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We present a joint analysis of longitude-temporal variations of ionospheric and geomagnetic parameters at middle and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere during the two severe magnetic storms in March and June 2015 by using data from the chains of magnetometers, ionosondes and GPS/GLONASS receivers. We identify the fixed longitudinal zones where the variability of the magnetic field is consistently high or low under quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. The revealed longitudinal structure of the geomagnetic field variability in quiet geomagnetic conditions is caused by the discrepancy of the geographic and magnetic poles and by the spatial anomalies of different scales in the main magnetic field of the Earth. Variations of ionospheric parameters are shown to exhibit a pronounced longitudinal inhomogeneity with changing geomagnetic conditions. This inhomogeneity is associated with the longitudinal features of background and disturbed structure of the geomagnetic field. During the recovery phase of a storm, important role in dynamics of the mid-latitude ionosphere may belong to wave-like thermospheric disturbances of molecular gas, propagating westward for several days. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the time interval for studying the ionospheric effects of strong magnetic storms by a few days after the end of the magnetospheric source influence, while the disturbed regions in the thermosphere continues moving westward and causes the electron density decrease along the trajectories of propagation.  相似文献   
The operational Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRFs) realized through the evaluation of broadcast ephemerides for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 have been compared to IGS14, the TRF realized by the International GNSS Service (IGS). The TRFs realized by the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 broadcast ephemerides are the orbital realizations of WGS 84 (G1762′), PZ90.11, GTRF19v01, and BDCS respectively. These TRFs are compared using up to 56 days of data (21 July-14 Sept 2019) at a 5 or 15-min rate. The operational TRFs are compared to IGS14 in a 7-parameter similarity (Helmert) transformation. Numerical results show that the operational GNSS TRFs differ from IGS14 at a level no greater than 4 cm for Galileo, 6 cm for GPS and BeiDou-3, 13 cm for GLONASS, and 48 cm for a limited set of BeiDou-2 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) vehicles.  相似文献   
Our goal is to optimize conditions for maximum yield and quality of wheat to be used in a controlled-environment, life-support system (CELSS) in a Lunar or Martian base or perhaps in a space craft. With yields of 23 to 57 g m-2 d-1 of edible biomass, a minimum size for a CELSS would be between 12 and 30 m2 per person, utilizing about 600 W m-2 of electrical energy for artificial light. Temperature, irradiance, photoperiod, carbon-dioxide levels, humidity, and wind velocity are controlled in state-of-the-art growth chambers. Nutrient solutions (adjusted for wheat) are supplied to the roots via a recirculating system that controls pH by adding HNO3 and controlling the NO3/NH4 ratio in solution. A rock-wool plant support allows direct seeding and densities up to 10,000 plants per meter2. Densities up to 2000 plants m-2 appear to increase seed yield. Biomass production increases almost linearly with increasing irradiance from 400 to 1700 micromoles m-2 s-1 of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), but the efficiency of light utilization decreases over this range. Photoperiod and temperature both have a profound influence on floral initiation, spikelet formation, stem elongation, and fertilization. High temperatures (25 to 27 degrees C) and long days shorten the life cycle and promote rapid growth, but cooler temperatures (20 degrees C) and shorter days greatly increase seed number per head and thus yield (g m-2). The life cycle is lengthened in these conditions but yield per day (g m-2 d-1) is still increased. We have evaluated about 600 cultivars from around the world and have developed several breeding lines for our controlled conditions. Some of our ultra-dwarf lines (30 to 50 cm tall) look especially promising with high yields and high harvest indices (percent edible biomass).  相似文献   
Reaction among hydrogen cyanide (HCN), formaldehyde (H2CO) and ammonia (NH3) are generally considered an important reaction in amino acid synthesis by electric discharge. Precursors of glycine and aspartic acid were, however, synthesized by adding water to metastable complex compounds produced by quenching a CO-N2 high-temperature plasma. In order to investigate effects of water remaining in an experimental vacuum chamber, optical emission spectroscopic and mass spectrometric measurements were conducted with CO-N2 and CO-N2-H2 gas mixtures. Although residual hydrogen atoms were detected in the CO-N2 experiment, the amount of them was much less than that in the CO-N2-H2 experiment.  相似文献   
An intercept mission with nuclear explosives is the most effective of the practical mitigation options against the impact threat of near-Earth objects (NEOs) with a short warning time (e.g., much less than 10 years). The existing penetrated subsurface nuclear explosion technology limits the intercept velocity to less than approximately 300 m/s. Consequently, an innovative concept of blending a hypervelocity kinetic impactor with a subsurface nuclear explosion has been developed for optimal penetration, fragmentation, and dispersion of the target NEO. A proposed hypervelocity asteroid intercept vehicle (HAIV) consists of a kinetic-impact leader spacecraft and a follower spacecraft carrying nuclear explosives. This paper describes the conceptual development and design of a baseline HAIV system and its flight validation mission architecture for three mission cost classifications (e.g., $500 M, $1 B, and $1.5 B).  相似文献   
