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为了使正进入鉴定阶段的远地点发动机(TE-M-616)用于广播试验卫星,本文介绍了该新航天飞行器对远地点发动机的各系统及分系统提出的要求。由于加拿大通讯技术卫星和广播试验卫星对远地点发动机在环境和性能要求上有所不同,为了解决此问题,必须使远地点发动机经受住最恶劣的环境。喷管设计以及远地点发动机与航天器的对接都利用现有设计结构。根据对远地点发动机分析的结果,已经表明,若保持安全系数不变,只需要对现在进行的试验计划做一些修改和补充。另一方面,对于航天器提出的技术条件必须进一步审核,以便使新航天飞行器设计有最大可能利用现有的远地点发动机。  相似文献   
在DSFFH混合扩频通信系统中,快速捕获是一个非常关键的技术。通过采用快速扫描和等待式相结合的方法用来实现跳频信号的快速捕获,利用神经网络技术实现直扩信号的快速捕获,通过这2种方式,就可实现DSFFH混合扩频的快速捕获。  相似文献   
We present a summary of the physical principles and design of the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument onboard NASA's 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. The DAN instrument will use the method of neutron-neutron activation analysis in a space application to study the abundance and depth distribution of water in the martian subsurface along the path of the MSL rover.  相似文献   
In June 2003, the geochemical composition of geothermal fluids was determined at 9 sites in the Vulcano hydrothermal system, including sediment seeps, geothermal wells, and submarine vents. Compositional data were combined with standard state reaction properties to determine the overall Gibbs free energy (DeltaG(r) ) for 120 potential lithotrophic and heterotrophic reactions. Lithotrophic reactions in the H-O-N-S-C-Fe system were considered, and exergonic reactions yielded up to 120 kJ per mole of electrons transferred. The potential for heterotrophy was characterized by energy yields from the complete oxidation of 6 carboxylic acids- formic, acetic, propanoic, lactic, pyruvic, and succinic-with the following redox pairs: O(2)/H(2)O, SO(4) (2)/H(2)S, NO(3) ()/NH(4) (+), S(0)/H(2)S, and Fe(3)O(4)/Fe(2+). Heterotrophic reactions yielded 6-111 kJ/mol e(). Energy yields from both lithotrophic and heterotrophic reactions were highly dependent on the terminal electron acceptor (TEA); reactions with O(2) yielded the most energy, followed by those with NO(3) (), Fe(III), SO(4) (2), and S(0). When only reactions with complete TEA reduction were included, the exergonic lithotrophic reactions followed a similar electron tower. Spatial variability in DeltaG(r) was significant for iron redox reactions, owing largely to the wide range in Fe(2+) and H(+) concentrations. Energy yields were compared to those obtained for samples collected in June 2001. The temporal variations in geochemical composition and energy yields observed in the Vulcano hydrothermal system between 2001 and 2003 were moderate. The largest differences in DeltaG(r) over the 2 years were from iron redox reactions, due to temporal changes in the Fe(2+) and H(+) concentrations. The observed variations in fluid composition across the Vulcano hydrothermal system have the potential to influence not only microbial diversity but also the metabolic strategies of the resident microbial communities.  相似文献   
The European Space Agency's ExoMars mission will seek evidence of organic compounds of biological and non-biological origin at the martian surface. One of the instruments in the Pasteur payload may be a Life Marker Chip that utilizes an immunoassay approach to detect specific organic molecules or classes of molecules. Therefore, it is necessary to define and prioritize specific molecular targets for antibody development. Target compounds have been selected to represent meteoritic input, fossil organic matter, extant (living, recently dead) organic matter, and contamination. Once organic molecules are detected on Mars, further information is likely to derive from the detailed distribution of compounds rather than from single molecular identification. This will include concentration gradients beneath the surface and gradients from generic to specific compounds. The choice of biomarkers is informed by terrestrial biology but is wide ranging, and nonterrestrial biology may be evident from unexpected molecular distributions. One of the most important requirements is to sample where irradiation and oxidation are minimized, either by drilling or by using naturally excavated exposures. Analyzing regolith samples will allow for the search of both extant and fossil biomarkers, but sequential extraction would be required to optimize the analysis of each of these in turn.  相似文献   
