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An adaptive detection algorithm with a sensibility parameter for rejecting unwanted signals is presented. This algorithm is a simple modification of the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) detector (or test) for detecting a signal in zero mean Gaussian noise with unknown correlation matrix. Specifically, the adaptive detection algorithm is obtained by introducing an arbitrary positive scalar, which is called the sensitivity parameter, into the GLR detector as a multiplier of an already existing quadratic term. The GLR detector then becomes a special case of this detector for the unity sensitivity parameter. It is shown that the sensitivity parameter controls the degree to which unwanted signals are rejected. From numerical examples, it is demonstrated how the sensitivity parameter can be chosen such that unwanted signals, can be rejected while maintaining acceptable detection loss for slightly mismatched signals. Further insight into previous work on adaptive detection is also given  相似文献   
The magnetic flux of tail lobes Ψ is divided in two parts of comparable values Ψ1 and Ψ02, with the first that appears during substorm and the second, observed before substorm start. The first was named “new magnetic flux”, the second – “old magnetic flux”. The first, Ψ1, is known to play a definitive role in the energy transport from the solar wind into the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system, but the role of Ψ02 in this transport is not well known. From the 27 August 2001 substorm data we study the involvement in the above transport process of the old flux Ψ02. This involvement is observed in the polar cap (PC) area, which existed prior to the substorm and is called respectively “the old PC”. In this study, as distinct from earlier works, we use the balance equation of the energy stored in magnetosphere and energy consumed. Activation of the old PC magnetic flux Ψ02 was found to increase the energy input by ∼85% in the event under consideration.  相似文献   
In order to effectively study phototropism, the directed growth in response to light, we performed a series of experiments in microgravity to better understand light response without the “complications” of a 1-g stimulus. These experiments were named TROPI (for tropisms) and were performed on the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS), a laboratory facility on the International Space Station (ISS). TROPI-1 was performed in 2006, and while it was a successful experiment, there were a number of technical difficulties. We had the opportunity to perform TROPI-2 in 2010 and were able to optimize experimental conditions as well as to extend the studies of phototropism to fractional gravity created by the EMCS centrifuge. This paper focuses on how the technical improvements in TROPI-2 allowed for a better experiment with increased scientific return. Major modifications in TROPI-2 compared to TROPI-1 included the use of spaceflight hardware that was off-gassed for a longer period and reduced seed storage (less than 2 months) in hardware. These changes resulted in increased seed germination and more vigorous growth of seedlings. While phototropism in response to red illumination was observed in hypocotyls of seedlings grown in microgravity during TROPI-1, there was a greater magnitude of red-light-based phototropic curvature in TROPI-2. Direct downlinking of digital images from the ISS in TROPI-2, rather than the use of analog tapes in TROPI-1, resulted in better quality images and simplified data analyses. In TROPI-2, improved cryo-procedures and the use of the GLACIER freezer during transport of samples back to Earth maintained the low temperature necessary to obtain good-quality RNA required for use in gene profiling studies.  相似文献   
ULF/ELF electric field perturbations in the ionosphere have been widely observed by the satellites. In this paper, we develop a method of Logarithm Electric Field Intensity (LEFI) to automatically distinguish this kind of disturbances based on the spectrum intensity and its damping exponent with frequency in electromagnetic signals. This method is applied to DEMETER data processing around Chile earthquakes with magnitude larger than 6.0. It is found that 2/3 earthquakes have shown obvious ULF/ELF electric field perturbations in this region. The temporal and spatial distributions of electron density and temperature were compared with that of electric field, which proved the existence of irregularities above epicentral area. Finally, the coupling mechanism of earthquake-ionosphere is discussed based on multi-parameter analysis.  相似文献   
