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The Magnetic Field of Mercury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetic field strength of Mercury at the planet’s surface is approximately 1% that of Earth’s surface field. This comparatively low field strength presents a number of challenges, both theoretically to understand how it is generated and observationally to distinguish the internal field from that due to the solar wind interaction. Conversely, the small field also means that Mercury offers an important opportunity to advance our understanding both of planetary magnetic field generation and magnetosphere-solar wind interactions. The observations from the Mariner 10 magnetometer in 1974 and 1975, and the MESSENGER Magnetometer and plasma instruments during the probe’s first two flybys of Mercury on 14 January and 6 October 2008, provide the basis for our current knowledge of the internal field. The external field arising from the interaction of the magnetosphere with the solar wind is more prominent near Mercury than for any other magnetized planet in the Solar System, and particular attention is therefore paid to indications in the observations of deficiencies in our understanding of the external field. The second MESSENGER flyby occurred over the opposite hemisphere from the other flybys, and these newest data constrain the tilt of the planetary moment from the planet’s spin axis to be less than 5°. Considered as a dipole field, the moment is in the range 240 to 270 nT-R M 3 , where R M is Mercury’s radius. Multipole solutions for the planetary field yield a smaller dipole term, 180 to 220 nT-R M 3 , and higher-order terms that together yield an equatorial surface field from 250 to 290 nT. From the spatial distribution of the fit residuals, the equatorial data are seen to reflect a weaker northward field and a strongly radial field, neither of which can be explained by a centered-dipole matched to the field measured near the pole by Mariner 10. This disparity is a major factor controlling the higher-order terms in the multipole solutions. The residuals are not largest close to the planet, and when considered in magnetospheric coordinates the residuals indicate the presence of a cross-tail current extending to within 0.5R M altitude on the nightside. A near-tail current with a density of 0.1 μA/m2 could account for the low field intensities recorded near the equator. In addition, the MESSENGER flybys include the first plasma observations from Mercury and demonstrate that solar wind plasma is present at low altitudes, below 500 km. Although we can be confident in the dipole-only moment estimates, the data in hand remain subject to ambiguities for distinguishing internal from external contributions. The anticipated observations from orbit at Mercury, first from MESSENGER beginning in March 2011 and later from the dual-spacecraft BepiColombo mission, will be essential to elucidate the higher-order structure in the magnetic field of Mercury that will reveal the telltale signatures of the physics responsible for its generation.  相似文献   
Direct measurements of the geomagnetic field have been made for more than 400 years, beginning with individual determinations of the angle between geographic and magnetic North. This was followed by the start of continuous time series of full vector measurements at geomagnetic observatories and the beginning of geomagnetic repeat stations surveys in the 19th century. In the second half of the 20th century, true global coverage with geomagnetic field measurements was accomplished by magnetometer payloads on low-Earth-orbiting satellites. This article describes the procedures and instruments for magnetic field measurements on ground and in space and covers geomagnetic observatories, repeat stations, automatic observatories, satellites and historic observations. Special emphasis is laid on the global network of geomagnetic observatories.  相似文献   
Optimal speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Speckle is a major cause of degradation in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. With the availability of fully polarimetric SAR data, it is possible to use the three complex elements (HH, HV, VV) of the polarimetric scattering matrix to reduce speckle. The optimal method for combining the elements of the scattering matrix to minimize image speckle is derived, and the solution is shown to be a polarimetric whitening filter (PWF). A simulation of spatially correlated, K-distributed, fully polarimetric clutter is then used to compare the PWF with other, suboptimal speckle-reduction methods. Target detection performance of the PWF, span, and single-channel |HH|2 detectors is compared with that of the optimal polarimetric detector (OPD). A novel, constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) detector (the adaptive PWF) is as a simple alternative to the OPD for detecting targets in clutter. This algorithm estimates the polarization covariance of the clutter, uses the covariance to construct the minimum-speckle image, and then tests for the presence of a target. An exact theoretical analysis of the adaptive PWF is presented; the algorithm is shown to have detection performance comparable with that of the OPD  相似文献   
