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日前,经过航天科工集团红林机械厂和北京天舟上元信息技术有限公司数月的共同努力,红林机械厂PDM项目完成实施并顺利通过验收。红林机械厂隶属于中国航天科工集团,是集军、民品科研、生产于一体的军工企业,核心业务涉及产品科研、生产的项目计划、产品设计、工艺规划和产品制造等多个方面。  相似文献   
作为透平机械的关键部件,整体式叶轮广泛应用于航空航天等领域,其加工技术一直是透平制造业中的一个重要课题.从整体式叶轮的几何结构和工艺过程可以看出,加工整体式叶轮时,加工轨迹规划的约束条件比较多,相邻的叶片之间空间较小,加工时极易产生碰撞干涉,自动生成无干涉加工轨迹比较困难.因此,在加工叶轮的过程中不仅要保证叶片表面的加工轨迹,还要满足几何准确性的要求,而且由于叶片厚度的限制,要在实际加工中注意轨迹规划以保证加工的质量.  相似文献   
针对机会阵雷达方向图综合的不确定问题,提出了一种基于模糊机会约束规划的方向图综合规划模型。该模型基于可信性理论,综合考虑天线单元分布的随机性以及激励状态的不确定性,将参与方向图综合时激励打开的天线数目看做一个梯形模糊变量,用以描述综合时的复杂不确定环境。随后,将规划模型转化为清晰等价形式,再结合遗传算法和灰关联综合评价法则设计了一种混合智能优化算法,用于求解该模型。以一维任意非均匀线阵为例,对主瓣宽度和最大副瓣电平进行了优化。仿真表明:优化后结果的可信性高于置信水平,验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
Sliding mode control based guidance law with impact angle constraint   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The terminal guidance problem for an unpowered lifting reentry vehicle against a sta- tionary target is considered. In addition to attacking the target with high accuracy, the vehicle is also expected to achieve a desired impact angle. In this paper, a sliding mode control (SMC)-based guidance law is developed to satisfy the terminal angle constraint. Firstly, a specific sliding mode function is designed, and the terminal requirements can be achieved by enforcing both the sliding mode function and its derivative to zero at the end of the flight. Then, a backstepping approach is used to ensure the finite-time reaching phase of the sliding mode and the analytic expression of the control effort can be obtained. The trajectories generated by this method only depend on the initial and terminal conditions of the terminal phase and the instantaneous states of the vehicle. In order to test the performance of the proposed guidance law in practical application, numerical simulations are carried out by taking all the aerodynamic parameters into consideration. The effec- tiveness of the proposed guidance law is verified by the simulation results in various scenarios.  相似文献   
Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as relay platforms have attracted considerable attention due to the advantages of extending coverage and improving connectivity for long-range communications. Specifically, in the scenario where the access point (AP) is mobile, a UAV needs to find an efficient path to guarantee the connectivity of the relay link. Motivated by this fact, this paper proposes an optimal design for beamforming (BF) and UAV path planning. First of all, we study a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) wireless relay network, in which a UAV is used as relay between a mobile AP and a fixed base station (BS). In the network, both of the AP and the BS are equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the UAV has a single antenna. Then, we obtain the output signal~to-noise ratio (SNR) of the dual-hop relay network. Based on the criterion of maximizing the output SNR, we develop an optimal design to obtain the solution of the optimal BF weight vector and the UAV heading angle. Next, we derive the closed-form outage probability (OP) expression to investigate the performance of the dual-hop relay network conveniently. Finally, computer simulations show that the proposed approach can obtain nearly optimal flying path and OP performance, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, we find that increasing the antenna number at the BS or the maximal heading angle can significantly improve the performance of the considered relay network.  相似文献   
针对无法主动调姿和灵活漫游的传统星表着陆器不适用于未来大范围星表探测和星表基地建设等任务的问题,提出了一种可移动月球着陆器.首先,介绍了可移动月球着陆器的系统组成以及各子系统的组成;其次,介绍了可变构型式本体和缓冲/驱动集成式缓冲器的功能及实现;然后,建立了缓冲/行走一体化腿足机构的运动学模型,设计了减少调姿次数的直线...  相似文献   
近年来,我国迎来了临空经济、航空大都市等发展的高潮。一时间,航空城建设、临空经济区规划、航空大都市发展等战略与规划喷涌而来,航空经济成为地区经济转型与产业升级的焦点与寄托。然而,在促进经济发展规划的大背景下,却鲜有人意识到机场作为航空运输的重要节点,作为航空经济的重要载体,其服务体系也应该进行相应的转变。  相似文献   
敏捷卫星同轨多条带拼幅成像模式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对长宽均明显大于相机幅宽的区域目标的成像观测,文章建立了敏捷卫星同轨多条带拼幅成像工作模式。对区域目标的划分,用相机视场角随卫星姿态机动扫描将区域分割成多个条带,使得划分的条带能够完全覆盖目标区域,并保证相邻条带之间足够的重叠宽度。对区域划分后得到的条带,分析了可行的观测序列,建立了成像起始时刻优化模型,采用序列二次规划方法对该模型进行求解。  相似文献   
收入对职工具有最直接的激励作用,而这一作用的保持与增强则取决于收入分配的科学性与合理性。国有企业正值改制时期,急需建立激励机制,制定科学合理的收入分配方案。综观国内外研究现状.企业职工的收入分配在实践中的标准是多样的,行动是盲目的。因此,探讨具有坚实经济理论支持的判断企业职工收入分配科学合理与否的理论标准,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
董宝青 《卫星应用》2003,11(3):24-32
数字北京工程是北京市面向21世纪的战略工程,是“数字地球”在北京市的具体实现。北京市通过大量的调查研究,结合现阶段“数字地球”技术的最新成果及发展方向,提出了数字北京工程空间数据基础设施的总体框架,并提出了未来5年内数字北京工程的行动计划。北京市认为数字北京工程的总体框架可分为三个层次、十个组成部分;并提出了代号为“33340”的行动计划。同时,北京市对数字北京工程中的信息基础设施、软环境、关键技术、组织模式、资金投入等方面进行了规划设计,提出了一整套解决方案。  相似文献   
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