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Boundary layers in three dimensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kuhn  J.R.  Floyd  L.  Fröhlich  C.  Pap  J.M. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,94(1-2):169-176

Despite 20 years of total solar irradiance measurements from space, the lack of high precision spatially resolved observations limits definitive answers to even simple questions like ``Are the solar irradiance changes caused solely by magnetic fields perturbing the radiative flux at the photosphere?" More subtle questions like how the aspheric structure of the sun changes with the magnetic cycle are only now beginning to be addressed with new tools like p-mode helioseismology. Solar 5-min oscillation studies have yielded precise information on the mean radial interior solar structure and some knowledge about the rotational and thermal solar asphericity. Unfortunately this progress has not been enough to generate a self-consistent theory for why the solar irradiance and luminosity vary with the magnetic cycle. We need sharper tools to describe and understand the sun's global aspheric response to its internal dynamo, and we need to be able to measure the solar cycle manifestation of the magnetic cycle on entropy transport from the interior to the photosphere in much the same way that we study the fundamentally more complex problem of magnetic flux transport from the solar interior. A space experiment called the Solar Physics Explorer for Radius, Irradiance and Shape (SPHERIS) and in particular its Astrometric and Photometric Telescope (APT) component will accomplish these goals.

Zarnecki  J.C.  Leese  M.R.  Garry  J.R.C.  Ghafoor  N.  Hathi  B. 《Space Science Reviews》2002,104(1-4):593-611
The design and performance of the Surface Science Package (SSP) on the Huygens probe are discussed. This instrument consists of nine separate sensors that are designed to measure a wide range of physical properties of Titan's lower atmosphere, surface, and sub-surface. By measuring a number of physical properties of the surface it is expected that the SSP will be able to constrain the inferred composition and structure of the moon's near-surface environment. Although the SSP is primarily designed to sense properties of the surface, some of its sensors will also make measurements of the atmosphere along the probe's entry path and will complement the data gathered by other experiments on the Huygens probe. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We have developed a 2D semi-empirical model (Sittler and Guhathakurta 1999) of the corona and the interplanetary medium using the time independent MHD equations and assuming azimuthal symmetry, utilizing the SOHO, Spartan and Ulysses observations. The model uses as inputs (1) an empirically derived global electron density distribution using LASCO, Mark III and Spartan white light observations and in situ observations of the Ulysses spacecraft, and (2) an empirical model of the coronal magnetic field topology using SOHO/LASCO and EIT observations. The model requires an estimate of solar wind velocity as a function of latitude at 1 AU and the radial component of the magnetic field at 1 AU, for which we use Ulysses plasma and magnetic field data results respectively. The model makes estimates as a function of radial distance and latitude of various fluid parameters of the plasma such as flow velocity V, temperature Teff, and heat flux Qeff which are derived from the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, respectively, in the rotating frame of the Sun. The term "effective" indicates possible wave contributions. The model can be used as a planning tool for such missions as Solar Probe and provide an empirical framework for theoretical models of the solar corona and solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Digital Fields Board (DFB) performs the data acquisition and signal processing for the Electric Fields Instrument and Search Coil Magnetometer on each of the THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) satellites. The processing is highly flexible and low-power (~1.1 watt orbit-averaged). The primary data products are time series waveforms and wave power spectra of the electric and magnetic fields. The power spectra can be computed either on the raw signals (i.e. in a system co-rotating with the spacecraft) or in a coordinate system aligned with the local DC magnetic field. Other data products include spectral power from multiple passbands (filter banks) and electric power in the 30–500 kHz band. The DFBs on all five spacecraft have been turned on and checked out in-flight, and are functioning as designed.  相似文献   
We review aspects of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) that bear on the solar modulation of energetic particles in the heliosphere. We show that the latitudinal and radial gradients of these particles exhibit a 22-year periodicity in concert with the reversal of the Sun's magnetic field. The power-law index of the low energy portion of the energy spectrum of ACRs at the shock in 1996 appears to be -1.3, suggesting that the strength of the solar wind termination shock at the helioequatorial plane is relatively weak, with s 2.8. The rigidity dependence of the perpendicular interplanetary mean free path in the outer heliosphere for particles with rigidities between 0.2 and 0.7 GV varies approximately as R2, where R is particle rigidity. There is evidence that ACR oxygen is primarily multiply charged above 20 MeV/nuc and primarily singly-charged below 16 MeV/nuc. The location of the termination shock was at 65 AU in 1987 and 85 AU in 1994.  相似文献   
This paper presents selected results from extensive experimental investigations on turbulent flow fields and unsteady surface pressures caused by leading-edge vortices, in particular, for vortex breakdown flow. Such turbulent flows may cause severe dynamic aeroelastic problems like wing and/or fin buffeting on fighter-type aircraft. The wind tunnel models used include a generic delta wing as well as a detailed aircraft configuration of canard-delta wing type. The turbulent flow structures are analyzed by root-mean-square and spectral distributions of velocity and pressure fluctuations. Downstream of bursting local maxima of velocity fluctuations occur in a limited radial range around the vortex center. The corresponding spectra exhibit significant peaks indicating that turbulent kinetic energy is channeled into a narrow band. These quasi-periodic velocity oscillations arise from a helical mode instability of the breakdown flow. Due to vortex bursting there is a characteristic increase in surface pressure fluctuations with increasing angle of attack, especially when the burst location moves closer to the apex. The pressure fluctuations also show dominant frequencies corresponding to those of the velocity fluctuations. Using the measured flow field data, scaling parameters are derived for design purposes. It is shown that a frequency parameter based on the local semi-span and the sinus of angle of attack can be used to estimate the frequencies of dynamic loads evoked by vortex bursting.  相似文献   
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