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HEAO-1 observed hard radiations (X- and gamma-rays) from a major solar flare on 11 July 1978. The observations showed gamma-ray line and continuum emission extending to the highest energy observed. The lines are identified with the 2.2 MeV line of deuterium formation and the 4.4 MeV line of inelastic scattering on 12C, both previously observed in the flares of August 1972 [1]. The 11 July flare was identified as a white-light flare by observations at Debrecen [2]. It thus provides the first opportunity for a detailed examination of white-light flare theories that depend upon proton heating of the photosphere. The line strength over a four-minute integration at 2.2 MeV was 1.00 ± 0.29 ph(cm2 sec)−1, and the gamma-ray emission (excluding the 2.2 MeV line which was appreciably delayed) lagged by less than 20 sec approximately after the hard X-ray and microwave fluxes. We conclude that the “second-stage” acceleration of high-energy solar particles must commence promptly after the impulsive phase.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed near the Sun via LASCO coronographic imaging are the most important solar drivers of geomagnetic storms. ICMEs, their interplanetary, near-Earth counterparts, can be detected in situ, for example, by the Wind and ACE spacecraft. An ICME usually exhibits a complex structure that very often includes a magnetic cloud (MC). They can be commonly modelled as magnetic flux ropes and there is observational evidence to expect that the orientation of a halo CME elongation corresponds to the orientation of the flux rope. In this study, we compare orientations of elongated CME halos and the corresponding MCs, measured by Wind and ACE spacecraft. We characterize the MC structures by using the Grad–Shafranov reconstruction technique and three MC fitting methods to obtain their axis directions. The CME tilt angles and MC fitted axis angles were compared without taking into account handedness of the underlying flux rope field and the polarity of its axial field. We report that for about 64% of CME–MC events, we found a good correspondence between the orientation angles implying that for the majority of interplanetary ejecta their orientations do not change significantly (less than 45 deg rotation) while travelling from the Sun to the near-Earth environment.  相似文献   
It may not be doubted anymore that anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) are produced in the heliosphere from interplanetary pick-up ions through their acceleration at the solar wind termination shock. However, there is no general agreement in the community of heliospheric researchers concerning the mechanism of injection of the pick-up ions into the shock acceleration. We discuss here three possible ways for pick-up ions to be involved into the acceleration process at the termination shock: (1) preacceleration of pick-up ions in the whole region from the Sun up to the termination shock by solar wind turbulences and interplanetary shock waves, (2) local preacceleration of pick-up ions in a vicinity of the termination shock by shock surfing, and (3) formation of high-velocity tails in pick-up ion spectra consisting of secondary pick-up ions which are produced in the supersonic solar wind due to ionization of energetic neutral atoms entering from the inner heliosheath.  相似文献   
For humans to survive during long-term missions on the Martian surface, bioregenerative life support systems including food production will decrease requirements for launch of Earth supplies, and increase mission safety. It is proposed that the development of "modular biospheres"--closed system units that can be air-locked together and which contain soil-based bioregenerative agriculture, horticulture, with a wetland wastewater treatment system is an approach for Mars habitation scenarios. Based on previous work done in long-term life support at Biosphere 2 and other closed ecological systems, this consortium proposes a research and development program called Mars On Earth(TM) which will simulate a life support system designed for a four person crew. The structure will consist of 6 x 110 square meter modular agricultural units designed to produce a nutritionally adequate diet for 4 people, recycling all air, water and waste, while utilizing a soil created by the organic enrichment and modification of Mars simulant soils. Further research needs are discussed, such as determining optimal light levels for growth of the necessary range of crops, energy trade-offs for agriculture (e.g. light intensity vs. required area), capabilities of Martian soils and their need for enrichment and elimination of oxides, strategies for use of human waste products, and maintaining atmospheric balance between people, plants and soils.  相似文献   
