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基于DSI插值的三角网格质量优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三角网格的单元顶点进行几何位置调整,提高了网格的质量,实现了网格的质量优化.几何位置调整是使用离散点光滑插值(DSI,Discrete Smooth Interpolation)实现的,针对在计算时影响质量优化的邻接边界的单元顶点,采用了在边界处补偿三角形的方法,消除了单元收缩,提高了网格的质量.与加权拉普拉斯算法进行了比较和分析,优于拉普拉斯算法;为了使三角网格在位置调整时保持原始网格的几何细节特征,在插值算法中施加了控制点约束.最后使用算例对算法进行了验证.   相似文献   
驱动轮结构参数对月球车牵引性能影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究在月球表面环境下月球车的牵引通过性能,对保证其正常探测工作具有重要意义.根据牵引性能的评价指标,在模拟月壤-车轮土槽测试系统上对不同结构参数的驱动轮牵引性能进行对比试验.结果表明,当增大驱动轮宽度和直径时,其挂钩牵引力和效率系数都呈增大趋势;增大驱动轮的轮刺高度,挂钩牵引力增大;当滑转率小于20%时,效率系数随着轮刺高度的增大而增大,而当滑转率大于20%时,效率系数随着轮刺高度的增大而减小;增大驱动轮轮刺密度时,其挂钩牵引力和效率系数随之先增大后减小.   相似文献   
利用MCNP程序对450kV X光机建立模型,计算各参考辐射质下的原级谱、平均光子能量。对ISO4037-1中已有范围的管电压与附加过滤片厚度关系曲线进行二次拟合,确定模拟厚度范围。利用MCNP计算各附加过滤组合下的平均光子能量值,并与外推法得出的平均光子能量值进行对比,将相对偏差最小时的附加过滤作为最终确定值。从部分能量点的模拟与测量结果的对比可看出,模拟得出的平均光子能量在2%以内与PTB及中国计量院测量结果保持一致,附加过滤最大相对偏差为18%。  相似文献   
为了弥补中高层大气风场探测数据的不足,对2007年COSMIC全球掩星在20~60km高度内的温度数据进行网格化插值,利用梯度风计算方法,计算得到20~60km高度内的月平均纬向风场,分别与ECMWF再分析数据和HWM07模式进行对比分析.结果表明,利用COSMIC温度数据计算得出的纬向风与ECMWF的纬向风十分接近,而与HWM07结果有一定差异,但总体变化趋势一致.与ECMWF再分析数据相比,利用COSMIC温度数据计算的月平均纬向风场平均偏差为-1.50~-0.08m·-1,标准差为1.50~11.95m·-1.与HWM07模式风场相比,利用COSMIC温度计算的月平均纬向风场平均偏差为-0.83~1.21m·-1,标准差为3.69~11.14m·-1.  相似文献   
基于小波包分解和FCM聚类的纹理图像分割方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种新的图像特征提取中选取最优小波分解树的方法.塔式小波分解对信号解不够全面,而小波包全分解又引入庞大的计算量,因此小波分解最优树的选取尤为重要.结合模糊c均值(FCM,Fuzzy C-Mean)聚类,提出了一种能同时进行小波自适应分解和纹理特征分类的纹理图像分割方法,该方法将无监督聚类中的聚类有效性参数引入到自适应小波分解的判决中,能根据无监督聚类分割的需要,自适应地选取小波包分解的树形结构和分解层数.相对于小波包全分解,节省了大量的运算,并能取得良好的分割效果.   相似文献   
空间小推力轨道最优Bang-Bang控制的两类延拓解法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了空间小推力轨道优化问题中的最优Bang-Bang控制问题,对两类延拓解法给出了描述:第一类解法首先求解能量最优解,然后采用能量–燃耗同伦得到最优Bang-Bang控制;第二类解法引入推力开关切换准则,以双脉冲解作为初解,通过参数延拓得到最优Bang-Bang控制。对两类延拓解法进行了比较,指出了各自的优势与特点。对延拓方法应用于求解更加复杂的小推力轨道设计问题进行了展望,提出了包含初解、延拓与拼接三要素的人工智能轨道优化概念。  相似文献   
Given the fact that the back of the digital lunar model is invisible from any viewpoint, a view-dependent progressive transmission and rendering method for lunar model is proposed and a client-server browsing system is implemented. On the server side, the semi-regular lunar surface is partitioned into dozens of segments, and each segment is compressed independently using bicubic subdivision-surface wavelet and SPIHT. For any viewpoint, only the data of the visible segments are transmitted to the client side progressively, then decoded and locally reconstructed there. This approach not only improves the efficiency of transmission, but also reduces the reconstruction time greatly. We can browse the lunar model on the client almost in realtime.  相似文献   
To achieve hovering, a spacecraft thrusts continuously to induce an equilibrium state at a desired position. Due to the constraints on the quantity of propellant onboard, long-time hovering around low-Earth orbits (LEO) is hardly achievable using traditional chemical propulsion. The Lorentz force, acting on an electrostatically charged spacecraft as it moves through a planetary magnetic field, provides a new propellantless method for orbital maneuvers. This paper investigates the feasibility of using the induced Lorentz force as an auxiliary means of propulsion for spacecraft hovering. Assuming that the Earth’s magnetic field is a dipole that rotates with the Earth, a dynamical model that characterizes the relative motion of Lorentz spacecraft is derived to analyze the required open-loop control acceleration for hovering. Based on this dynamical model, we first present the hovering configurations that could achieve propellantless hovering and the corresponding required specific charge of a Lorentz spacecraft. For other configurations, optimal