In March of 2009, the ORGANIC experiment integrated into the European multi-user facility EXPOSE-R, containing experiments dedicated to Astrobiology, was mounted through Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) externally on the International Space Station (ISS). The experiment exposed organic samples of astronomical interest for a duration of 97 weeks (∼22 months) to the space environment. The samples that were returned to Earth in spring 2011, received a total UV radiation dose during their exposure including direct solar irradiation of >2500 h, exceeding the limits of laboratory simulations. We report flight sample preparation and pre-flight ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) characterization of the ORGANIC samples, which include 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and three fullerenes. The corresponding time-dependent ground control monitoring experiments for ORGANIC measured over ∼19 months are presented and the results anticipated upon return of the samples are discussed. We present the first UV–Vis spectrum of solid circobiphenyl (C38H16). Further, we present the first published UV–Vis spectra of diphenanthro[9,10-b′,10′-d]thiophene (C28H16S), dinaphtho[8,1,2-abc,2′,1′,8′-klm]coronene (C36H16), tetrabenzo[de,no,st,c′d′]heptacene (C42H22), and dibenzo[jk,a′b′]octacene (C40H22) in solid phase and in solution. The results of the ORGANIC experiment are expected to enhance our knowledge of the evolution and degradation of large carbon-containing molecules in space environments.  相似文献   
The application of the method of absorbing fine-structure spectroscopy to determine the composition of ingredient emissions of products of combustion of the turbojet engine. Applied for research of ingredient composition of complex spectrophotometric instrumentation provides a measurement of the concentration of the various ingredients in the products of combustion to limit sensitivity of 1–10 ppm. The technology of measurement and processing of the data of spectrometric measurements are discussed. The results of measurements of the ingredient composition released into the atmosphere of the combustion products of the turbojet engine are analysed.  相似文献   
Space flight experiments on Chinese silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) were conducted on board the Russian 10th Biosatellite for 12 days. The samples included silkworm eggs, larvae, cocoons, pupae and moths. The processes of spinning, cocooning, mating, oviposition, larval hatching, pupation and moth emergence all completed well in space. The following effects of space flight on silkworm development were observed: The times of hatching and oviposition in the flight group were 2 to 3 days earlier than in the control group; the hatching rate of diapause eggs during space flight seemed higher than that of the control group; the life span of 2 of the 7 varieties flown was shortened; genetical variations appeared in 3 varieties. The results showed that the embryonic stage was probably the period most sensitive to the space flight environment.  相似文献   
A single channel cosmic ray muon detector was constructed and installed in Riyadh, central Saudi Arabia, for studying the variations in the cosmic ray (CR) muon flux. The detector has been in operation since July 2002. The recorded data correspond to muons that primarily have energies between 10 and 20 GeV. The detector will be used to continuously measure the intensity of the muon components of the cosmic rays, exploring its variations and possible correlations with environment parameters. The technical aspects of this detector will be presented. Some results obtained by the detector so far will be given. These include the modulation of the CR flux on different time scales (diurnal, 27-day, and long-term variations). Additionally, the effect of a severe dust storm on the muon count rate was investigated.  相似文献   
We study the short-term topological changes of equatorial and polar coronal hole (CH) boundaries, such as a variation of their area and disintegration, associated to reconnection with nearby (within 15° distance) quiescent prominence magnetic fields leading to eruptions and subsequent Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The examples presented here correspond to the recent solar minimum years 2008 and 2009. We consider a temporal window of one day between the CH topological changes and the start and end times of prominence eruptions and onset of CMEs. To establish this association we took into account observational conditions related to the instability of prominence/filaments, the occurrence of a CME, as well as the subsequent evolution after the CME. We found an association between short-term local topological changes in CH boundaries and the formation/disappearance of bright points near them, as well as, between short-term topological changes within the whole CH and eruptions of nearby quiescent prominences followed by the appearance of one or more CMEs.  相似文献   
Satellite gravity gradiometry has been applied in GOCE mission to obtain higher harmonics of the Earth’s gravity mapping. In-orbit results showed that the precision of GOCE gradiometry achieved a level of 10–20 mE/Hz1/2 in the bandwidth of 38–100 mHz, and the major error source came from the intrinsic noise of the core sensor electrostatic accelerometer. Two schemes for improving sensitivity of such accelerometer are presented by optimizing the parameters to reduce the dynamic range and choosing the heavier proof mass to suppress the thermal noise limited by the discharging gold wire. As a result, an accelerometer with a better resolution of 6.6×6.6×10−13 m/s2/Hz1/2 could be developed, and then a precision of 3 mE/Hz1/2, corresponding to a spatial resolution of about 78 km half wavelength, is achievable for the future satellite gradiometric mission.  相似文献   
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