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提出了一种使用Renishaw检查规检定三坐标测量机或数控机床空间误差的快速方法,此方法一次测量即可完成包含X、Y、Z三个坐标轴的各项误差影响的空间误差的检定,具有速度快、效率高、准确可靠等特点。  相似文献   
三维编织机锭子,轨道及锭槽结构尺寸的选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了三维四步法编织机锭子运动的特点,提出了锭子与锭槽尺寸公差的选择原则;讨论了各种误差存在时,锭子可能窜入相邻轨道锭槽的情况,提出了防止锭子卡死或发生其它不良情况的结构措施,并举例进行了结构尺寸的选择。  相似文献   
叶片掠对跨声转子进口流动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择NASA Rotor 37跨声转子作为原型叶片,在叶片90%展高以上通过移动叶型基元的弦向位置构造叶尖掠特征,共有包括原型转子、2个前掠转子和2个后掠转子等5种不同叶型几何的算例.利用数值模拟软件计算得到5种转子的总体特性并获得三维流场.结果表明:叶尖前掠减小了叶片尖部进口的平均攻角,而后掠则使攻角增大.引入周向平均无黏动量方程,计算出由周向平均所产生的周向不均匀源项及径向平衡方程的各项数值,并对比其在5个转子进口的分布规律及其与攻角变化之间的关联.通过改变进口的流动平衡,叶尖前掠使轴向速度增大、周向速度减小,进而使得攻角减小;后掠则在叶尖起到了相反的效应.采用这种准三维方法研究了叶片掠对叶片进口流场的影响.   相似文献   
容差分配方案的合理性在很大程度上影响着飞机产品的装配效率和质量,以飞机典型机翼翼盒为研究对象,分析翼盒盒段的装配工艺,借助三维公差分析软件3DCS建立三维容差分析模型,对翼盒的装配过程进行基于装配仿真模拟的容差分配方案的设计与优化,并利用CATIA CAA二次开发工具,实现容差模型的结构化显示,同时建立了交互式三维容差模型快速创建和更新机制.  相似文献   
基于无水肼ATR发动机,开展了氨解离度对涡轮前燃气及发动机总体性能的影响研究,对不同氨解离度时无水肼ATR发动机性能进行计算对比。结果显示,随着氨解离度x升高,无水肼分解燃气温度降低,H_2、N_2在分解混合气中的质量百分比升高,燃气比热比、气体常数数值升高;在地面状态同一转速下,x越小,发动机比冲越高。在100%物理转速时,x=0.29对应的发动机比冲最高且为808 s,无水肼流量为0.999 kg/s,较x=0.8发动机比冲提高最大约7.3%,无水肼流量减小约7.33%;同一高空条件100%转速下,x越小,发动机比冲越高。在22 km/3.5Ma条件下,x=0.29较x=0.8发动机比冲提高最大约14.6%,无水肼流量减小约8.2%。在同一ATR发动机、同一转速下,氨解离度越低,涡轮等熵功越大,无水肼流量越小,发动机比冲越高。  相似文献   
提出某型直升机数字旋翼转速表的研制方案,给出以频率/数字(F/D)变换电路为核心的主要硬件原理,分析了采样误差的产生及抑制误差的措施.装机部件研制成功证实了方案的可行性.  相似文献   
The plasmaspheric electron content (PEC) was estimated by comparison of GPS TEC observations and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation measurements at the extended solar minimum of cycle 23/24. Results are retrieved for different seasons (equinoxes and solstices) of the year 2009. COSMIC-derived electron density profiles were integrated up to the height of 700 km in order to retrieve estimates of ionospheric electron content (IEC). Global maps of monthly median values of COSMIC IEC were constructed by use of spherical harmonics expansion. The comparison between two independent measurements was performed by analysis of the global distribution of electron content estimates, as well as by selection specific points corresponded to mid-latitudes of Northern America, Europe, Asia and the Southern Hemisphere. The analysis found that both kinds of observations show rather similar diurnal behavior during all seasons, certainly with GPS TEC estimates larger than corresponded COSMIC IEC values. It was shown that during daytime both GPS TEC and COSMIC IEC values were generally lower at winter than in summer solstice practically over all specific points. The estimates of PEC (h > 700 km) were obtained as a difference between GPS TEC and COSMIC IEC values. Results of comparative study revealed that for mid-latitudinal points PEC estimates varied weakly with the time of a day and reached the value of several TECU for the condition of solar minimum. Percentage contribution of PEC to GPS TEC indicated the clear dependence from the time with maximal values (more than 50–60%) during night-time and lesser values (25–45%) during day-time.  相似文献   
A new and original stereo imaging method is introduced to measure the altitude of the OH nightglow layer and provide a 3D perspective map of the altitude of the layer centroid. Near-IR photographs of the OH layer are taken at two sites separated by a 645 km distance. Each photograph is processed in order to provide a satellite view of the layer. When superposed, the two views present a common diamond-shaped area. Pairs of matched points that correspond to a physical emissive point in the common area are identified in calculating a normalized cross-correlation coefficient (NCC). This method is suitable for obtaining 3D representations in the case of low-contrast objects. An observational campaign was conducted in July 2006 in Peru. The images were taken simultaneously at Cerro Cosmos (12°09′08.2″ S, 75°33′49.3″ W, altitude 4630 m) close to Huancayo and Cerro Verde Tellolo (16°33′17.6″ S, 71°39′59.4″ W, altitude 2272 m) close to Arequipa. 3D maps of the layer surface were retrieved and compared with pseudo-relief intensity maps of the same region. The mean altitude of the emission barycenter is located at 86.3 km on July 26. Comparable relief wavy features appear in the 3D and intensity maps. It is shown that the vertical amplitude of the wave system varies as exp (Δz/2H) within the altitude range Δz = 83.5–88.0 km, H being the scale height. The oscillatory kinetic energy at the altitude of the OH layer is comprised between 3 × 10−4 and 5.4 × 10−4 J/m3, which is 2–3 times smaller than the values derived from partial radio wave at 52°N latitude.  相似文献   
以三维非结构粘性直角网格重构为构架,数值求解了固定空间网格瞬间运动边界的N-S方程,逼近了流场的非定常过程,结合六自由度的弹道方程,对单体或多体运动过程进行了全自由飞数值模拟,数值模拟结果和级间分离的风洞自由飞试验进行了对比,初步的计算结果说明,全自由飞数值模拟在一定程度上可以描述风洞试验的飞行轨迹,并且适应能力更强,整个全自由飞数值模拟系统可以为更复杂的单体机动飞行或多体运动过程提供快速实用的数值模拟方法.  相似文献   
简要介绍了A/D、D/A转换器的主要测试参数,着重讨论转换特性参数的测试方法及其在混合集成电路测试系统上的实现;同时还介绍了A/D、D/A转换器的一些其他测试方法。  相似文献   
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