open-loop control laws that minimize the control energy consumption are designed. Likewise, the optimal trajectories of required specific charge and control acceleration are both presented. The effect of orbital inclination on the expenditure of control energy is also analyzed. Further, we also develop a closed-loop control approach for propellantless hovering. Numerical results prove the validity of proposed control methods for hovering and show that hovering around low-Earth orbits would be achievable if the required specific charge of a Lorentz spacecraft becomes feasible in the future. Typically, hovering radially several kilometers above a target in LEO requires specific charges on the order of 0.1 C/kg.  相似文献   
We investigate the intra-annual variations of globally averaged thermospheric density at 400 km altitude from 1996 to 2006 by using Artificial Neural Network Method (ANNM). The results indicate that thermospheric density is governed by solar activity, and the absolute error of our model is 13.67%, less than NRLMSISE-00 model. Fourier representation can catch the intra-annual variations more accurately than NRLMSISE-00 model and JB2008 model especially during 2002. We find that the Autumn maximum is slightly greater than Spring maximum during solar minimum, while the reverse is correct during solar maximum. There is a strong linear relation between solar activity and the amplitude of annual/semiannual variations, and the correlation coefficients are 0.9534 and 0.9424, respectively. Moreover, the amplitude ratio of the annual to semiannual variation is about 1.3 averaged, and changes in different years, but it has little relation with solar activity. Besides that, the amplitude of annual variation is larger than semiannual variation during 1996 and 2006 except 1998 and 2000. The relative error of NRLMSISE-00 model is 14.95%, decreasing to 12.49% after revising, and the correlation coefficients between this empirical model and its improved results and the observation are 0.8185 and 0.9210, respectively. Finally, we suggest the revised version of MSIS series of model should use the Fourier representation to express the intra-annual variations.  相似文献   
In order to establish a continuous GEO satellite orbit during repositioning maneuvers, a suitable maneuver force model has been established associated with an optimal orbit determination method and strategy. A continuous increasing acceleration is established by constructing a constant force that is equivalent to the pulse force, with the mass of the satellite decreasing throughout maneuver. This acceleration can be added to other accelerations, such as solar radiation, to obtain the continuous acceleration of the satellite. The orbit determination method and strategy are illuminated, with subsequent assessment of the orbit being determined and predicted accordingly. The orbit of the GEO satellite during repositioning maneuver can be determined and predicted by using C-Band pseudo-range observations of the BeiDou GEO satellite with COSPAR ID 2010-001A in 2011 and 2012. The results indicate that observations before maneuver do affect orbit determination and prediction, and should therefore be selected appropriately. A more precise orbit and prediction can be obtained compared to common short arc methods when observations starting 1 day prior the maneuver and 2 h after the maneuver are adopted in POD (Precise Orbit Determination). The achieved URE (User Range Error) under non-consideration of satellite clock errors is better than 2 m within the first 2 h after maneuver, and less than 3 m for further 2 h of orbit prediction.  相似文献   
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