下桨毂整流罩与中间轴整流罩之间的缝隙对阻力影响比较大;减阻 方案可以降低约33%的桨毂阻力,而加装涡流发生器的减阻效果并不明显。  相似文献   
弹舱对飞翼布局飞机气动特性影响及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高速风洞气动力测量为研究手段,开展了弹舱开启对飞翼布局飞机气动特性影响及其流动控制试验研究。试验结果表明,对于飞翼布局飞机,弹舱开启主要影响飞机阻力特性,巡航状态下,弹舱开启后使得全机阻力增加60%~110%,Ma=0.8时全机升阻比降低34%。通过在弹舱前缘安装扰流片,对弹舱腔口剪切层施加流动控制,巡航状态下弹舱开启附加阻力最多降低20%,Ma=0.8时全机升阻比提高12.6%。  相似文献   
无拖曳技术能够有效地抵消卫星的非保守力,适用于未来的空间探测任务.这种技术的实现对推力器提出很高的要求.在广泛调研的基础上,归纳无拖曳卫星中微推力器的工作原理及特点,并介绍其应用情况.根据中国无拖曳技术的发展要求,针对无拖曳冷气微推力器中比例阀的流量控制过程,建立其动态模型进行仿真,并在此基础上设计模糊自适应PID控制器,改善了系统的动态性能.  相似文献   
对传统圆形微针肋进行了优化,设计了3种不同尾角的水滴形微针肋热沉,并以去离子水为工质,实验研究了各热沉流动阻力和传热特性.结果表明:3种尾角针肋中,尾角为60°时减阻效果最好.水滴形针肋的流线型结构可以改善尾部流动分布,推迟流动由层流向过度区流的转变,且尾角越小效果越明显.不同体积流量下,水滴形针肋的最优尾角有所不同.在实验中,雷诺数范围在200~1000内,尾角为60°的水滴形针肋热沉强化换热效果最好.当尾角为30°时,太长的尾部结构受到下一排针肋的影响,造成较大的流动阻力,导致其整体换热效果较差.   相似文献   
含有SMA弹簧驱动器的可变倾斜角翼梢小翼研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 针对传统翼梢小翼在非设计状态减阻效果不佳的缺点,提出一种含有形状记忆合金(SMA)弹簧驱动器的变体翼梢小翼结构,它能根据飞行状态主动调整小翼的倾斜角,实时优化飞机的阻力特性.采用力-热-应变耦合法设计了所需的SMA弹簧驱动器,并通过有限元仿真与风洞试验验证了变体翼梢小翼的变形能力,最后初步研究了变体翼梢小翼的闭环控制方法.研究结果表明,在飞机的起飞阶段(自由来流流速为26 m/s,迎角为3°),变体翼梢小翼的倾斜角能在1 min内自主完成预定变化过程,倾斜角的最大变化量为23°,控制精度的最大误差为12%,各项指标均符合设计要求.  相似文献   
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