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High time resolution data obtained by VDP and FM-31 instruments onboard INTERBALL-1 spacecraft were used to study the small-scale correlation between solar wind ion flux and magnetic field magnitude in the Earth's foreshock. Correlated quasi-harmonic structures were found simultaneously in ion flux and magnetic field data. Statistical analysis of these structures was done and a summary of obtained results is presented. Multipoint observations by INTERBALL-1 and MAGION-4 were used to estimate spatial correlation of small quasi-harmonic structures.  相似文献   
Multi-spacecraft tracing of the high latitude magnetopause (MP) and boundary layers and Interball-1 statistics indicate that:
1. (a) The turbulent boundary layer (TBL) is a persistent feature in the region of the cusp and ‘sash’, a noticeable part of the disturbances weakly depends on the interplanetary magnetic field By component; TBL is a major site for magnetosheath (MSH) plasma penetration inside the magnetosphere through percolation and local reconnection.
2. (b) The TBL disturbances are mainly inherent with the characteristic kinked double-slope spectra and, most probably, 3-wave cascading. The bi-spectral phase coupling indicates self-organization of the TBL as the entire region with features of the non-equilibrium multi-scale and multi-phase system in the near-critical state.
3. (c) We've found the different outer cusp topologies in summer/winter periods: the summer cusp throat is open for the decelerated MSH flows, the winter one is closed by the distant MP with a large-scale (several Re) diamagnetic ‘plasma ball’ inside the MP; the ‘ball’ is filled from MSH through patchy merging rather than large-scale reconnection.
4. (d) A mechanism for the energy release and mass inflow is the local TBL reconnection, which operates at the larger scales for the average anti-parallel fields and at the smaller scales for the nonlinear fluctuating fields; the latter is operative throughout the TBL. The remote from TBL anti-parallel reconnection seems to happen independently.


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Support means of the Spektr-R spacecraft flight and features of the Mission Control Center operation and spacecraft control are considered. Software for scheduling and preparing sessions of controlling and simulating for the spacecraft operation are considered. The problems of ballistic navigation support of the spacecraft flight are presented. Ground spacecraft control segment and software for analyzing and imaging telemetric information are considered.  相似文献   
A NanoSIMS ion microprobe was used to map the submicron-scale distributions of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, silicon, and oxygen in organic microfossils and laminae in a thin section of the approximately 0.85 billion year old Bitter Springs Formation of Australia. The data provide clues about the original chemistry of the microfossils, the silicification process, and the biosignatures of specific microorganisms and microbial communities. Chemical maps of fossil unicells and filaments revealed distinct wall- and sheath-like structures enriched in C, N, and S, consistent with their accepted biological origin. Surprisingly, organic laminae, previously considered to be amorphous, also exhibited filamentous and apparently compressed spheroidal structures defined by strong enrichments in C, N, and S. By analogy to NanoSIMS data from the well-preserved microfossils, these structures were interpreted as being of biological origin, most likely representing densely packed remnants of microbial mats. Given that the preponderance of organic matter in Precambrian sediments is similarly "amorphous," our findings indicate that a re-evaluation of ancient specimens via in situ structural, chemical, and isotopic study is warranted. Our analyses have led us to propose new criteria for assessing the biogenicity of problematic kerogenous materials, and, thus, these criteria can be applied to assessments of poorly preserved or fragmentary organic residues in early Archean sediments and any that might occur in meteorites or other extraterrestrial samples.  相似文献   
The scientific objectives of neutron mapping of the Moon are presented as 3 investigation tasks of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. Two tasks focus on mapping hydrogen content over the entire Moon and on testing the presence of water-ice deposits at the bottom of permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles. The third task corresponds to the determination of neutron contribution to the total radiation dose at an altitude of 50 km above the Moon. We show that the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) will be capable of carrying out all 3 investigations. The design concept of LEND is presented together with results of numerical simulations of the instrument's sensitivity for hydrogen detection. The sensitivity of LEND is shown to be characterized by a hydrogen detection limit of about 100 ppm for a polar reference area with a radius of 5 km. If the presence of ice deposits in polar "cold traps" is confirmed, a unique record of many millions of years of lunar history would be obtained, by which the history of lunar impacts could be discerned from the layers of water ice and dust. Future applications of a LEND-type instrument for Mars orbital observations are also discussed.  相似文献   
Design of the plasma spectrometer BMSW (Fast Monitor of the Solar Wind, possessing high temporal resolution) is described in the paper, as well as its characteristics and modes of operation. Some examples of measurements of various properties of the solar wind, made with this instrument installed onboard the high-apogee satellite Spektr-R, are presented.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of studying the helium component of the solar-wind ion-flux measurement by the BMSW instrument on the Spektr-R satellite with a time resolution of 3 s. In contrast to most previous works that presented values averaged over large (hourly average or daily average) intervals, we have shown that the relative helium-ion abundance in the solar wind experiences considerable (by a few percent and even 10%) variations on such short intervals as 10 seconds or even several seconds.  相似文献   
We describe the development of the limb flare of 30 April 1980, 20:20 UT, as observed by the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). It consisted of a short-lived bright nucleus (FWHM < 10,000 km), just inside the Sun's limb; a longer lasting tongue, extending to a height of 30,000 km, and a more complicated feature, approximately situated at the Sun's limb. The tongue was a pre-existing magnetic structure that started emitting X-rays only a few seconds after the bright nucleus, and which had a slightly higher temperature than the nucleus; its X-ray emission may be caused by electrons escaped from the nucleus.  相似文献   
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