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空间环境对航天器影响的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
概括介绍了空间环境的九个主要区域,归纳了它们对航天器各系统的影响。对114例各类环境造成的航天器失效和异常进行了统计分析,在此基础上对引起航天器失效、异常较多的四类空间环境进行了具体分析。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种时间片预分割方案,并将其用于多进程实时控制系统的软件设计,其特点是程序设计简单、维护方便,尤其是提高了系统运行的可靠性。  相似文献   
展望了未来军用飞机保障和支持的特点,在此基础上阐述了快速修理对提高飞机战斗损伤容限的意义,提出了快速修理的方法,并进一步探讨了快速修理的思想和发展中的修理技术。  相似文献   
辊弯成形工艺是一种在常温下将平板金属材料通过连续转动的成形辊成形为所需截面的加工方法.本文通过有限元模型建立了一套避免重大产品质量缺陷的设计方法.通过对真实产品的仿真,在设计中考虑了两个辊弯成形主要缺陷,即边波和回弹.设计结果表明,该设计方法能够有效地控制这两大质量问题.  相似文献   
基于等效力学模型理论与计算流体力学技术,提出了一种用于估算航天器中推进剂晃动的力学影响的方法.以计算流体力学技术为依托,建立了晃动的等效力学模型并将其整合为晃动模块,以便在航天器导航控制回路的仿真分析中应用.该模块体现了航天器运动特征参数与推进剂晃动动力响应之间的映射关系,使其在用于分析晃动与控制系统之间的耦合效应时,比直接应用计算流体力学分析软件更为方便.该方法的正确性与优势通过检验算例得到了验证.通过在实例中应用,证明了该方法可方便地用于确定晃动的影响和检验数种防晃设计的有效性.  相似文献   
NiTiNb shape memory alloys have attracted much attention in pipe coupling or sealing system because of their large transformation hysteresis upon a proper pre-deformation. In order to clarify the effects of adding Nb on the mechanical properties as well as the transformation behavior of NiTiNb shape memory alloys, Ni47Ti44Nb9 and Ni49.8Ti45.2Nb5 alloys with different microstructures but with similar martensitic transformation start temperature, are prepared. Comparative studies on the microstructures, mechanical properties and transformation characteristics are conducted by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), phase transformation measurements and mechanical property tests. It is found that Ni47Ti44Nb9 and Ni49.8Ti45.2Nb5 alloys possess similar transformation hysteresis in the as-annealed state. However, the presence of Nb and its status exerts important effects on the mechanical properties, especially the yield strength and the yield behavior of the alloys. Ni49.8Ti45.2Nb5 alloy exhibits remarkable increase in the yield strength than the Ni47Ti44Nb9 alloy. The transformation hysteresis of both alloys under pre-deformation is characterized and the relative mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   
A model-free compound controller design method is proposed to achieve the wide frequency bandwidth requirement of flight simulators. The method based on quantitative feedback theory, acquires system uncertainty under different working conditions through closed-loop identification with power spectrum estimation. Then in controller designing, it makes a tradeoff between the strict requirements for magnitude-frequency characteristics and those for phase-frequency characteristics of flight simulators, by converting the indices of magnitude-frequency characteristics of flight simulators into quantitative feedback theory-based tracking specification bounds and using feedforward controller to attain the required phase-frequency characteristics. Simulation and experimental results indicate that, when used to design inner frame controller of flight simulator, the proposed method can fulfill the requirements for wide frequency bandwidth indices. Compared with other controller design methods, it has the property of model-free and transparency.  相似文献   
形神论是中国古典美学的一个重要范畴,亦是中国古代画论的重要组成部分.研究形神论从萌芽到形成之间的流变,分析其形成"形神兼备"观点的原因,对于形神论艺术观在新世纪的艺术实践中继续弘扬光大,对发展新时期的绘画艺术创新都是十分有益的.  相似文献   
通过桨叶的性质角与迎角关系的数学模型,对桨叶有利迎角进行了分析研究。当桨叶迎角和桨叶性质角变化时,桨叶极线图和桨叶总空气动力向拉力轴靠近或离开,由此找出桨叶的最有利状态。通过分析得出,桨叶迎角接近桨叶临界迎角时最有利。最后通过桨叶极线图和桨叶总空气动力方向变化的模型实验验证了此结论的正确性。  相似文献   
钛合金焊接的常见缺陷及其预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛和钛合金的突出优点是比强度高、中温性能和耐腐蚀性好。从 60年代起 ,钛合金即开始用于飞机结构 ,到 80年代 ,军用飞机的钛用量已占飞机结构重量的 2 0 %~ 2 5% ,这种趋势还将继续发展。我国制造的军用飞机也已经采用了钛合金 ,钛合金焊接可能产生的缺陷及其预防亦日益受到重视。1 钛合金焊接常见缺陷的成因钛有 2种晶格结构 :882℃以下为密排六方晶格结构 ,称为α钛 ;882℃以上为体心立方晶格结构 ,称为β钛。钛合金焊接的常见缺陷主要有 3种 :焊接接头脆化 ;焊接接头裂纹 ;焊接接头中的气孔。1 1 气体等杂质污染引起的焊接接头脆化…  相似文献   
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