During the construction phase of the International Space Station (ISS), early flight opportunities have been identified (including designated Utilization Flights, UF) on which early science experiments may be performed. The focus of NASA's and other agencies' biological studies on the early flight opportunities is cell and molecular biology; with UF-1 scheduled to fly in fall 2001, followed by flights 8A and UF-3. Specific hardware is being developed to verify design concepts, e.g., the Avian Development Facility for incubation of small eggs and the Biomass Production System for plant cultivation. Other hardware concepts will utilize those early research opportunities onboard the ISS, e.g., an Incubator for sample cultivation, the European Modular Cultivation System for research with small plant systems, an Insect Habitat for support of insect species. Following the first Utilization Flights, additional equipment will be transported to the ISS to expand research opportunities and capabilities, e.g., a Cell Culture Unit, the Advanced Animal Habitat for rodents, an Aquatic Facility to support small fish and aquatic specimens, a Plant Research Unit for plant cultivation, and a specialized Egg Incubator for developmental biology studies. Host systems (Figure 1A, B: see text), e.g., a 2.5 m Centrifuge Rotor (g-levels from 0.01-g to 2-g) for direct comparisons between g and selectable g levels, the Life Sciences Glovebox for contained manipulations, and Habitat Holding Racks (Figure 1B: see text) will provide electrical power, communication links, and cooling to the habitats. Habitats will provide food, water, light, air and waste management as well as humidity and temperature control for a variety of research organisms. Operators on Earth and the crew on the ISS will be able to send commands to the laboratory equipment to monitor and control the environmental and experimental parameters inside specific habitats. Common laboratory equipment such as microscopes, cryo freezers, radiation dosimeters, and mass measurement devices are also currently in design stages by NASA and the ISS international partners.  相似文献   
Controlled ecological life support systems (CELSS) have been proposed to make long-duration manned space flights more cost-effective. Higher plants will presumably provide food and a breathable atmosphere for the crew. It has been suggested that imbalances between the CO2/O2 gas exchange ratios of the heterotrophic and autotrophic components of the system will inevitably lead to an unstable system, and the loss of O2 from the atmosphere. Ratio imbalances may be corrected by including a second autotroph with an appropriate CO2/O2 gas exchange ratio. Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 is a large unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium, exhibiting high growth rates under diverse physiological conditions. A rat-feeding study showed the biomass to be edible. Furthermore, it may have a CO2/O2 gas exchange ratio that theoretically can compensate for ratio imbalances. It is suggested that Cyanothece spp. could fulfill several roles in a CELSS: supplementing atmosphere recycling, generating fixed N from the air, providing a balanced protein supplement, and protecting a CELSS in case of catastrophic crop failure.  相似文献   
Reliability of closed life support systems will depend on their ability to continue supplying the crew's needs in the face of perturbations and equipment failures. These dynamic considerations interact with the basic static (equilibrium) design through the sizing of storages, the specification of excess capacities in processors, and the choice of system initial state (total mass in the system). This paper uses a very simple system flow model to examine the possibilities for system failures even when there is sufficient storage to buffer the immediate effects of the perturbation. Two control schemes are shown which have different dynamic consequences in response to component failures.  相似文献   
New measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation temperature at 12 cm, 6.3 cm, 3 cm, 0.9 cm and 0.3 cm have made in July 1982 from the White Mountain High Altitude Research Station. The results are presented and the existence of spectral distortions discussed.  相似文献   
There is important progress now in the identifications and measurements of primary (parent) molecules in the inner coma of Comet Halley. H2O, CO2 and CO are definitely in the list, CH and some complicate organic molecules are suspected. Gas production rate for water vapor is QH2O 1030 s−1. The bulk of data doesn't contradict to the Whipple model of nucleus (with clathrate modification). Pronounced spatial structure of gaseous flow in the coma was observed, but in general measured properties of neutral gas in the coma of Comet Halley are not very different from predicted. Situation for dust is different. In situ dust measurements show that size spectrum and optical properties of particles in coma are substantively declining from predicted on the base of groundbased photometry. However there are discrepancies between Vega and Giotto dust counter data. Dust in the inner coma didn't prevent the succesful imaging of nucleus by TV on Vega 1 and 2.  相似文献   
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