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Adaptive array processors utilizing the Widrow LMS algroithm with an internally generated reference signal have been shown to be subject to weight cycling caused by phase shift in the reference extracting loop. Adaptive compensation schemes that eliminate the reference loop phase shift are suggested here. Two such schemes are proposed. They differ in the amount of hardware complexity needed as well as in the rate at which each one eliminates the phase shift. Computer calculations are used to compare the rates of convergence of the two schemes.  相似文献   
This study presents several observations of the Cluster spacecraft on September 24, 2003 around 15:10 UT, which show necessary prerequisites and consequences for the formation of the so-called modified-two-stream instability (MTSI). Theoretical studies suggest that the plasma is MTSI unstable if (1) a relative drift of electrons and ions is present, which exceeds the Alfvèn speed, and (2) this relative drift or current is in the cross-field direction. As consequences of the formation of a MTSI one expects to observe (1) a field-aligned electron beam, (2) heating of the plasma, and (3) an enhancement in the B-wave spectrum at frequencies in the range of the lower-hybrid-frequency (LHF). In this study we use prime parameter data of the CIS and PEACE instruments onboard the Cluster spacecraft to verify the drift velocities of ions and electrons, FGM data to calculate the expected LHF and Alfvèn velocity, and the direction of the current. The B-wave spectrum is recorded by the STAFF instrument of Cluster. Finally, a field aligned beam of electrons is observed by 3D measurements of the IES instrument of the RAPID unit. Observations are verified using a theoretical model showing the build-up of a MTSI under the given circumstances.  相似文献   
Differential-game-based guidance law using target orientation observations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modern 4th generation air-to-air missiles are quite capable of dealing with today's battlefield needs. Advanced aerodynamics, highly efficient warheads and smart target acquisition systems combine to yield higher missile lethality than ever. However, in order to intercept highly maneuverable targets, such as future unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAV), or to achieve higher tracking precision for missiles equipped with smaller warheads, further improvement in the missile guidance system is still needed. A new concept is presented here for deriving improved differential-game-based guidance laws that make use of information about the target orientation, which is acquired via an imaging seeker. The underlying idea is that of using measurements of the target attitude as a leading indicator of target acceleration. Knowledge of target attitude reduces the reachable set of target acceleration, facilitating the computation of an improved estimate of the zero-effort miss (ZEM) distance. In consequence, missile guidance accuracy is significantly improved. The new concept is applied in a horizontal interception scenario, where it is assumed that the target maneuver direction, constituting a partial attitude information, can be extracted via processing target images, acquired by an imaging sensor. The derivation results in a new guidance law that explicitly exploits the direction of the target acceleration. The performance of the new guidance law is studied via a computer simulation, which demonstrates its superiority over existing state-of-the-art differential-game-based guidance laws. It is demonstrated that a significant decrease in the miss distance can be expected via the use of partial target orientation information.  相似文献   
Additive time synchronous system in existing SDH networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simplified SDW (synchronous digital hierarchy)-based time synchronous system that does not need modification of existing SDH transmission equipment (STE) and clock supply equipment (CSE) is proposed. The system has auxiliary time synchronizing equipment attached to existing STE and CSE, where frequency and time are separately synchronized, and which enables us to partially time-synchronize an SDH network or to introduce a time synchronous system locally. Experimental time synchronizing devices using a data communication channel (DCC) in the section overhead (SOH) showed potentially satisfactory performance; synchronization errors of a 4-link system are of the order of sub-microseconds  相似文献   
Two energetic events in the Earth’s magnetotail detected by Geotail are examined with detailed analysis of three-dimensional velocity phase space density. It is found that the occurrence of multiple ion components is high during these dynamic episodes. Different populations evolve independently of each other, suggesting particles from multiple activity sites contributing to the observed phase space density. The transport properties with consideration of multiple components are evaluated, with the result showing significant differences from those based on a single fluid approach. This comparison indicates that precise evaluation of the energy and magnetic flux transport of energetic events in the magnetotail requires resolving individual populations in the phase space density.  相似文献   
PMHT: problems and some solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probabilistic multihypothesis tracker (PMHT) is a target tracking algorithm of considerable theoretical elegance. In practice, its performance turns out to be at best similar to that of the probabilistic data association filter (PDAF); and since the implementation of the PDAF is less intense numerically the PMHT has been having a hard time finding acceptance. The PMHT's problems of nonadaptivity, narcissism, and over-hospitality to clutter are elicited in this work. The PMHT's main selling-point is its flexible and easily modifiable model, which we use to develop the "homothetic" PMHT; maneuver-based PMHTs, including those with separate and joint homothetic measurement models; a modified PMHT whose measurement/target association model is more similar to that of the PDAF; and PMHTs with eccentric and/or estimated measurement models. Ideally, "bottom line" would be a version of the PMHT with clear advantages over existing trackers. If the goal is of an accurate (in terms of mean square error (MSE)) track, then there are a number of versions for which this is available.  相似文献   
As a part of the global plasma environment study of Mars and its response to the solar wind, we have analyzed a peculiar case of the subsolar energetic neutral atom (ENA) jet observed on June 7, 2004 by the Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) on board the Mars Express satellite. The “subsolar ENA jet” is generated by the interaction between the solar wind and the Martian exosphere, and is one of the most intense sources of ENA flux observed in the vicinity of Mars. On June 7, 2004 (orbit 485 of Mars Express), the NPD observed a very intense subsolar ENA jet, which then abruptly decreased within ∼10 sec followed by quasi-periodic (∼1 min) flux variations. Simultaneously, the plasma sensors detected a solar wind structure, which was most likely an interplanetary shock surface. The abrupt decrease of the ENA flux and the quasi-periodic flux variations can be understood in the framework of the global response of the Martian plasma obstacle to the interplanetary shock. The generation region of the subsolar ENA jet was pushed towards the planet by the interplanetary shock; and therefore, Mars Express went out of the ENA jet region. Associated global vibrations of the Martian plasma obstacle may have been the cause of the quasi-periodic flux variations of the ENA flux at the spacecraft location.  相似文献   
It is shown that the Weibull-distributed ground clutter obeys a Weibull distribution after processing by the double canceler moving target indicator (MTI).  相似文献   
We developed two types of hybrid terminals that can provide both satellite communication and position determination services in one system. One terminal uses the single channel per carrier (SCPC) technique and the other uses the spread spectrum (SS) technique. To evaluate the performance of the two systems, we carried out experiments in Japan and in the Pacific Ocean using two geostationary satellites, ETS-V (150°E) and Inmarsat (180°E). The ranging accuracy between the mobile terminals and the base station via the satellites was found to be about 200 m using the SCPC system and about 10 m using the SS system. The measured positioning accuracy was about 1 km in the SCPC system and about 600 m in the SS system when experiments were carried out near Japan. The experimental results show that the positioning errors were mainly caused by the orbital determination errors of the two satellites. Presented here are the configurations and features of the SCPC and SS terminals, the experimental system, and the experimental results  相似文献   
面向新一代移动通信和物联网等领域对高精度、低成本授时的需求,针对典型的实时动态授时服务只能单区域覆盖的问题,提出了一种基于北斗的多区域实时动态精密授时服务系统.该系统由标准时间、时间基准站、高精度时间频率实时传递链路、数据中心和时间用户等部分组成,可实现标准时间实时动态授时服务的全国多区域覆盖.依托中国科学院国家授时中...  相似文献   
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