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The effective weighting function for weather radar is defined. This weighting function considers the effects of both the transmitted signal and the receiver filter. It is used to assign effective ranges to samples taken at prescribed times. For uniformly distributed targets it is shown that "signal"-to-noise ratio depends on the receiver filter, transmitted signal envelope, and receiver noise spectral density. Maximization of this signal-to-noise ratio when range resolution constraints are imposed is discussed, and a receiver design approach specifically adapted for Doppler weather radars is developed.  相似文献   
Spread spectrum signaling schemes have been proposed to counter unfriendly, electrical jamming threats. In order to establish their effectiveness, such schemes must be analyzed. This work takes a step in this direction by developing the susceptibility equation, or equivalently, the probability of error, of a direct sequence/frequency hopped (DS/FH), binary differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) system when subjected to a barrage jamming signal. Specific system models are established for the receiving system as well as for the jamming signal and the spread spectrum techniques. Both partial and full band jamming strategies are considered. Graphical results are presented with the conclusions summarizing the spread spectrum effectiveness and the deficiencies of the FH processing gain definition.  相似文献   
The magnetospheric imaging instrument (MIMI) is a neutral and charged particle detection system on the Cassini orbiter spacecraft designed to perform both global imaging and in-situ measurements to study the overall configuration and dynamics of Saturn’s magnetosphere and its interactions with the solar wind, Saturn’s atmosphere, Titan, and the icy satellites. The processes responsible for Saturn’s aurora will be investigated; a search will be performed for substorms at Saturn; and the origins of magnetospheric hot plasmas will be determined. Further, the Jovian magnetosphere and Io torus will be imaged during Jupiter flyby. The investigative approach is twofold. (1) Perform remote sensing of the magnetospheric energetic (E > 7 keV) ion plasmas by detecting and imaging charge-exchange neutrals, created when magnetospheric ions capture electrons from ambient neutral gas. Such escaping neutrals were detected by the Voyager l spacecraft outside Saturn’s magnetosphere and can be used like photons to form images of the emitting regions, as has been demonstrated at Earth. (2) Determine through in-situ measurements the 3-D particle distribution functions including ion composition and charge states (E > 3 keV/e). The combination of in-situ measurements with global images, together with analysis and interpretation techniques that include direct “forward modeling’’ and deconvolution by tomography, is expected to yield a global assessment of magnetospheric structure and dynamics, including (a) magnetospheric ring currents and hot plasma populations, (b) magnetic field distortions, (c) electric field configuration, (d) particle injection boundaries associated with magnetic storms and substorms, and (e) the connection of the magnetosphere to ionospheric altitudes. Titan and its torus will stand out in energetic neutral images throughout the Cassini orbit, and thus serve as a continuous remote probe of ion flux variations near 20R S (e.g., magnetopause crossings and substorm plasma injections). The Titan exosphere and its cometary interaction with magnetospheric plasmas will be imaged in detail on each flyby. The three principal sensors of MIMI consists of an ion and neutral camera (INCA), a charge–energy–mass-spectrometer (CHEMS) essentially identical to our instrument flown on the ISTP/Geotail spacecraft, and the low energy magnetospheric measurements system (LEMMS), an advanced design of one of our sensors flown on the Galileo spacecraft. The INCA head is a large geometry factor (G ∼ 2.4 cm2 sr) foil time-of-flight (TOF) camera that separately registers the incident direction of either energetic neutral atoms (ENA) or ion species (≥5 full width half maximum) over the range 7 keV/nuc < E < 3 MeV/nuc. CHEMS uses electrostatic deflection, TOF, and energy measurement to determine ion energy, charge state, mass, and 3-D anisotropy in the range 3 ≤ E ≤ 220 keV/e with good (∼0.05 cm2 sr) sensitivity. LEMMS is a two-ended telescope that measures ions in the range 0.03 ≤ E ≤ 18 MeV and electrons 0.015 ≤ E≤ 0.884 MeV in the forward direction (G ∼ 0.02 cm2 sr), while high energy electrons (0.1–5 MeV) and ions (1.6–160 MeV) are measured from the back direction (G ∼ 0.4 cm2 sr). The latter are relevant to inner magnetosphere studies of diffusion processes and satellite microsignatures as well as cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND). Our analyses of Voyager energetic neutral particle and Lyman-α measurements show that INCA will provide statistically significant global magnetospheric images from a distance of ∼60 R S every 2–3 h (every ∼10 min from ∼20 R S). Moreover, during Titan flybys, INCA will provide images of the interaction of the Titan exosphere with the Saturn magnetosphere every 1.5 min. Time resolution for charged particle measurements can be < 0.1 s, which is more than adequate for microsignature studies. Data obtained during Venus-2 flyby and Earth swingby in June and August 1999, respectively, and Jupiter flyby in December 2000 to January 2001 show that the instrument is performing well, has made important and heretofore unobtainable measurements in interplanetary space at Jupiter, and will likely obtain high-quality data throughout each orbit of the Cassini mission at Saturn. Sample data from each of the three sensors during the August 18 Earth swingby are shown, including the first ENA image of part of the ring current obtained by an instrument specifically designed for this purpose. Similarily, measurements in cis-Jovian space include the first detailed charge state determination of Iogenic ions and several ENA images of that planet’s magnetosphere.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   