Hage MM  Uhle ME  Macko S 《Astrobiology》2007,7(4):645-661
Small coastal ponds that contain photosynthetic microbial mat communities represent an extreme environment where a potentially significant source of labile organic carbon can be found within the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. To distinguish coastal pond-derived organic matter from other sources of organic matter in the Dry Valleys, bulk organic carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope signatures and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of benthic microbial mats located at two sites--Hjorth Hill coast and Garwood Valley--were investigated. The average isotope values at Hjorth Hill coast and Garwood Valley are, respectively, -10.9 per thousand and -10.2 per thousand for delta(13) C, 3.7 per thousand and -1.3 per thousand for delta(15)N, and 8.1 per thousand and 16.7 per thousand for delta(34)S. Microbial mats from all ponds are dominated by monounsaturated PLFAs (indicative of Gram-negative bacteria) and polyunsaturated PLFAs (indicative of microeukaryotes). Biomarkers specific to aerobic prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and photoautotrophic microeukaryotes, as well as sulfur-reducing bacteria, are present in all samples. Benthic mats at Garwood Valley are thicker and more laminated, have a higher biomass, and have a greater carbon and nitrogen content, which suggests greater productivity than mats at Hjorth Hill coast. Greater productivity is supported, as well, by higher dissolved oxygen contents likely derived from heightened photosynthetic productivity. More productivity at Garwood Valley likely results from a larger influx of terrestrial surface waters together with a concomitant nutrient loading.  相似文献   
为了对发动机燃烧不稳定性进行被动控制,利用亥姆赫兹声学共振器原理,设计一种声学阀门,当一个管道侧面安装的亥姆赫兹共振器的空腔壁面是柔软的时候,声学阀门的性能与频率就没有很强的关系,从而实现由于热声学不稳定带来的压力和热释放导致的不稳定燃烧进行被动控制。阀门的功能是让声音通过,但它必须阻止时间平均意义上的流动。本文对带有这种装置的热声学特征根问题给出数值解。结果显示声学阀门对燃烧室内的驻波结构造成很大改变,进而可以消除不稳定的特征根模态。只要阀门具备足够的尺寸,这种效果可以在任意的线性火焰声学特性中广泛实现。  相似文献   
为了在超高频范围内对基模振荡器进行控制和运用滤波器,开展了对于小型体波谐振器的基本材料和器件特性的研究。本文报道了氮化铝(ALN)在构成复合谐振器几何形状和边缘支撑型晶片结构方面的性能。 ALN薄膜是在直流平板磁控管溅镀装置中,用中间电极溅射出来的AL和等离子气体中的N_2之间的等离子体反应生成的。一般溅镀条件是:溅镀压力=1×10~(-3)毛,空气含氮量=99.999%基片温度=200℃,直流功率-225瓦,溅镀率=1.2微米/小时。ALN薄膜的品质用扫描式电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射法和奥格(Auger)电子分光镜进行鉴定。检测结果说明,溅镀的ALN薄膜具有严格的晶向结构,其C轴垂直于Si(硅)基片表面。对于由1.7微米ALN薄膜和8微米Si基片组成的谐振器,测出的基频串联谐振频率为328.53兆赫,基频并联谐振频率为328.61兆赫。这种规格谐振器的Q值约有7500,它在-20℃至+120℃范围内的实测温度系数约为-4×10~(-8)/℃。对于具有1.7微米ALN薄膜和6微米Si基片的谐振器,实测的温度系数是-6×10~(-6)/℃。这种规格谐振器的Q值约为5000,它的基频串联谐振频率是524.11兆赫,而基频并联谐振频率是524.45兆赫。应用微电子半导体加工技术,已经制成了边缘支撑型ALN晶片。晶片厚度为1.0至7微米,面积约为300平方微米。这种晶片是边缘支撑型的,这与以前报道的底膜支撑型薄膜是不相同的。厚度为6.5微米的典型ALN晶片在790兆赫附近产生基模谐振,耦合系数为10.3%。在-20℃至120℃范围内测得的温度系数可达到-20.5×10~(-6)/℃。目前,已按外延特性制造出具有水平C轴的氧化锌ZnO晶片。这种晶片显示出切变波谐振特性,这意味着晶片有很高的谐振Q和比较简单的模式结构。  相似文献   
作者对溅镀的压电膜能否应用于甚高频至微波频率的声波器件进行了研究。本文介绍了切变波谐振器用的C轴倾斜的氧化锌(ZnO)和氮化铝(AlN)膜的生长及特性。文中计算了某些膜的切变波激动的定向关系。这些膜在C轴取向与表面法线成大约45°时,可能激励出接近于纯的切变波。在其他角度,则只能激励准切变波和准纵向波。 C轴对膜法线倾斜方向合适的ZnO或AlN膜,是在配有辅助阳极的反应式直流面磁控管溅镀系统中生长的。这类膜可用扫描式电子显微镜(SEM)和体声波器件测量法进行鉴定。自Si基片法线倾斜的C轴晶粒柱形结构可在扫描式电子显微镜中清楚地看到。C轴倾斜角达45°,厚度达10微米的薄膜已经制做成功。在P~+Si基片上溅镀上ZnO和AlN可以制成复合谐振器。这类谐振器的Q值在200兆赫到500兆赫基频谐振范围内大约为5000。特别令人感兴趣的是可以对谐振频率进行温度补偿。在ZnO/Si和AlN/Si的复合结构上已制造出室温下串联谐振频率的绝对温度系数小于1×10~6/℃的谐振器。ZnO和AlN晶片谐振器的温度系数已测出为-36.2×10~-6/℃和-25×10~-6/℃。这表明P~+Si基片在切变膜时的温度系数大约是+9×10~6/℃、  相似文献   
先进的宽带接收机ARXⅡ将用于NASA深空通信网(DSN)。这种模拟/数字混合式接收机具有载波、副载波和符号同步等多种功能。可对残余载波、抑制载波或混合载波以及正弦波和方波副载波进行跟踪。文章还讨论了诸如时标多卜勒信号提取和监视控制等其它功能,包括信号捕获算法和锁定检测电路。详细说明了系统指标,描述了ARXⅡ的功能及有关数字信号处理算法并给出了方框图。  相似文献   
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