The adsorptive and/or catalytic properties of clays, silicates in general, and other minerals are well known. More recently, their probable role in prebiotic syntheses of bio-organic compounds has become a matter of record. We demonstrate that, in addition to their role in de novo formation of important biomolecules, clays, micas, fibrous silicates and other minerals mimick the activities of contemporary enzymes including oxidases, esterases, phosphatases and glucosidases. The existence of such capabilities in substances likely to be represented on the surfaces of Earth-like planets may offer a challenge to the technology and design of remote life detection systems which must then distinguish between bona fide biological chemistry and mineral-base pseudometabolism. It also raises questions about the importance of mineral surfaces in post-mortem transformations of organic metabolites in our own biosphere.  相似文献   
Aspects of experiments on radiation-induced lenticular opacification during the life spans of two animal models, the New Zealand white rabbit and the rhesus monkey, are compared and contrasted with published results from a life span study of another animal model, the beagle dog, and the most recent data from the ongoing study of the survivors from radiation exposure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An important connection among the three animal studies is that all the measurements of cataract indices were made by one of the authors (A.C.L.), so variation form personal subjectivity was reduced to a minimum. The primary objective of the rabbit experiments (radiations involved: 56Fe, 40Ar and 20Ne ions and 60Co gamma photons) is an evaluation of hazards to astronauts from galactic particulate radiations. An analogous evaluation of hazards from solar flares during space flight is being made with monkeys exposed to 32, 55, 138 and 400 MeV protons. Conclusions are drawn about the proper use of animal models to simulate radiation responses in man and the levels of radiation-induced lenticular opacification that pose risks to man in space.  相似文献   
Perturbation theory is applied to the Vinti problem—motion about an oblate spheroid—to include the gravitational effects of the sun and moon. The problem is formulated using the extended phase space method which introduces a new independent variable similar to the true anomaly. The disturbing Hamiltonian H1 for third bodies is of order J22 (second order) and the final goal is a theory including second order short and long period terms and third order secular terms. The current paper however carries the development only to the second order in the secular terms and the first order in the periodic terms. Problems of including the higher orders are discussed. Therefore, in the development of H1 all terms of order 10?9 or larger are retained. The lunar emphemeris retains terms to e2 in the lunar eccentricity. The perturbation analysis is carried out by means of Lie series and is developed through the first order only which is consistent with the final accuracy desired. The generating function W1 is obtained and separated into the long period, short period and secular terms. From W1 the coordinates are defined from the Lie series by means of a transformation equation. These coordinates are non-singular for small eccentricity and inclination. Because of the complexity of the equations all algebraic computations were accomplished by means of a computerized Poisson series manipulator developed at the Naval Research Laboratory.  相似文献   
Data obtained by the Ulysses magnetometer and solar wind analyzer have been combined to study the properties of magnetic holes in the solar wind between 1 and 5.4 AU and to 23° south latitude. Although the plasma surrounding the holes was generally stable against the mirror instability, there are indications that the holes may have been remnants of mirror mode structures created upstream of the points of observation. Those indications include: (1) For the few holes for which proton or alpha-particle pressure could be measured inside the hole, the ion thermal pressure was always greater than in the plasma adjacent to the holes. (2) The plasma surrounding many of the holes was marginally stable for the mirror mode, while the plasma environment of all the holes was significantly closer to mirror instability than was the average solar wind. (3) The plasma containing trains of closely spaced holes was closer to mirror instability than was the plasma containing isolated holes. (4) The near-hole plasma had much higher ion (ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure) than did the average solar wind.  相似文献   
Measurements of the shape of the ultraviolet spectrum from B stars are compared with the theoretical spectra predicted from a homogeneous series of eight model atmospheres which are known to be close to a state of radiative equilibrium and to give a good representation of the ordinarily observed spectral region. The broad-band photometer measurements of Byram, Chubb, and Friedman in the region 1314 indicate that the stars become brighter in the ultraviolet as their temperature increases. The theoretical spectra reproduce this trend. However, the theoretical spectra are about three times as bright at 1314 relative to their brightness at 5560 as is observed.The spectral observations at 50Å resolution of Stecher and Milligan of six absorption-line stars are compared in detail with theoretical spectra. The observed shape of the spectrum is reproduced well by the models from 2600 to longer wavelengths. At wavelengths shorter than 2600 Å, the observed fluxes from B stars are less than the predicted fluxes. At 2000 the deficiency is between a factor two and a factor four. The spectrum of Canis Majoris is observed to have a different shape from that found for four other early-type stars. In the case of Canis Majoris the deficiency at 2000 is about a factor 13.The proper manner in which to compare theory and observation is discussed and some astrophysical terminology is explained. Theoretical fluxes, , are given in Table 1 for eight early B type model atmospheres at wavelengths between the Lyman limit and 6251. These fluxes have been computed without consideration of the opacity due to line blanketing. It is shown that line blanketing can probably account for the differences noted between predicted and observed ultra-violet spectra of B stars. It is not necessary at present to invoke unusual sources of opacity in the stellar atmosphere or in the space between the star and the earth in order to explain the observations. Spectra of B stars in the 2000 region at sufficient resolution to show the line spectrum would clarify the problem.  相似文献   
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