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利用解析法和Ansys软件对基于碳纤维复合管材的电容式燃油油位测量传感器设计进行了计算和分析,给出了传感器的结构设计和中和电流法测量电路,实现了碳纤维复合材料在电容式油位测量中的应用。对传感器和测量系统的标定和稳定性、可靠性、高低温等试验,结果表明碳纤维复合管材电容式油位测量传感器在飞机燃油测量中的应用是可行的。  相似文献   
Post-weld single aging treatment(solution treatment at 510 ℃ for 1 h, water quenching,and aging at 155 ℃ for 16 h) and post-weld double aging treatment(solution treatment at 510 ℃ for 1 h, water quenching, aging at 155 ℃ for 16 h, and aging at 130 ℃ for 12 h) are carried out on Al-Cu-Li alloy joints by electron beam welding(EBW) respectively. The effects of aging treatments on microstructures and mechanical properties of welded joints are investigated. Results show that the mechanical properties of welded joints are obviously improved after both aging treatments. The strength coefficient of joints is increased from 0.64 in an as-welded condition(AW) to 0.90 after post-weld double aging treatment. Microstructure analysis shows that the precipitates of the fusion zone within grains and grain boundaries are less in the AW condition. After post-weld heat treatment(PWHT), a lot of fine needle-like phases T_1(Al_2 Cu Li) precipitate in grain boundaries of the fusion zone, and more horseshoe-shaped β' (Al_3 Zr) particles precipitate within grains. In addition,grains of the fusion zone are refined after post-weld double aging treatment, which leads to an effect of grain refinement strengthening. Consequently, the mechanical properties of welded joints are greatly improved.  相似文献   
针对未来深空探测领域载人登陆、星表物资转运和基地建设等任务需求,提出了一种缓冲/行走一体化六足着陆器,并进行了步态规划和仿真校验.首先介绍了着陆器构型和驱动/吸能集成式缓冲器功能实现;其次,建立了 UP+2UPS三自由度悬臂式腿足机构运动学模型,推导了以UP为主运动链的逆运动学,以及由UP主链旋转运动向2UPS支链伸缩...  相似文献   
针对放宽静稳定度条件下水平起降空天飞行器控制舵面尺寸设计难度大的问题,提出了一种基于代理模型的控制舵面—控制参数一体化设计方法。首先,基于鸽群算法构建了包含结构参数的空天飞行器气动特性代理模型,获得了气动特性参数随飞行条件、控制舵面尺寸及质心位置的变化关系,为控制舵面一体化设计提供输入。然后,设计了基于C*结构的空天飞行器纵向参考模型跟踪控制律,并将考虑飞行品质约束的空天飞行器控制舵面一体化设计问题转化成多约束条件下的多目标优化问题。并采用非光滑优化算法计算得到了同时满足飞行品质、舵面饱和、舵面偏转速率等约束的最小控制舵面及对应的控制参数。仿真结果表明,该方法能够在满足性能指标约束的前提下有效减小控制舵面的尺寸,具有较强的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
机载激光武器每次工作时会产生几百千瓦的废热,国外研究机构普遍采用相变储热换热器,对其进行短时存储、长时排散。基于此,针对国际先进相变储热换热器技术进行探索性研究,提出一种三通道板翅式相变储热换热器构型,通过数值模拟的方式,定量分析了换热器主要结构参数对工作性能的影响。结果表明,热流体出口温度随相变材料通道翅片高度的增加而下降,且随流体通道翅片高度和翅片节距的增加而上升。此外,换热器内部区域存在低效储热区、高效储热区和控温缓冲区3个部分,需要通过设置多流程的方式,以确保蓄热期间内热流体出口温度始终满足设计要求。  相似文献   
Deep learning has been probed for the airfoil performance prediction in recent years.Compared with the expensive CFD simulations and wind tunnel experiments, deep learning models can be leveraged to somewhat mitigate such expenses with proper means. Nevertheless, effective training of the data-driven models in deep learning severely hinges on the data in diversity and quantity. In this paper, we present a novel data augmented Generative Adversarial Network(GAN), da GAN, for rapid and accurate fl...  相似文献   
A real-time ray-based hardware emulator for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) communication channels which suits for the Three-Dimensional (3D) dynamic scenarios and considers the movements of both terminals is developed in this paper. The time-variant channel parameters, i.e., ray delay, ray gain, and ray Doppler frequency are precalculated in the host by using the Ray Tracing (RT) method. Meanwhile, RT simulation dramatically increases the number of valid rays. To address the problem of resource limitation and huge computational burden in the implementation, an efficient ray coefficients generation method based on iteration is proposed and implemented. With the advantages of low cost and high flexibility, a Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware platform is used to emulate the ray-based UAV channels by utilizing the compact architecture including the Time-Division (TD) scheme and Tapped-Delay Line (TDL) for channel convolution. Finally, hardware measurement results demonstrate that the properties of emulated channel, i.e., Power Delay Profile (PDP) and Doppler Power Spectrum Density (DPSD) consist with the simulated ones, which verifies the correctness of hardware implementation. The proposed channel emulator provides an efficient way for optimization, verification, and evaluation of UAV communication systems.  相似文献   
This paper presents the recent developments in Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control(FTCC) of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles(multi-UAVs). To facilitate the analyses of FTCC methods for multi-UAVs, the formation control strategies under fault-free flight conditions of multi-UAVs are first summarized and analyzed, including the leader-following, behavior-based, virtual structure, collision avoidance, algebraic graph-based, and close formation control methods,which are viewed as the cooperative con...  相似文献   
针对SAD算法难以对图像中纯色与弱纹理部分进行准确匹配的问题,提出了将HSV空间明度特征与SAD算法相融合的立体匹配算法,称为V-SAD算法.首先将图像从RGB空间转化至HSV空间,并根据H、S、V值将像素点按照颜色分为10类,同时得到明度特征图.然后结合SAD算法需要的灰度特征图计算匹配代价,得到初步的视差图.接着,...  相似文献   
针对五棱镜面形误差引起出射光线转向角误差,进而影响空间光电跟瞄系统多光轴标校精度的问题,提出了一种研究五棱镜面形误差对出射光线转向角影响的新方法.首先,在五棱镜不规则度较小的前提下,利用最佳拟合球面矢高适当简化了五棱镜的工作面模型,推导出了出射光线转向角计算公式,并将影响出射光线转向角误差的因素限定在了6个非独立随机变...  相似文献   
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