In 1998, Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was chosen as the target of the Deep Impact mission (A’Hearn, M. F., Belton, M. J. S., and Delamere, A., Space Sci. Rev., 2005) even though very little was known about its physical properties. Efforts were immediately begun to improve this situation by the Deep Impact Science Team leading to the founding of a worldwide observing campaign (Meech et al., Space Sci. Rev., 2005a). This campaign has already produced a great deal of information on the global properties of the comet’s nucleus (summarized in Table I) that is vital to the planning and the assessment of the chances of success at the impact and encounter. Since the mission was begun the successful encounters of the Deep Space 1 spacecraft at Comet 19P/Borrelly and the Stardust spacecraft at Comet 81P/Wild 2 have occurred yielding new information on the state of the nuclei of these two comets. This information, together with earlier results on the nucleus of comet 1P/Halley from the European Space Agency’s Giotto, the Soviet Vega mission, and various ground-based observational and theoretical studies, is used as a basis for conjectures on the morphological, geological, mechanical, and compositional properties of the surface and subsurface that Deep Impact may find at 9P/Tempel 1. We adopt the following working values (circa December 2004) for the nucleus parameters of prime importance to Deep Impact as follows: mean effective radius = 3.25± 0.2 km, shape – irregular triaxial ellipsoid with a/b = 3.2± 0.4 and overall dimensions of ∼14.4 × 4.4 × 4.4 km, principal axis rotation with period = 41.85± 0.1 hr, pole directions (RA, Dec, J2000) = 46± 10, 73± 10 deg (Pole 1) or 287± 14, 16.5± 10 deg (Pole 2) (the two poles are photometrically, but not geometrically, equivalent), Kron-Cousins (V-R) color = 0.56± 0.02, V-band geometric albedo = 0.04± 0.01, R-band geometric albedo = 0.05± 0.01, R-band H(1,1,0) = 14.441± 0.067, and mass ∼7×1013 kg assuming a bulk density of 500 kg m−3. As these are working values, {i.e.}, based on preliminary analyses, it is expected that adjustments to their values may be made before encounter as improved estimates become available through further analysis of the large database being made available by the Deep Impact observing campaign. Given the parameters listed above the impact will occur in an environment where the local gravity is estimated at 0.027–0.04 cm s−2 and the escape velocity between 1.4 and 2 m s−1. For both of the rotation poles found here, the Deep Impact spacecraft on approach to encounter will find the rotation axis close to the plane of the sky (aspect angles 82.2 and 69.7 deg. for pole 1 and 2, respectively). However, until the rotation period estimate is substantially improved, it will remain uncertain whether the impactor will collide with the broadside or the ends of the nucleus.  相似文献   
Hawkins  S.E.  Roelof  E.C.  Decker  R.B.  Ho  G.C.  Lario  D. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):269-272
We have performed a joint survey of anisotropic ≳40 keV electron events from August 1997 to September 2000 using the matched detectors on the Ulysses (ULS)/HI-SCALE and the ACE/EPAM instruments. A computer algorithm selected events with strong, statistically significant pitch-angle anisotropies. Electron pitch-angle distributions at ACE (∼1 AU) are often ‘beams’ that are strongly collimated along the local interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). These flare-associated impulsive injections can display rapid rise times (∼15 min) and slower decays, or more irregular intensity histories. At ULS, the electron intensities are lower and the time histories smoother, but strong anisotropies are still observable, indicating direct, nearly field-aligned propagation outward from the Sun. We focus on four event periods, selected from the survey, during times when the angle between the footpoints of the IMF lines intersecting ACE and ULS is small. These events span three full years and cover a wide range of distances and heliographic latitudes. We found one reasonably good association between impulsive electron events at ACE and ULS, and two events with small field-aligned gradients. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Detecting moving targets in SAR imagery by focusing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for detecting moving targets in a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is presented. It involves segmenting a complex-valued SAR image into patches, focusing each patch separately, and measuring the sharpness increase in the focused patch. The algorithm is sensitive to azimuth velocities and is exquisitely sensitive to radial accelerations of the target, allowing it to detect motion in any direction. It is complementary to conventional Doppler-sensing moving target indicators, which can sense only the radial velocity of rapidly moving targets.  相似文献   
