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铆接工艺参数对自封铆接干涉量产生重要影响。采用有限元仿真软件DEFORM-3D,以2117-T4材料、直径4mm的半圆头自封铆钉及2024-T3材料的铝板为研究对象,分析自封铆接的3个主要工艺参数钉孔直径、顶铁形状及压铆力对铆接质量的影响。仿真结果表明,钉孔直径范围在4.01~4.02mm,采用凹槽顶铁及较大的压铆力会增加铆接干涉量,提高铆接件的密封性能。  相似文献   
为了研究高温环境下二维正交编织C/SiC复合材料壁板的固有振动特性随温度的变化规律,进一步揭示模态跃迁和丢失现象。首先建立了二维正交编织复合材料的细观非均匀有限元模型,基于细观模型采用体积平均法计算得到了均匀化后材料的模量、热膨胀系数和热传导系数等宏观性能参数。在此基础上,分别研究了均匀温度和线性非均匀温度载荷下,四边简支复合材料板在屈曲前后固有频率及模态振型随温度的变化规律。研究结果表明:在均匀温度场下,如果仅考虑热载荷对材料模量的影响时,随着温度的升高,各阶固有频率逐渐降低,但降低的幅度不大;仅考虑热应力对结构刚度影响时,在临界屈曲温度后固有频率反而上升,并且随着温度的升高出现了频率交错,其对应振型发生了跃迁现象;当同时考虑热物性和热应力影响时,各阶频率值变化趋势与仅考虑热应力时类似,只是对应温度点的频率值有所下降。而在线性非均匀温度场下,通过对比不同工况下的模态振型发现,随着温度的升高某些模态振型还会出现丢失,并且这种丢失是从低阶到高阶依次发生的。  相似文献   
As one of the new structural layout in the family of woven composites, 2.5D Woven Composites(2.5D-WC) have recently attracted an increasing interest owing to its excellent properties, i.e. high specific strength and fatigue resistance, in the aerospace and automobile industry. Indepth understanding of the fatigue behavior of this material at un-ambient temperatures is critical for the engineering applications, especially in aero-engine field. Here, fatigue behavior of 2.5D-WC at different temperatures was numerically investigated based on the unit cell approach. Firstly, the unit cell model of 2.5D-WC was established using ANSYS software. Subsequently, the temperature-dependent fatigue life prediction model was built up. Finally, the fatigue lives alongside the damage evolution processes of 2.5D-WC at ambient temperature(20 ℃) and unambient temperature(180 ℃) were analyzed. The results show that numerical results are in good agreement with the relevant experimental results at 20 and 180 ℃. Fatigue behavior of 2.5D-WC is also sensitive to temperature, which is partially attributed to the mechanical properties of resin and the change of inclination angle of warp yarns. We hope that the proposed fatigue life prediction model and the findings could further promote the engineering application of 2.5D-WC, especially in aero-engine field.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional(3D) braided composites are a kind of advanced ones and are used in the aeronautical and astronautical fields more widely. The advantages, usages, shortages and disadvantages of 3D braided composites are analyzed, and the possible approach of improving the properties of the materials is presented, that is, a new type of 3D full 5-directional braided composites is developed. The methods of making this type of preform are proposed. It is pointed out that the four-step braiding which is the most possible to realize industrialized production almost has no effect on the composites'properties. By analyzing the simulation model, the advantages of the material compared with the 3D 4-di- rectional and 5-directional materials are presented. Finally, a microstructural model is analyzed to lay the foundation for the future theoretical analysis of these composites.  相似文献   
基于MATLAB构造3D刚体摆数学模型,以3D刚体摆试验平台为依托,利用模糊控制或模糊控制与P控制策略相结合,对永磁同步电机(PMSM)和3D刚体摆姿态进行控制,并通过LABVIEW软件对模糊控制算法编程设计,上位机实时监测摆控制曲线。试验结果表明模糊控制在实际工程中对3D刚体摆系统的控制具有有效性。  相似文献   
介绍了工业视频内窥镜测量技术的发展历程及民航孔探工作的常用测量方式,并从工作质量、工作效率以及安全角度考虑.推荐使用高精度、单视窗的三维测量技术。  相似文献   
3D打印技术在航空发动机换热器研制中的应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了3D打印技术的发展历程和国内外的研究现状,重点介绍了3D打印技术的特点及其应用于航空发动机换热器研制的原因,分析了相关应用实例,最后对3D打印技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
二元矢量喷管内外流场数值计算与隐身性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对二元矢量喷管进行了相似性的全三维建模,对二元矢量喷管的流场和温度场进行了数值模拟,并对二元喷管隐身技术进行了分析。  相似文献   
本文利用CFD软件包FLUENT建立了带螺纹表面的锥形搅拌头搅拌摩擦焊三维流动模型。通过数值模拟得到了焊缝沿厚度方向的水平切面速度矢量图,截面的速度矢量图以及用于观察材料流动行为的流动线图。同时分析了搅拌头表面螺纹对塑化金属流动行为的影响及焊缝塑化金属的流动规律。模拟结果对于搅拌摩擦焊过程中焊缝处塑化金属流动以及焊缝形成机理研究具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
水反应金属燃料发动机三维两相燃烧数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用三维湍流N-S方程及颗粒轨道模型描述水反应金属燃料发动机内部喷雾两相湍流燃烧过程。通过耦合求解气液两相流模型方程,得到发动机燃烧流场。通过模拟Mg与水的反应,分析比较了一次和二次进水方案的不同流场特性。研究结果表明,二次进水方案更有利于火焰稳定和提高燃烧性能。  相似文献   
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