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何沛  邓向阳  鄂亚佳  徐榕  张弛  林宇震 《推进技术》2019,40(12):2766-2774
为了研究中心分级贫油低排放燃烧室的排放特性和排放预测方法,针对一个低排放头部方案,在单头部燃烧室试验件上,在不同的温度、压力、油气比、供油模式和分级比条件下,测量其排放性能。以Lefebvre排放经验预测公式为基础,采用经验分析方法拟合排放试验数据,归纳出适用于本头部方案的排放预测公式。表征预测好坏的判定系数R2在小工况下和大工况下分别为0.95和0.93,表明预测结果与试验结果符合度较好。小工况和大工况排放特性不同,对仅预燃级喷油的小工况工作模式,NO_x排放主要受化学恰当燃烧温度和预燃级局部当量比的影响;对预燃级和主燃级同时喷油的大工况工作模式,NO_x排放主要受燃烧区温度和主燃级燃油比例的影响。  相似文献   
Radar detection of coherent pulse trains embedded in compound-Gaussian disturbance with partially known statistics is discussed. We first give a thorough derivation of two recently proposed adaptive detection structures. Next, we derive a different detection scheme exploiting the assumption that the clutter is wide-sense stationary. Resorting to the theory of circulant matrices, in fact, we demonstrate that the estimation of the structure of the clutter covariance matrix can be reduced to the estimation of its eigenvalues, which in turn can be (efficiently) done via fast Fourier transform codes. After a thorough performance assessment, mostly carried on via computer simulations, the results show that the newly proposed detector achieves better performance than the two previously introduced adaptive detectors. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis shows that, even though this detector does not strictly guarantee the constant false alarm rate property with respect to the clutter covariance matrix, it is robust, in the sense that its performance is only slightly affected by variations in the clutter temporal correlation  相似文献   
The dynamics of dust particles in the solar system is dominated by solar gravity, by solar radiation pressure, or by electromagnetic interaction of charged dust grains with the interplanetary magnetic field. For micron-sized or bigger dust particles solar gravity leads to speeds of about 30 to 40 km s–1 at the Earths distance. Smaller particles that are generated close to the Sun and for which radiation pressure is dominant (the ratio of radiation pressure force over gravity F rad/F grav is generally termed ) are driven out of the solar system on hyperbolic orbits. Such a flow of -meteoroids has been observed by the Pioneer 8, 9 and Ulysses spaceprobes. Dust particles in interplanetary space are electrically charged to typically +5 V by the photo effect from solar UV radiation. The dust detector on Cassini for the first time measured the dust charge directly. The dynamics of dust particles smaller than about 0.1 m is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction with the ambient magnetic field. Effects of the solar wind magnetic field on interstellar grains passing through the solar system have been observed. Nanometer sized dust stream particles have been found which were accelerated by Jupiters magnetic field to speeds of about 300 km s–1.  相似文献   
Interplanetary shock observations since the prior Solar Terrestrial Physics Symposium in 1978 are reviewed. Since the interval coincides with the recent solar maximum, emphasis is placed on shocks associated with transient solar phenomena, including coronal transients and eruptive prominences as well as flares. A good correlation between shocks and Storm Sudden Commencements has persisted into the recent maximum. Shocks have been identified that are associated with disappearing filaments and coronal transients rather than with flares. Significant progress has been made in the indirect observation of shocks near the Sun as a result of radio wave measurements in interplanetary space and measurement of the scintillation and spectral broadening of spacecraft radio transmissions. Preliminary results regarding the thickness of interplanetary shocks have appeared. Several quasi-parallel shocks propagating more nearly along, rather than across, the magnetic field have been identified. The plasma drivers accompanying interplanetary shocks have received increased attention and distinctive features have been found in electron, ion and magnetic field data.  相似文献   
Many bodies in the outer Solar System display the presence of low albedo materials. These materials, evident on the surface of asteroids, comets, Kuiper Belt objects and their intermediate evolutionary step, Centaurs, are related to macromolecular carbon bearing materials such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organic materials such as methanol and related light hydrocarbons, embedded in a dark, refractory, photoprocessed matrix. Many planetary rings and satellites around the outer gaseous planets display such component materials. One example, Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, whose atmosphere is comprised of around 90% molecular nitrogen N2 and less than 10% methane CH4, displays this kind of low reflectivity material in its atmospheric haze. These materials were first recorded during the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Titan and showed up as an optically thick pinkish orange haze layer. These materials are broadly classified into a chemical group whose laboratory analogs are termed "tholins", after the Greek word for "muddy". Their analogs are produced in the laboratory via the irradiation of gas mixtures and ice mixtures by radiation simulating Solar ultraviolet (UV) photons or keV charged particles simulating particles trapped in Saturn's magnetosphere. Fair analogs of Titan tholin are produced by bombarding a 9:1 mixture of N2:CH4 with charged particles and its match to observations of both the spectrum and scattering properties of the Titan haze is very good over a wide range of wavelengths. In this paper, we describe the historical background of laboratory research on this kind of organic matter and how our laboratory investigations of Titan tholin compare. We comment on the probable existence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Titan Haze and how biological and nonbiological racemic amino acids produced from the acid hydrolysis of Titan tholins make these complex organic compounds prime candidates in the evolution of terrestrial life and extraterrestrial life in our own Solar System and beyond. Finally, we also compare the spectrum and scattering properties of our resulting tholin mixtures with those observed on Centaur 5145 Pholus and the dark hemisphere of Saturn's satellite Iapetus in order to demonstrate the widespread distribution of similar organics throughout the Solar System.  相似文献   
