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FY-3A极轨气象卫星   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了我国研制的风云三号A(FY-3A)极轨气象卫星的基本任务、轨道与发射窗口、构型与布局、主要技术参数、探测仪器配置、图像资料传输与存储,以及姿轨控和数管系统等总体概况.分析了卫星的技术特点.介绍了卫星入轨过程、平台和数传等在轨运行状况.给出了遥感仪器的工作及其部分应用结果.卫星近4个月的运行稳定,获取了大量的气象和环境数据.初步测试结果表明:FY-3A卫星大部分仪器性能与国际同类仪器比对一致,已达国际先进水平.  相似文献   
In the three-body problem, we consider the Lagrange and Hill stability including the Lagrange stability for the manifold of symmetric motions that exists in the case where two of three bodies have equal masses. To analyze the stability, in addition to integrals of energy and angular momentum we use the Lagrange–Jacobi equality. We prove theorems on the Lagrange and Hill stability. The theorem on the Hill stability has effective application in the case where the mass of a body is much less than masses of two other bodies. In this case, as it is known, the model of the restricted three-body problem is usually applied.  相似文献   
两年一度的巴黎航展已经落下帷幕。尽管这次航展的大背景是世界航空业陷入低谷 ,世界两大民机制造商之一的空中客车公司仍然连续狂吞A380等大型客机订单 ,进帐近 2 0 0亿美元 ,引起业界一片惊叹。是什么原因使空中客车公司能够在业界创造这一奇迹 ?带着这个疑问 ,本刊记者于日前采访了空中客车中国公司总裁马乐德先生  相似文献   
阐述了安全性对于航空产品的重要性,描述了当前航空产品合格审定现状及差距,形象解释了DO-178B的内容、开发流程及基本要素.结合体系建设的经验给出了建立符合DO-178B的合格审定研发体系需要研究的研究,以及每个要点需要考虑的因素,对我国军用航空产品研发体系建立软件合格审定体系起到了抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   
小普托卷接机在烟厂中主要用于烟的生产试制,由于原机电气故障频发,维修费用昂贵,致使其无法正常运行,急需改造。改造后的系统采用FX2N PLC、FX2N-4D/A、MR-J2S-A伺服放大器、HC-KFS伺服电机以及F940GOT-SWD-C图形操作终端,实现了对烟支长度的控制。文中介绍了系统硬件组成、参数设定、软件设计以及运行结果。  相似文献   
中日两国是一衣带水、隔海相望的近邻,有着两千多年的交往历史。在政治、经济、文化等诸多领域,两国人民始终有着密切的联系,特别是中国传统文化对日本本土文化的形成和发展产生了重大影响。本文通过在日本发现的大量中国文物,结合文献资料,从宏观上回顾了10世纪以前的中日物质文化交流。在此基础上,选取中国与日本发现的唐代铜镜为主要依据,在微观上对中日物质文化交流的实态、意义以及日本民族对待先进外来文化积极继承和发扬的态度进行思考、研究。  相似文献   
In 2012 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the first successful rocket launch that reached a height of 84.5 km and had a speed of 4.824 km/h (5x sonic speed). This rocket flew 190 km to the target location. One of the masterminds of this launch was Walter Thiel, a German chemist and rocket engineer. Thiel was highly talented, during his education from primary school until diploma exams he always received a grade of A in his exams. He was called “the student with the 7 A grades”. In 1934 Thiel became Dr.-Ing. (chem.), with the highest possible honor (summa cum laude), when he was only 24 years old. He started to work for the rocket development department at Humboldt University, Berlin. Walter Dornberger asked him to leave the university research department and become head of rocket propulsion development in his team in Kummersdorf, near Berlin. Thiel's groundbreaking ideas for the rocket engine would lead to a significant reduction in material, weight and work processes, as well as a shortening in the length of the engine itself. Thiel and his team also defined the fuel itself and the best ratio of mixture between ethanol and liquid oxygen for the engine. In 1940 the propulsion team moved from Kummersdorf to Peenemünde after the launch sites were completed there. Thiel became deputy of Wernher von Braun at the R&D units. One of Thiel's team members was Konrad Dannenberg, who later became famous in the development of the Saturn program. On the night from August 17 to August 18, 1943, Thiel and his family (wife and two children) were killed during a Royal Air Force bombing raid (Operation Hydra). The Moon crater “Thiel” on the far side of the Moon is named after Walter Thiel. The research results of Walter Thiel had a strong impact on the United States' rocket program as well as the Russian rocket development program.  相似文献   
HY-1A is China's first ocean color satellite, and was launched on 15 May 2002as a piggyback satellite on the FY-1D satellite using the Long March rocket.There are two sensors on the satellite: China's Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (COCTS), and the CCD Coastal Zone Imager (CZI). In the report,first, the properties and characteristics of HY-1A are briefly introduced; Second, the quality and availability of the data are evaluated by the mean of the Complex Signal Noise Ratio (CSNR) which is simulated theoretically; Third,the received HY-1A data are compared with SeaSTAR data to understand the accuracy of radiance measurement by the HY-1A; Finally, the remote sensing products of ocean color and temperature are mapped by HY-1A to study its application potentiality. The results show that the HY-1A has a latent capability for the application of marine environment detection, the management and protection of marine resources, and the furthering of national rights and interests.Meanwhile, some modifications are proposed for the next ocean satellite, suchas adding the case of tilt scanning, modification of the CCD element uniformity,and adding more ocean satellite receiving stations.  相似文献   
民用飞机的排烟能力直接影响到座舱出现烟雾情况下的飞行安全,对CCAR 25.831(d)条款和对应的咨询通告25-9A进行研究,为民用飞机座舱排烟的设计和适航验证提供支持。  相似文献   
为了满足随钻测斜仪器在油气井中恶劣环境下的测量要求,本文提出了一种以数字信号控制器(DSC)和FPGA组成的双CPU导航计算机方案。该系统由DSC(dsPIC30F6014A)作为核心处理器完成导航计算和滤波算法;由FPGA完成对IMU(惯性测量单元)数据的采集控制及传输等功能。DSC与FPGA之间通过串口传输,最终导航结果由DSC输出给外部控制设备。该系统很好的满足了随钻测斜仪的性能尺寸要求,试验验证结果表明倾斜角、方位角、和工具面角均达到了预期精度指标。  相似文献   
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