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The European Space Agency's ExoMars mission will seek evidence of organic compounds of biological and non-biological origin at the martian surface. One of the instruments in the Pasteur payload may be a Life Marker Chip that utilizes an immunoassay approach to detect specific organic molecules or classes of molecules. Therefore, it is necessary to define and prioritize specific molecular targets for antibody development. Target compounds have been selected to represent meteoritic input, fossil organic matter, extant (living, recently dead) organic matter, and contamination. Once organic molecules are detected on Mars, further information is likely to derive from the detailed distribution of compounds rather than from single molecular identification. This will include concentration gradients beneath the surface and gradients from generic to specific compounds. The choice of biomarkers is informed by terrestrial biology but is wide ranging, and nonterrestrial biology may be evident from unexpected molecular distributions. One of the most important requirements is to sample where irradiation and oxidation are minimized, either by drilling or by using naturally excavated exposures. Analyzing regolith samples will allow for the search of both extant and fossil biomarkers, but sequential extraction would be required to optimize the analysis of each of these in turn.  相似文献   
We used Time Domain (1)H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to characterize changes in proton exchange between water and sugar enantiomers at different concentrations of H(2)(17)O (approximately 15-450 mM) and found that dissociation of the (-)-enantiomers of glucose and ribose occurs at significantly higher rates at higher concentrations of H(2)(17)O. The mechanism behind this enantioselective effect is unclear. The hypothesis we propose is that the large magnetic field (B(o) approximately 0.6T) applied during NMR measurements induces electric moments opposite in sign for the D and L-isomers. Because (17)O has a nuclear electric quadrupole moment not = 0, asymmetrically hydrated complexes may form between the B(o)-polarized enantiomers and H(2)(17)O. Either H(2)(17)O is more often hydrating the (+) than the (-)-enantiomers--and consequently pK differences between H(2)(16)O and H(2)(17)O lead to differences in proton exchange between enantiomers and water--or the orientation of H(2)(17)O relative to the B(o)-polarized enantiomers is different, in total or in part, which leads to hydrated complexes with different spatial geometries and different proton exchange properties. This effect is significant for Magneto-Chiral Stereo-Chemistry (MCSC) and astrobiology, and it may help us better understand specific instances of mass independent isotopic fractionation and aid in the development of new technologies for chiral and isotopic separation.  相似文献   
RUAG公司用HBM测量系统进行飞机全尺寸疲劳试验瑞士RUAG公司的研究人员对瑞士版F/A-18战斗机的加强结构进行了大规模的综合试验研究,以验证飞机结构是否能满足较高的要求,达到所需的5000个飞行小时的工作寿命。  相似文献   
1990年下半年,为了验证和鉴定为YF-23A原型机飞行试验而开发的几项新技术,诺思罗普/麦.道公司的两架YF-23A先进战术战斗机(ATF)原型机投放试飞,YF-23A飞行试验队为该试验计划研制了一种性能卓越的,费用低廉的实时地面数据站。为了满意ATF原型机飞行试验工作的需要,该地面站主要基于分布式数据处理的概念。尽管YF-23A地面数据站的核心是DSI公司的QUAD-7计算机系统,但安装在各种  相似文献   
在气候炎热的危地马拉丛林中,一群人在血红色的大金字塔下站了好几个小时.他们一动不动.所有的目光都集中在塔顶的石刻上.在那儿,国王的头上佩带着翎毛,一手持一柄双首鳄节杖,正要从留有祖先信息的神堂中现身而出.这群人虽然看不到国王的动态、却懂得这种宗教仪式的奥秘:通过服用致幻药飘飘然地进入阴间.国王会使用黑曜岩刀片或鱼脊骨,刺穿他自己的阴茎.随即掏出一根绳子穿过伤口,让血液沥到几张树皮纸上.然后他拿起带血的树皮纸将它点燃,从缕缕上升的烟雾中金蛇飞舞的幻象便呈现在国王的面前.  相似文献   
在过去的十年里,上千个制造公司在原料需求量计划系统(MRP—material Requir—ment Planning)上,采用了许多新技术。还有些公司不惜花费大量的时间和资金去设计原材料需求量计划系统,但都没有取得预期的效果。虽然企业的效益不断增加,库存量减少了20—40%,功效提高了5—20%,为顾客服务水平提高了10—50%,但大部分公司并  相似文献   
汉莎航空公司目前正开拓一些新的国内和国际货运业务,并为此寻找新的货运枢纽和合作伙伴,以便巩固其世界最大定期货运商的地位。 该计划包括收回汉莎在货运分部中的全部股本,使其成为一个独立的经营实体。这是公司为摆脱赤字而采取的重大调整战略的一部分。汉莎管理委员会已同意成立独立的货运公司,并正在与工会进行协商。主要问题是雇员的养老保护问题,目前养老金是由政府提供的。雇员养老保护问  相似文献   
本文以叙述合同要求,各种形式的价值工程计划和建议,以及规定的分享条款的形式等来阐述价值工程的合同方面的问题.为了说明如何实际运用价值工程合同的概念和降低成本的计算方法,以及如何在政府和雷锡恩公司之间分享节余的方法,本文将重点阐明价值工程变更提案的主要部分.多年来,为了简化价值工程条款,防务采办条例(DAR)已修正了多次.本文是根据最近修改的DAR写成的,参照的文件为《防务采办通报》,DAC76—26,1980年  相似文献   
当天体物理学家理查·艾利斯将哈勃望远镜对准40亿光年之外的AC114星系群时,发现了一个特异现象:星系群中心有两个相互映衬的天体影像.艾利斯认为,实在的天体仅有一个,另一个只是该实在天体的虚像.AC114星系群强大的引力起到了凸透镜的作用,将遥远星系发出的射线捕获.使之弯曲折射.由此造成了上述现象.  相似文献   
一、引言 自60年代初,NASA就组建和操作一个为近地轨道卫星服务的跟踪和数据获取网。TDRSS是一个新测控网,为目前和直到2000年的预期卫星任务服务。该网利用了已经验证的空间和地面系统有关技术构成一个全新的测控站,只是其前端设备置于地球同步轨道上。尽量采用了自动化技术,使系统设置到数据采集以及整个跟踪期间的通信几乎都不需要人操作。  相似文献   
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