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its voyage to become the first probe to orbit the planet Mercury. The mission, spacecraft, and payload are designed to answer six fundamental questions regarding the innermost planet: (1) What planetary formational processes led to Mercury’s high ratio of metal to silicate? (2) What is the geological history of Mercury? (3) What are the nature and origin of Mercury’s magnetic field? (4) What are the structure and state of Mercury’s core? (5) What are the radar-reflective materials at Mercury’s poles? (6) What are the important volatile species and their sources and sinks near Mercury? The mission has focused to date on commissioning the spacecraft and science payload as well as planning for flyby and orbital operations. The second Venus flyby (June 2007) will complete final rehearsals for the Mercury flyby operations in January and October 2008 and September 2009. Those flybys will provide opportunities to image the hemisphere of the planet not seen by Mariner 10, obtain high-resolution spectral observations with which to map surface mineralogy and assay the exosphere, and carry out an exploration of the magnetic field and energetic particle distribution in the near-Mercury environment. The orbital phase, beginning on March 18, 2011, is a one-year-long, near-polar-orbital observational campaign that will address all mission goals. The orbital phase will complete global imaging, yield detailed surface compositional and topographic data over the northern hemisphere, determine the geometry of Mercury’s internal magnetic field and magnetosphere, ascertain the radius and physical state of Mercury’s outer core, assess the nature of Mercury’s polar deposits, and inventory exospheric neutrals and magnetospheric charged particle species over a range of dynamic conditions. Answering the questions that have guided the MESSENGER mission will expand our understanding of the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets as a family.  相似文献   
The European Space Agency (ESA) contribution to the International Space Station (ISS) goes much beyond the delivery of hardware like the Columbus Laboratory, its payloads and the Automated Transfer Vehicles. ESA Astronauts will be members of the ISS crew. ESA, according to its commitments as ISS international partner, will be responsible to provide training on its elements and payloads to all ISS crewmembers and medical support for ESA astronauts. The European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne has developed over more than a decade into the centre of expertise for manned space activities within ESA by contributing to a number of important co-operative spaceflight missions. This role will be significantly extended for ISS manned operations. Apart from its support to ESA astronauts and their onboard operations, EAC will have a key role in training all ISS astronauts on ESA elements and payloads. The medical support of ISS crew, in particular of ESA astronauts has already started. This paper provides an overview on status and further plans in building up this homebase function for ESA astronauts and on the preparation towards Training Readiness for ISS crew training at EAC, Cologne. Copyright 2001 by the European Space Agency. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Released to IAF/IAA/AIAA to publish in all forms.  相似文献   
For estimating radiation risk in space flights it is necessary to determine radiation dose obtained by critical organs of a human body. For this purpose the experiments with human body models are carried out onboard spacecraft. These models represent phantoms equipped with passive and active radiation detectors which measure dose distributions at places of location of critical organs. The dosimetric Liulin-5 telescope is manufactured with using three silicon detectors for studying radiation conditions in the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the Russian segment of the International space station (ISS). The purpose of the experiment with Liulin-5 instrument is to study dynamics of the dose rate and particle flux in the phantom, as well as variations of radiation conditions on the ISS over long time intervals depending on a phase of the solar activity cycle, orbital parameters, and presence of solar energetic particles. The Liulin-5 dosimeter measures simultaneously the dose rate and fluxes of charged particles at three depths in the radial channel of the phantom, as well as the linear energy transfer. The paper presents the results of measurements of dose rate and particle fluxes caused by various radiation field components on the ISS during the period from June 2007 till December 2009.  相似文献   
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