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Ion dynamics in the near-Earth magnetotail region is examined during periods of fast Earthward flow with a two-dimensional (2-D) global-scale hybrid simulation. The simulation shows that shear Alfven waves are generated at x ∼ −10RE, where the strong earthward flow is arrested by the dipole field, and propagate along field lines from the equator to both southern and northern polar ionosphere. Non-gyrotropic ion velocity distributions occur where the large-amplitude Alfven waves are dominant. The simulation indicates that the Alfven waves are generated by interaction of the fast earthward flow with the stationary near-Earth plasma. Beam ions are found to be pitch-angle scattered and trapped in the wave field, leading to the non-gyrotropic ion distributions in the high-latitude plasma sheet boundary. In addition, significant particle heating and acceleration are found to occur behind the dipolarization front due to the effect of wave turbulence.  相似文献   
针对无结构对等计算系统路由机制中用户需求粒度过细,忽略需求模糊性和多元性的问题,提出了基于用户需求的路由机制.借鉴模糊理论,提出了从文件类型、文件质量、下载速度多方面综合评价节点能力的路由模型.给出了节点能力因素及节点能力的定义,采用隶属度的方式来描述节点提供资源的能力与用户需求的符合程度.分析和实验结果表明,该机制在满足用户需求和减少网络开销方面能够达到很好的均衡.   相似文献   
文章从纤维缠绕动态张力校准的应用需求出发,在分析纤维缠绕的工艺原理、确定纤维张力校准系统结构的基础上,建立了动态张力理论方程;应用ADAMS建立纤维带柔性体模型与刚性系统间的刚柔耦合面接触,实现了难度较高的柔性体高频正弦激振仿真试验,完成了国内首台纤维动态张力校准专用装置的结构设计与优化。并通过理论计算与仿真测量结果的比较验证了纤维动态张力测量模型的可靠性,确定了校准系统最优工作状态,为动态张力实测与校准提供了实验方案,为未来进一步开展缠绕张力在线校准奠定了基础。  相似文献   
对地观测卫星太阳同步轨道的快速设计方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对地观测卫星轨道具有全球目标覆盖和太阳同步两种特性,通过设计轨道周期和轨道倾角可以获得这些特性,为此,给出了一种能十分简便,快速地完成轨道初步设计的方法,为轨道精密复算和开展卫星姿态控制等分系统设计提供技术支持,此外还揭示了星载探测仪器在地面上产生的扫描带的分布排列规律,分析了轨道衰减和复升问题,最后给出一个算例。  相似文献   
Optimal guidance of extended trajectory shaping   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To control missile's miss distance as well as terminal impact angle, by involving the timeto-go-nth power in the cost function, an extended optimal guidance law against a constant maneuvering target or a stationary target is proposed using the linear quadratic optimal control theory.An extended trajectory shaping guidance(ETSG) law is then proposed under the assumption that the missile-target relative velocity is constant and the line of sight angle is small. For a lag-free ETSG system, closed-form solutions for the missile's acceleration command are derived by the method of Schwartz inequality and linear simulations are performed to verify the closed-form results. Normalized adjoint systems for miss distance and terminal impact angle error are presented independently for stationary targets and constant maneuvering targets, respectively. Detailed discussions about the terminal misses and impact angle errors induced by terminal impact angle constraint, initial heading error, seeker zero position errors and target maneuvering, are performed.  相似文献   
利用力学性能测试及热处理分析,在360℃-540℃之间对冶金锯片用钢65Mn进行了连续回火处理。结果显示:随着回火温度的升高,试样的强度及硬度连续下降。在400—420℃之间,发现了回火脆性,冲击值、断面收缩率和延伸率发生明显变化。实验结果为预防锯片工作过程中的失效提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
随着“空地一体化”和“数字化”作战理论在战争中的应用,以电视/红外制导武器为主的防区外精确打击能力,成为空军现代化水平的主要标志之一。在介绍电视/红外制导空地导弹武器系统末制导段的工作过程和图像跟踪原理的基础上,对电视/红外导引头的特点及其跟踪过程进行了深入分析,得出电视/红外导引头光电干扰的实现方法。针对现有干扰方法的缺点,提出了一种新的光电干扰方法——镜面干扰方法。  相似文献   
基于阿尔法磁谱仪(AMS-02)发射、着陆和在轨运行三种工况,用有限元方法对AMS-02热控制系统进行了静力学分析.考虑了发射和着陆极限工况下运载工具与AMS-02的载荷耦合,AMS-02热控制系统的设计载荷系数用沿AMS-02坐标系三个坐标轴方向的重力加速度和角加速度等效表示.计算得到了AMS-02热控制系统各组件的位移和应力.数值分析结果与实际测试结果进行了比对,吻合较好,验证了该静力分析方法的有效性,为最终优化设计提供了依据.  相似文献   
磨料水射流切割的技术特征和工艺特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了磨料水射流(AWJ)在难加工材料切割中切割断面、切缝和工艺参数影响等技术特征,提出从切割起点孔、直线段和曲线段的加工工艺改进来保证其切割质量。  相似文献   
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