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极弱信号、大多普勒动态变化条件下的接收机抗干扰、快速捕获同步技术是低轨卫星短报文数据通信的研究难点.本文首先分析了多普勒特性对低轨卫星扩频信号快捕的影响,讨论了现有各种捕获策略的优缺点.在此基础上提出双倍采样、补零的部分匹配滤波与快速傅里叶变换相结合的二维并行快速捕获优化设计方案,并进行了性能仿真分析,最后结合面向判决的同步技术,给出接收机原理样机捕获时间的实现结果.在给定前导码条件下,优化后的二维并行捕获平均时间为10 ms,远低于常规扩频码并行捕获的秒量级捕获时间,可以较好地满足低轨卫星星座全球短报文数据突发通信及随遇接入需求.  相似文献   
通过分析空客公司由A320系列飞机改装成的公务机ACJ和波音公司由波音737系列飞机改装成的公务机BBJ的低利用率维修方案,并对比飞机正常利用率方案,依据飞机维修大纲制定政策及程序(PPH),为研究国产民用运输类喷气式飞机低利用率维修方案提供分析方法与输入。  相似文献   
针对低轨星座目标跟踪传感器资源调度,基于函数优化和组合优化理论,建立了传感器资源优化调度模型,并设计了基于遗传算法-粒子群优化(GA-PSO)的优化调度算法。仿真结果表明,与现有的构造优化调度算法相比,该算法的性能更优,但运算量有所增加。  相似文献   
梨韵 《今日民航》2011,(2):12-12
或是生不起,或是养不起,总之人们越来越不想当父母了。于是,孩子问题开始让各国政府感到头痛。匈牙利的人口出生率是欧洲最低的,平均一个女人生1.27个小孩,现在整个国家只有1000多万人口。为了鼓励女人多生小孩,政府恢复了之前因为预算吃紧而缩短的产假,实施3年产假政策。同时,匈牙利政  相似文献   
江山 《太空探索》2014,(6):16-16
4月30日,开展有效载荷搭载业务的美国太空飞行有限公司宣布已安排好其首艘“搬运工”太空拖船的发射事宜,但未透露要使用的火箭。这艘拖船将在2015年下半年发射,届时将把1200千克的用户卫星有效载荷部署到低地轨道。该公司说,“搬运工”此次首飞将被送入一条太阳同步轨道。  相似文献   
CFD Study of NO_x Emissions in a Model Commercial Aircraft Engine Combustor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Air worthiness requirements of the aircraft engine emission bring new challenges to the combustor research and design. With the motivation to design high performance and clean combustor, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is utilized as the powerful design approach. In this paper, Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations of reactive two-phase flow in an experimental low emission combustor is performed. The numerical approach uses an implicit compressible gas solver together with a Lagrangian liquid-phase tracking method and the extended coherent flamelet model for turbulence-combustion interaction. The NOx formation is modeled by the concept of post-processing, which resolves the NOx transport equation with the assumption of frozen temperature distribution. Both turbulence-combustion interaction model and NOx formation model are firstly evaluated by the comparison of experimental data published in open literature of a lean direct injection (LDI) combustor. The test rig studied in this paper is called low emission stirred swirl (LESS) combustor, which is a two-stage model combustor, fueled with liquid kerosene (RP-3) and designed by Beihang University (BUAA). The main stage of LESS combustor employs the principle of lean prevaporized and premixed (LPP) concept to reduce pollutant, and the pilot stage depends on a diffusion flame for flame stabili-zation. Detailed numerical results including species distribution, turbulence performance and burning performance are qualita-tively and quantitatively evaluated. Numerical prediction of NOx emission shows a good agreement with test data at both idle condition and full power condition of LESS combustor. Preliminary results of the flame structure are shown in this paper. The flame stabilization mechanism and NOx reduction effort are also discussed with in-depth analysis.  相似文献   
西工大低湍流度风洞实现宽范围变湍流度能力的技术途径:适当的变湍流度格栅位置;宽范围变化的变湍流度格栅结构尺寸;恰当处理好变湍流度格栅装置与风洞试验段上游气动轮廓的干扰问题。文中给出了变湍流度时对功率损失的影响及该风洞的变湍流度能力,综述了变湍流度时对部分试验结果影响的规律性。  相似文献   
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