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为了研究部分喷嘴关闭对预旋供气系统的供气流量和供气温度及其均匀性的影响,采用稳态的固定转子相位法对180°旋转盘腔进行了数值模拟,并通过改变转子相位的稳态计算来近似模拟瞬态问题的时空变化特性。结果表明:在设计点工况(系统压比为1.32,旋转马赫数为0.678)下,喷嘴流通面积关闭14.3%时,引气总流量和供气总流量分别下降10.9%和9.9%。单个供气孔流量的波动幅度由1.1%增大为5.4%。供气的相对总温降低1 K左右,波动幅度由约0.5 K增大为1.5 K。  相似文献   
A solver is developed aiming at efficiently predicting rotor noise in hover and forward flight. In this solver, the nonlinear near-field solutions are calculated by a hybrid approach which includes the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations based on a moving-embedded grid system and adaptive grid methodology. A combination of the third-order upwind scheme and flux-difference splitting scheme, instead of the second-order center-difference scheme which may cause larger wake dissipation, has been employed in the present computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The sound pressure data in the near field can be calculated directly by solving the Navier-Stokes equations, and the sound propagation can be predicted by the Kirchhoff method. A harmonic expansion approach is presented for rotor far-field noise prediction, which gives an analytical expression for the integral function in the Kirchhoff formula. As a result, the interpolation process is simplified and the efficiency and accuracy of the interpolation are improved. Then, the high-speed impulsive (HIS) noise of a helicopter rotor at different tip Mach numbers and on different observers is calculated and analyzed in hover and forward flight, which shows a highly directional characteristic of the rotor HIS noise with a maximum value in the rotor plane, and the HSI noise weakens rapidly with the increasing of the directivity angle. In order to investigate the effects of the rotor blade-tip shape on its aeroacoustic characteristics, four kinds of blade tips are designed and their noise characteristics have been simulated. At last, a new unconventional CLOR-II blade tip has been designed, and the noise characteristics of the presented CLOR-II model rotor have been simulated and measured compared to the reference rotors with a rectangular or swept-back platform blade tip. The results demonstrate that the unconventional CLOR-II blade tip can significantly reduce the HSI noise of a rotor.  相似文献   
In outdoor environments, GPS is often used for pedestrian navigation by utilizing its signals for position computation, but in indoor or semi-obstructed environments, GPS signals are often unavailable. Therefore, pedestrian navigation for these environments should be realized by the integration of GPS and inertial navigation system (INS). However, the lowcost INS could induce errors that may result in a large position drift. The problem can be minimized by mounting the sensors on the pedestrian's foot, using zero velocity update (ZUPT) method with the standard navigation algorithm to restrict the error growth. However, heading drift still remains despite using ZUPT measurements since the heading error is unobservable. Also, tbot mounted INS suffers from the initialization ambiguity of position and heading from GPS. In this paper, a novel algorithm is developed to mitigate the heading drift problem when using ZUPT. The method uses building lay- out to aid the heading measurement in Kalman filter, and it could also be combined for the initial- ization. The algorithm has been investigated with real field trials using the low cost Microstrain 3DM-GX3-25 inertial sensor, a Leica GS10 GPS receiver and a uBlox EVK-6T GPS receiver. It could be concluded that the proposed method offers a significant improvement in position accuracy for the long period, allowing pedestrian navigation for nearly40 min with mean position error less than 2.8 m. This method also has a considerable effect on the accuracy of the initialization.  相似文献   