An optical design study for a next generation infrared space telescope has been performed. The concept is that of a passively cooled telescope of minium aperture 2.5 metre with an F/1.2 primary and wavelength coverage from = 2 to at least 40 m, and possibly to 100 m. Compactness, low thermal emission from the optics and structure, diffraction limited imaging at = 2 m, and sensitivity to misalignment aberrations and manufacturing errors were the main considerations for this study. Ray tracing results are presented showing the characteristics of the various designs considered. A preliminary investigation of stray light properties is also given. Special emphasis has been placed on the testing of such a fast primary, and optical systems using a lateral shearing interferometer are described for testing both the primary and the primary/secondary combination.  相似文献   
The Galileo Probe Atmosphere Structure Instrument will make in-situ measurements of the temperature and pressure profiles of the atmosphere of Jupiter, starting at about 10-10 bar level, when the Probe enters the upper atmosphere at a velocity of 48 km s-1, and continuing through its parachute descent to the 16 bar level. The data should make possible a number of inferences relative to atmospheric and cloud physical processes, cloud location and internal state, and dynamics of the atmosphere. For example, atmospheric stability should be defined, from which the convective or stratified nature of the atmosphere at levels surveyed should be determined and characterized, as well as the presence of turbulence and/or gravity waves. Because this is a rare opportunity, sensors have been selected and evaluated with great care, making use of prior experience at Mars and Venus, but with an eye to special problems which could arise in the Jupiter environment. The temperature sensors are similar to those used on Pioneer Venus; pressure sensors are similar to those used in the Atmosphere Structure Experiment during descent of the Viking Landers (and by the Meteorology Experiment after landing on the surface); the accelerometers are a miniaturized version of the Viking accelerometers. The microprocessor controlled experiment electronics serve multiple functions, including the sequencing of experiment operation in three modes and performing some on-board data processing and data compression.  相似文献   
Design for validation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An approach is outlined for the development of ultrareliable avionics for civil air transports using a design-for-validation philosophy that includes rigorous application of formal methods. The basic concept of the methodology is introduced, and the role of formal methods is explored. The impact of the design-for-validation philosophy on the system design process is then demonstrated by two simple examples. More details about the design-for-validation methodology are then given  相似文献   
CFAR data fusion center with inhomogeneous receivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detection systems with distributed sensors and data fusion are increasingly used by surveillance systems. A system formed by N inhomogeneous constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors (cell-averaging (CA) and ordered statistic (OS) CFAR detectors) is studied. A recursive formulation of an algorithm that permits a fixed level of false alarms in the data fusion center is presented, to set the optimum individual threshold levels in the CFAR receivers and the optimum `K out of N' decision rule in order to maximize the total probability of detection. The algorithm also considers receivers of different quality or with different communication channel qualities connecting them with the fusion center. This procedure has been applied to several hypothetical networks with distributed CA-CFAR and OS-CFAR receivers and for Rayleigh targets and interference, and it was seen that in general the fusion decision OR rule is not always the best  相似文献   
A new class of AC/DC converter topologies (Type-1 converters) is described, suitable for use in an advanced single-phase sine-wave voltage, high-frequency power distribution system, of the type that was proposed for a 20 kHz Space Station primary electrical power distribution system. The converter comprises a transformer, a resonant network, a current controller, a diode rectifier, and an output filter. The input AC voltage source is converted into a sinusoidal current source using the resonant network. The output of this current source is rectified by the diode rectifier and is controlled by the current controller. The controlled rectified current is then filtered by the output filter to obtain a constant voltage across the load. Three distinct converter topologies, Type-1A, Type-1B, and Type 1-C, are described, and their performance characteristics are presented. All three types have a close-to-unity rated power factor (greater than 0.98), low total harmonic distortion in input current (less than 5%), and high conversion efficiency (greater than 96%)  相似文献   
The continued development of the symmetric measurement equation (SME) filter for track maintenance in multiple target tracking (MTT) is considered, focusing on the case in which the SMEs are generated by forming sums of products of the original position measurements. The SME filter is developed for the case of N targets whose motions consist of random perturbations about constant-velocity trajectories. It is assumed that measurements of x-coordinate positions are available, and that the number of measurements is equal to the number of targets. Various analytical properties of the SME filter are studied. It is shown that under a very weak condition, the estimation error equation is locally exponentially stable. The performance of the SME filter is investigated by comparing it with an optimal (minimum-variance) estimator and by generating a computer simulation in the six-target case  相似文献   
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