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高模碳纤维表面冷等离子体处理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高模碳纤维复合材料有较高的比强度、比模量,但纤维和基体树脂间的粘结性差,使得复合材料层间剪切强度很低,限制了复合材料优异性能的发挥。  相似文献   
数值仿真是固体火箭发动机研制的一个重要手段。美国伊利诺斯大学先进火箭仿真中心开发的多物理场仿真程序Rocstar,可对固体火箭发动机工作过程进行三维多物理场耦合仿真计算,其程序代码现已开源。Rocstar由多个物理应用求解器和一套强大的集成框架组成,集成框架能够使独立运行的应用求解器在很小的改动下即可与其直接耦合。此外,集成框架还包含一系列用于多场耦合的服务工具,包括并行I/O、精确和守恒的数据传输、网格自适应、界面演化和整体并行配置。Rocstar采用MPI实现并行仿真,可在集群平台上进行大规模的仿真计算。  相似文献   
γ-TiAl合金的显微组织对其蠕变性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了γ-TiAl合金显微组织与蠕变性能的关系,并用PST(Polysynthetically Twinned Crystal,简称PST晶体)晶体研究了片层界面相对于外力轴取向对TiAl合金蠕变性能的影响.认为影响该合金蠕变性能的主要显微组织参数是片层取向,γ体积分数,晶粒尺寸,片层宽度以及晶界形貌,并分析了它们与蠕变性能的关系.提出了如何控制以上显微组织参数,使得该合金具有最佳蠕变抗力.  相似文献   
The reasons of the static strength dispersion and the fatigue life dispersion of composite laminates are analyzed in this article. It is concluded that the inner original defects, which derived from the manufacturing process of composite laminates, are the common and major reason of causing the random distributions of the static strength and the fatigue life. And there is a correlative relation between the two distributions. With the study of statistical relationship between the fatigue loading and the fatigue life in the uniform confidence level and the same survival rate S-N curves of material, the relationship between the static strength distribution and the fatigue life distribution through a material S-N curve model has been obtained. And then the model which is used to describe the distributions of fatigue life of composites, based on their distributions of static strength, is set up. This model reasonably reflects the effects of the inner original defects on the static strength dispersion and on the fatigue life dispersion of composite laminates. The experimental data of three kinds of composite laminates are employed to verify this model, and the results show that this model can predict the random distributions of fatigue life for composites under any fatigue loads fairly well.  相似文献   
简要介绍了高速CCD相机中的电子学系统及CCD信号的处理流程。根据相机多路CCD信号同步处理的要求,设计了一个信号处理单元并行处理24路像元速率为4MHz的CCD信号。CCD信号处理主要关注在提高相机成像信噪比、暗电平箝位及多路信号一致性调整3个方面,文章针对上述问题进行了分析,提出了解决方案。最后,给出了相机系统的测试结果。  相似文献   
文章介绍了钢球连接方式火工装置中,钢球连接处的结构强度校核。通过经典的接触应力计算公式,结合钢球在火工装置上的具体使用情况,利用微变形理论,归纳出了火工装置上起连接承载作用的钢球连接方式新的强度校核判断法则。试验结果表明,该判据能够较为真实地反映火工装置上钢球连接方式的结构承载能力。  相似文献   
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