We present the results from a study of the variations of the cosmic-ray intensity with time, heliographic latitude, and longitude, and for varying interplanetary conditions, using our three-dimensional, time-dependent computer code for cosmic-ray transport in the heliosphere. Our code also produces a solar-wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) configuration which is compared with observations. Because of the fully threedimensional nature of the model calculations, we are able to model time variations which would be expected to be observed along Ulysses's trajectory as it moves to high latitudes. In particular we can model the approximately 13-and 26-day solar-rotation induced variations in cosmic rays, solar wind and IMF, as a function of increasing heliographic latitude, as one moves poleward of the interplanetary current sheet. Our preliminary model results seem to be in general form quite similar to published data, but depend on the physical parameters used such as cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients, boundary conditions, and the nature of the solar wind and IMF and current sheet.  相似文献   
The magnetotail and substorms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The tail plays a very active and important role in substorms. Magnetic flux eroded from the dayside magnetosphere is stored here. As more and more flux is transported to the magnetotail and stored, the boundary of the tail flares more, the field strength in the tail increases, and the currents strengthen and move closer to the Earth. Further, the plasma sheet thins and the magnetic flux crossing the neutral sheet lessens. At the onset of the expansion phase, the stored magnetic flux is returned from the tail and energy is deposited in the magnetosphere and ionosphere. During the expansion phase of isolated substorms, the flaring angle and the lobe field strength decrease, the plasma sheet thickens and more magnetic flux crosses the neutral sheet.In this review, we discuss the experimental evidence for these processes and present a phenomenological or qualitative model of the substorm sequence. In this model, the flux transport is driven by the merging of the magnetospheric and interplanetary magnetic fields. During the growth phase of substorms the merging rate on the dayside magnetosphere exceeds the reconnection rate in the neutral sheet. In order to remove the oversupply of magnetic flux in the tail, a neutral point forms in the near earth portion of the tail. If the new reconnection rate exceeds the dayside merging rate, then an isolated substorm results. However, a situation can occur in which dayside merging and tail reconnection are in equilibrium. The observed polar cap electric field and its correlation with the interplanetary magnetic field is found to be in accord with open magnetospheric models.  相似文献   
Haines  K.  Hipkin  R.  Beggan  C.  Bingley  R.  Hernandez  F.  Holt  J.  Baker  T.  Bingham  R.J. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,108(1-2):205-216
Accurate local geoids derived from in situ gravity data will be valuable in the validation of GOCE results. In addition it will be a challenge to use GOCE data in an optimal way, in combination with in situ gravity, to produce better local geoid solutions. This paper discusses the derivation of a new geoid over the NW European shelf, and its comparison with both tide gauge and altimetric sea level data, and with data from ocean models. It is hoped that over the next few years local geoid methods such as these can be extended to cover larger areas and to incorporate both in situ and satellite measured gravity data. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Jurewicz  A.J.G.  Burnett  D.S.  Wiens  R.C.  Friedmann  T.A.  Hays  C.C.  Hohlfelder  R.J.  Nishiizumi  K.  Stone  J.A.  Woolum  D.S.  Becker  R.  Butterworth  A.L.  Campbell  A.J.  Ebihara  M.  Franchi  I.A.  Heber  V.  Hohenberg  C.M.  Humayun  M.  McKeegan  K.D.  McNamara  K.  Meshik  A.  Pepin  R.O.  Schlutter  D.  Wieler  R. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,105(3-4):535-560
Genesis (NASA Discovery Mission #5) is a sample return mission. Collectors comprised of ultra-high purity materials will be exposed to the solar wind and then returned to Earth for laboratory analysis. There is a suite of fifteen types of ultra-pure materials distributed among several locations. Most of the materials are mounted on deployable panels (‘collector arrays’), with some as targets in the focal spot of an electrostatic mirror (the ‘concentrator’). Other materials are strategically placed on the spacecraft as additional targets of opportunity to maximize the area for solar-wind collection. Most of the collection area consists of hexagonal collectors in the arrays; approximately half are silicon, the rest are for solar-wind components not retained and/or not easily measured in silicon. There are a variety of materials both in collector arrays and elsewhere targeted for the analyses of specific solar-wind components. Engineering and science factors drove the selection process. Engineering required testing of physical properties such as the ability to withstand shaking on launch and thermal cycling during deployment. Science constraints included bulk purity, surface and interface cleanliness, retentiveness with respect to individual solar-wind components, and availability. A detailed report of material parameters planned as a resource for choosing materials for study will be published on a Genesis website, and will be updated as additional information is obtained. Some material is already linked to the Genesis plasma data website (genesis.lanl.gov). Genesis should provide a reservoir of materials for allocation to the scientific community throughout the 21st Century. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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