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Performance prediction for a detection system employing noncoherent integration is carried out for a chi-square family of fluctuating targets in K-distributed clutter plus noise. The detection performance for Swerling 11 targets in the K-distributed clutter plus noise is compared with that in exponentially correlated Rayleigh clutter. The results show that the performance prediction based on N pulses integrated in clutter plus noise using the K-distributed clutter model may be approximately equivalent to that using the exponentially correlated Rayleigh-distributed clutter model  相似文献   
This work is concerned with binary systems that we call ‘moderately close’. These are systems in which the primary (by which we mean the initially more massive star) fills its Roche lobe when it is on the giant branch with a deep convective envelope but before helium ignition (late case B). We find that if the mass ratio q(= M 1/M 2) < q crit = 0.7 when the primary fills its Roche lobe positive feedback will lead to a rapid hydrodynamic phase of mass transfer which will probably lead to common envelope evolution and thence to either coalescence or possibly to a close binary in a planetary nebula. Although most Algols have probably filled their Roche lobes before evolving off the main-sequence we find that some could not have and are therefore ‘moderately close’. Since rapid overflow is unlikely to lead to an Algol-like system there must be some way of avoiding it. The most likely possibility is that the primary can lose sufficient mass to reduce q below q crit before overflow begins. Ordinary mass loss rates are insufficient but evidence that enhanced mass loss does take place is provided by RS CVn systems that have inverted mass ratios but have not yet begun mass transfer. We postulate that the cause of enhanced mass loss lies in the heating of the corona by by magnetic fields maintained by an αω dynamo which is enhanced by tidal effects associated with corotation. In order to model the the effects of enhanced mass loss we ignore the details and adopt an empirical approach calibrating a simple formula with the RS CVn system Z Her. Using further empirical relations (deduced from detailed stellar models) that describe the evolution of red giants we have investigated the effect on a large number of systems of various initial mass ratios and periods. These are notable in that some systems can now enter a much gentler Algol-like overflow phase and others are prevented from transferring mass altogether. We have also investigated the effects of enhanced angular momentum loss induced by corotation of the wind in the strong magnetic fields and consider this in relation to observed period changes. We find that a typical ‘moderately close’ Algol-like system evolves through an RS CVn like system and then possibly a symbiotic state before becoming an Algol and then goes on through a red giant-white dwarf state which may become symbiotic before ending up as a double white dwarf system in either a close or wide orbit depending on how much mass is lost before the secondary fills its Roche lobe.  相似文献   
Energy flow in various large-scale processes of the Earth's magnetosphere is examined. This energy comes from the solar wind, via the dawn-to-dusk convection electric field, a field established primarily by magnetic merging but with viscous-like boundary interaction as a possible contributor. The convection field passes about 5 × 1011 W to the near-Earth part of the plasma sheet, and also moves the plasma earthward. In addition, 1–3 × 1011 W are given to the complex system of the Birkeland currents: about 4 × 1010 of this, on the average, goes to parallel acceleration, chiefly of auroral electrons, about 2–3 times that amount to joule heating of the ionosphere, and the rest heats the ring current. The ring current stores energy (mainly as kinetic energy of particles) of the order of 2 × 1015 J, and this value rises and decays during magnetic storms, on time scales ranging from a fraction of a day to several days. The tail can store comparable amounts as magnetic energy, and appreciable fractions of its energy may be released in substorms, on time scales of tens of minutes. The sporadic power level of such events reaches the order of 3 × 1012 W. The role of magnetic merging in such releases of magnetic energy is briefly discussed, as is the correlation between properties of the solar wind and magnetospheric power levels.  相似文献   
We review the X- and gamma-ray observations of Cygnus X-1 and their theoretical interpretations, with emphasis on new developments since the mid-1970's. The overall data base at present is most consistent with the inverse Compton model by hot thermal electrons of T e 109 K, for the hard X-ray luminosity (10–200 keV). However, the origin of the soft X-rays ( 10 keV) in high states and gamma rays (> 200 keV) remain unsettled.Operated under DOE Contract W-7405-Eng-48.Partially supported by NASA Grant NGR 05-020-668.NRC/NRL Research Associate.  相似文献   
This review summarizes some of the recent results obtained by ground-based detectors recording cosmic-ray intensity at high energies (>1 GeV) for almost five decades. The long-term changes observed in the isotropic and anisotropic components of cosmic-ray intensity are presented. It is noted in particular that significant changes occurred in the characteristics of cosmic-ray modulation after the 1969–70 period. Most of these are definitively related to the reversal of the solar poloidal field; their characteristics are described with a view to relate these with the heliospheric configuration. Anomalies in the variational characteristics of both isotropic and anisotropic parts of cosmic ray intensity, noticed particularly during the period of very high speed solar wind streams, are discussed in detail. Phenomena with periodicities of 11 and 22 years occur simultaneously; their relative importance is derived and related to interplanetary variables. Suggestions for further studies, as needed, are also incorporated.Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, held at Ottawa, Canada, May 1982.  相似文献   
An airborne system has been developed for charting shallow coastal and inland waters. The primary components of this system are an aerial survey camera, a profiling laser radar, an analytical stereo plotter, and a multisensor track recovery system (TRS). The TRS comprises a gimbaled inertial navigation system and a number of auxiliary sensors which acquire redundant position and attitude information. The sensor data are combined postmission using a U-D factorized Kalman filter and modified Bryson-Frazier smoother to compute accurate estimates of the orientation parameters of the survey camera at the times of film exposure. These parameters are used to position each overlapping pair of photographs on the analytical plotter to form a stereo image and corresonding analytical stereomodel from which water depth measurements are made. Flight trial results demonstrate that the TRS can achieve radial position and attitude accuracies which exceed 1 m and 2 arcmin root mean square (rms), respectively, and that this level of performance is sufficient to enable water depth measurements to be made to an accuracy of better than 0.65 m (rms).  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge concerning Birkeland currents (j ) and parallel electric field (E ) is briefly reviewed. Four types of j are discussed-the primary ‘region 1’ sheets, the ‘region 2’ sheets which parallel them and which seem to close in the partial ring current, the cusp currents which appear to correlate with interplanetary B y, and the ‘Harang filament’. The energy required by E and by the associated particle acceleration processes seems to be derived from j . Much of the evidence for e comes from particles, from ‘inverted V’ spectra, rising ion beams and expanded loss cones, while ‘conies’ may signify acceleration by Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron (EIC) waves, associated with beams accelerated by E . Different theoretical studies predict for E a smooth, disordered or abrupt structure, and evidence for all 3 types can be deduced from S3-3 electric field probe observations.

我们在进行某一环形燃烧室扇形形试验件的试验研究时,用热电偶测量了燃烧室内的温度分布。一般来说,热电偶不能获得与热燃气同样的温度,这是因为热电偶和周围环境有着辐射能量的交换。通常是热电偶节点向冷的壁面辐射能量。在稳态时,燃气通过对流传热向热电偶节点提供能量来平衡这一损失。这就是说,热电偶节点测得的温度较燃气的真实温度要低,这一温差就是由辐射热损失造成的。下面介绍对此热辐射损失进行修正的一个简化方法。   相似文献   
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