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高强Al-Cu-Li-X铝锂合金2A97三级时效工艺及性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新型高强Al-Gu-Li-X铝锂合金2A97为研究对象,通过拉伸试验研究两种三级时效工艺及其改型工艺对合金性能的影响.结果表明,含有δ′相二次析出过程的三级时效和含有δ′相回溶过程的三级时效处理合金的强度和塑性达到T6峰值时效水平,三级时效改型工艺由于增加变形使前者合金的强度升高,塑性降低,使后者的强度显著提高.三级时效和单级时效合金的主要显微组织有δ′相、θ″/θ′相和T1相.三级时效改型工艺由于增加变形促进δ′相析出和δ′相回溶,同时变形促进T1相析出,从而改变了主要强化相δ′相和T1相的数量.  相似文献   
针对多介质可压缩流体动力学问题,提出了一种单元中心型二维MMALE(Multi-Material Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)方法.在拉氏步,流体力学方程组采用中心型间断有限元方法求解.对于混合网格,采用Tipton压力松弛模型更新物理量,用等参坐标法更新物质中心点坐标.界面重构采用一种...  相似文献   
Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs) can effectively enhance the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) performance, such as communication and ranging performance. These performances would have been improved by disposing sparsely of ground stations and ISLs. Here, we demonstrate a topology scheduling strategy based on Signed Variance and Blossom algorithm (SV-Blossom) to promote the topology performance of GNSS. We also analyze the effect of this strategy on the robustness of the ranging information quality of the ISLs assignments system. For the domestic and overseas satellite communication Time Delay (TD) and Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), by analyzing the relation of satellites, a set of the ISLs cost models is established, and the cost matrix is obtained. The final ISLs assignments result is obtained by processing the link cost matrix with the Blossom algorithm in the graph theory. In order to verify the rationality of the SV-Blossom strategy, a typical BDS-3 simulation scene with 10080 min is built to test these performances of ISLs. The final results show that the ranging information quality of the SV-Blossom strategy is greatly improved compared with recently published strategies, and the proposed links assignments mechanism has good robustness.  相似文献   
Conflict avoidance (CA) plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the airspace safety. The cur- rent approaches, mostly focusing on a short-term situation which eliminates conflicts via local adjust- ment, cannot provide a global solution. Recently, long-term conflict avoidance approaches, which are proposed to provide solutions via strategically planning traffic flow from a global view, have attracted more attentions. With consideration of the situation in China, there are thousands of flights per day and the air route network is large and complex, which makes the long-term problem to be a large-scale combinatorial optimization problem with complex constraints. To minimize the risk of premature convergence being faced by current approaches and obtain higher quality solutions, in this work, we present an effective strategic framework based on a memetic algorithm (MA), which can markedly improve search capability via a combination of population-based global search and local improve- ments made by individuals. In addition, a specially designed local search operator and an adaptive local search frequency strategy are proposed to improve the solution quality. Furthermore, a fast genetic algorithm (GA) is presented as the global optimization method. Empirical studies using real traffic data of the Chinese air route network and daily flight plans show that our approach outper- formed the existing approaches including the GA .based approach and the cooperative coevolution based approach as well as some well-known memetic algorithm based approaches.  相似文献   
潘成胜  行贵轩  戚耀文  杨力 《航空学报》2020,41(4):323546-323546
依据空间信息网络(SIN)高动态性的特点,并考虑卫星工作的多状态特性,兼顾星间通信时延和拓扑抗毁性的要求,研究了多状态下空间信息网络拓扑生成及动态优化的问题。根据卫星星座的周期性,建立了一种卫星网络的拓扑周期表。综合卫星的可视性和连接度等约束条件,以网络平均和最大时延作为通信性能的优化目标,建立拓扑的多目标优化模型。提出一种改进的多目标模拟退火(IMOSA)算法,求解全局时延最优的卫星拓扑,并在考虑多状态情况下对链路进行优化,以满足网络高动态性。最后基于具有66颗低轨(LEO)的铱星星座进行仿真,研究表明:针对多状态条件下的铱星星座,该算法最大化减小了通信时延,得到抗毁性良好的拓扑结构,通信性能较之原有静态拓扑明显得到改善。  相似文献   
在电子、航空航天领域及型号工程中小电流测试设备(如静电计、皮安表、源/测量单元、半导体精密分析仪等),发挥着极其重要的作用,其电流测量分辨力达到fA级,接近其物理极限值。对这些高灵敏度、高分辨力的精密小电流测量仪器进行参数校准是一项新的计量难题。本文使用Fluke公司5440B型直流电压源和自行研制的高值电阻器,构成测试平台,可以对Keithley公司6517B型静电计(20pA~2μA电流量程)进行自动校准。软件采用Visual C++ 6.0利用校准算法对测量结果进行分析,解决了小电流测量单元校准的计量难题。  相似文献   
有时间窗的多式联运问题分析与建模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
限时性的快速货物运输已成为货运发展的趋势之一,多式联运则是此类限时快速运输较佳的运输组织形式.对有时间窗多式联运的内涵具体描述的基础上, 提出了有时间窗多式联运问题的双层优化模型,上层为货物时间窗求解模型,下层为路径优化模型.设计了求解路径优化模型的蚁环算法,并进行了实证分析,结果表明,用该算法求解有时间窗的多式联运问题可以方便有效地求得满意解.  相似文献   
一种基于SIFT和KLT相结合的特征点跟踪方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玉  王敬东  李鹏 《宇航学报》2011,32(7):1618-1625
在目标发生明显姿态和大小变化条件下,为了利用基于特征点的跟踪算法实现对目标可靠、稳定跟踪,提出了一种SIFT算法和KLT(Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi)匹配算法相结合的特征点跟踪方法。通过对SIFT算法进行优化,使得到特征点分布相对均匀,同时不存在聚集现象;通过对KLT匹配算法进行分层迭代设计,提高了目标作快速运动时的匹配精度;最后根据特征点匹配结果,结合Greedy算法得到目标的准确位置。实验结果表明:该算法能够很好地适应目标姿态和大小的变化,实现对结构复杂目标的稳定跟踪;比KLT跟踪算法具有更好的鲁棒性和稳定性,能得到更加准确的目标位置。   相似文献   
针对低低跟踪(SST-LL)重力测量卫星K频段测距(KBR)系统相位中心在轨标定问题,提出了一种应用预测卡尔曼滤波算法的KBR系统在轨标定算法。首先,以磁力矩器和姿态控制喷气发动机为执行部件,对一颗卫星施加一定的组合力矩,使其绕另一颗卫星进行周期性姿态机动;然后,将星敏感器数据代入预测卡尔曼滤波算法中估计出卫星姿态;最后,根据KBR系统观测值与卫星姿态角之间的关系,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法估计出KBR系统相位中心的位置。数值仿真结果表明:KBR系统相位中心可以被实时估计,当存在较大的卫星姿态动力学模型误差时,KBR系统相位中心的标定误差仍在0.3mrad以内,证明此算法估计精度较高且鲁棒性强。  相似文献   
组合卫星导航系统的快速选星方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了选星数目与几何精度因子(GDOP, Geometry Dilution of Precision)及导航运算量的关系,基于遗传算法提出了一种以满足用户定位精度需求为条件的快速选星方法——快速遗传选星法.根据用户需求确定选星数目初值、选星数目最大值和GDOP阈值,构造选星方案的初始种群,在进化代数上限为1的条件下对种群进行选择、交叉和变异运算,获得初始选星解,根据初始解的GDOP与阈值的关系确定是否依据GDOP最小原则对初始解进行优化,直至满足算法终止条件,输出选星解.仿真结果表明,该算法可以在一次进化之内以不低于92.45%的概率满足GDOP阈值在2.5~6的要求,同时可有效降低54.75%以上的导航运算量.   相似文献   
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