The reentry trajectory optimization for hypersonic vehicle(HV)is a current problem of great interest.Some complex constraints,such as waypoints for reconnaissance and no-fly zones for threat avoidance,are inevitably involved in a global strike mission.Of the many direct methods,Gauss pseudospectral method(GPM)has been demonstrated as an effective tool to solve the trajectory optimization problem with typical constraints.However,a series of diffculties arises for complex constraints,such as the uncertainty of passage time for waypoints and the inaccuracy of approximate trajectory near no-fly zones.The research herein proposes a multi-phase technique based on the GPM to generate an optimal reentry trajectory for HV satisfying waypoint and nofly zone constraints.Three kinds of specifc breaks are introduced to divide the full trajectory into multiple phases.The continuity conditions are presented to ensure a smooth connection between each pair of phases.Numerical examples for reentry trajectory optimization in free-space flight and with complex constraints are used to demonstrate the proposed technique.Simulation results show the feasible application of multi-phase technique in reentry trajectory optimization with waypoint and no-fly zone constraints.  相似文献   
The Ionospheric Laboratory of Wuhan University is interested in upgrading its instrumentation replacing the WIOBSS (Wuhan Ionospheric Oblique Backscattering Sounding System) with a more flexible and automatic ionosonde. Then the updated ionosonde WMI (Wuhan Multifunctional Ionosonde) with automatic ionogram scaling has been developed to satisfy future research. The new system not only inherited some classic techniques from WIOBSS, such as the pulse compression and the coherent integration techniques, but also made great improvements in hardware design and software updating. This paper mainly introduces evolutions of this new ionosonde in both digital transceiver and digital signal processing domain, and also presents some observations.  相似文献   
提出了交流换流器自动测试系统的解决方案,分别从硬件和软件两方面做了详细分析,并介绍了各主要参数的测试方法。系统的实际应用表明:本设计方案能够实现交流换流器主要被测参数的自动测试,可靠性和准确性能够满足交流换流器各项技术指标的要求。  相似文献   
发动机限制保护器在航空发动机运行过程中对特定的被限制量进行实时监控,在其超出安全范围时实施限制,实现对航空发动机的保护.将自抗扰技术用于限制保护控制器设计,利用自抗扰控制器的扩张观测器,动态估计未知扰动和系统特性,对实际控制量进行反馈补偿,实现超限后的快速保护,提高了发动机的安全性.仿真结果表明:所设计的自抗扰限制保护控制器能将超限偏差有效转化为对主回路指令的修正,综合控制系统响应速度快,达到了限制保护的目的.  相似文献   
利用高精度石英挠性加速度计可以测量航天器低频微振动,同时也可实现航天器在轨微角振动的间接测量。针对航天器特点,结合石英挠性加速度计工作特性,提出用高精度石英挠性加速度计测量航天器微振动的方法,给出微振动加速度、角加速度、角速度和角位移的不确定度分析,根据测量原理给出了各影响因素对测量合成不确定度的计算方法和分析结果。针对卫星敏感载荷的刚体平面测试环境,设计8个加速度计测点布局,开展了整星试验。试验数据分析表明:石英挠性加速度计可准确测量航天器的低频微振动(200 Hz以内),其直接测量和间接测量结果满足测量应用需求,线加速度测量分辨率为5μg,角位移测量分辨率为0.015″。  相似文献   
航天器火工冲击环境分析预示方法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
航天器火工冲击力学环境问题是一个宽频、瞬态和强非线性的冲击动力学问题。火工冲击响应的预示涵盖结构动力学、冲击动力学、爆炸力学、高应变率材料力学行为等多学科理论。目前,工程上尚无统一、有效的预示方法。在航天工程中,航天器及其组件冲击环境条件设计以及系统级和单机缓冲设计,都迫切需要能够准确预示航天器的火工冲击响应。文章对国内外航天器火工冲击响应机理进行综合理论分析,并在系统调研分析预示方法的基础上提出了航天器火工冲击响应预示研究的重点和难点。  相似文献   
事故树分析法具有逻辑性强、形象化的特点,将安全事故与原因用逻辑树图的方式表现出来,能够系统分析安全事故产生的原因,明确安全管理工作的重点。文章对航天器真空热试验人员窒息预想事故进行了事故树分析,分析了导致事故发生的基本事件,求取了最小割集、最小径集,并对基本事件进行了结构重要度分析,根据分析结果提出了安全预防措施的建议。  相似文献   
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