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A numerical solution of the Kepler problem. Requiring a six-decimal accuracy, the Kepler problem can be solved with four iterations at most, even for an eccentricity close to 1, provided that a new initial approximation be introduced in this last case.  相似文献   
Recent advances in satellite techniques hold great potential for mapping global gravity wave (GW) processes at various altitudes. Poor understanding of small-scale GWs has been a major limitation to numerical climate and weather models for making reliable forecasts. Observations of short-scale features have important implication for validating and improving future high-resolution numerical models. This paper summarizes recent GW observations and sensitivities from several satellite instruments, including MLS, AMSU-A, AIRS, GPS, and CLAES. It is shown in an example that mountain waves with horizontal wavelengths as short as 30 km now can be observed by AIRS, reflecting the superior horizontal resolution in these modern satellite instruments. Our studies show that MLS, AMSU-A and AIRS observations reveal similar GW characteristics, with the observed variances correlated well with background winds. As a complementary technique, limb sounding instruments like CRISTA, CLAES, and GPS can detect GWs with better vertical but poorer horizontal resolutions. To resolve different parts of the broad GW spectrum, both satellite limb and nadir observing techniques are needed, and a better understanding of GW complexities requires joint analyses of these data and dedicated high-resolution model simulations.  相似文献   
The global distribution of low-latitude plasma blobs was investigated by in-situ plasma density measurements from the Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-1 (KOMPSAT-1) and Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F15. In the observations, blobs occurred in the longitude sector where the activity of the equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) was appreciable, and additional blobs were found at the lower (KOMPSAT-1) altitude as in the EPBs. However, several notable differences exist between the distributions of EPBs and blobs. First, KOMPSAT-1 found few blobs around 0°E in March and June, as did DMSP F15 from 30°W to 120°E for every season. Second, the overall occurrences in December and March at the DMSP F15 (840 km) altitude were somewhat lower than expected from those of the EBPs. Third, at the DMSP F15 altitude, the occurrence probability of plasma blobs was less controlled by yearly variations in the solar activity. These results imply that topside ionospheric conditions as well as the existence of EPBs control further development of blobs. Additionally, it was found that the blob latitudes became higher as the yearly solar activity increased. Moreover, most of the blobs were encountered in the winter hemisphere, possibly due to the low ambient density.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effect of microgravity during spaceflight on body-wall muscle fiber size and muscle proteins in the paramyosin mutant of Caenorhabditis elegans. Both mutant and wild-type strains were subjected to 10 days of microgravity during spaceflight and compared to ground control groups. No significant change in muscle fiber size or quantity of the protein was observed in wild-type worms; where as atrophy of body-wall muscle and an increase in thick filament proteins were observed in the paramyosin mutant unc-15(e73) animals after spaceflight. We conclude that the mutant with abnormal muscle responded to microgravity by increasing the total amount of muscle protein in order to compensate for the loss of muscle function.  相似文献   
Tail-amputated adult Triturus vulgaris, fettered in cuvettes of a fast-rotating clinostat were exposed to simulated weightlessness (60 rpm; equiv. to 10(-3)-10(-4) g), during a 14-day period. To feed and clean the animals rotation was stopped once a day for approx. 10 min. To test the influence of the fettering stress, a second series of animals was kept separately under normal earth conditions without rotation. A further control series was kept in a dark container without any handicap. While tail regeneration of the rotated animals was markedly accelerated, the fettered-only animals showed a considerably less marked acceleration effect. At the end of the 14-day period, all regenerates were reamputated together with an additional 5 mm of the tail stump. Although this second level of amputation was distant from the first, the regenerative growth rate of the rotated series was accelerated 123% in contrast to both the control and the fettered-only series. Our results demonstrate that the growth acceleration is induced by clinorotation. Fettering stress has no comparable influence. The growth promoting effect is not limited to the regenerating area.  相似文献   
An over-all organizational framework for the origin of life is outlined and attemps for realization are given. Evolution can be described as a process resulting in an increase of “knowledge” where knowledge is the number of carriers of genetic information discarded, on the average, until the evolutionary state under consideration is reached. A model for the evolution of a translation device, a crucial event in the origin of life, is described in detail. Aggregates of short polynucleotide strands in a hairpin conformation play a major role in this model. Experimental evidence for the selectivity of aggregation supports the idea of aggregates as error filters. Chromatographic separation as selection process during chemical evolution supports the model of the early translation device leading to the origin of the genetic code.  相似文献   
The Cosmic-Ray Energetics And Mass balloon-borne experiment has been launched twice in Antarctica, first in December 2004 and again in December 2005. It circumnavigated the South Pole three times during the first flight, which set a flight duration record of 42 days. A cumulative duration of 70 days within 13 months was achieved when the second flight completed 28 days during two circumnavigations of the Pole on 13 January 2006. Both the science instrument and support systems functioned extremely well, and a total 117 GB of data including 67 million science events were collected during these two flights. Preliminary analysis indicates that the data extend well above 100 TeV and follow reasonable power laws. The payload recovered from the first flight has been refurbished for the third flight in 2007, whereas the payload from the second flight is being refurbished to be ready for the fourth flight in 2008. Each flight will extend the reach of precise cosmic-ray composition measurements to energies not previously possible.  相似文献   
Precise Orbit Determination (POD) for the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), the first core explorer mission by the European Space Agency (ESA), forms an integrated part of the so-called High-Level Processing Facility (HPF). Two POD chains have been set up referred to as quick-look Rapid and Precise Science Orbit determination or RSO and PSO, respectively. These chains make use of different software systems and have latencies of 1 day and 2 weeks, respectively, after tracking data availability. The RSO and PSO solutions have to meet a 3-dimensional (3D) position precision requirement of 50 cm and a few cm, respectively. The tracking data will be collected by the new Lagrange GPS receiver and the predicted characteristics of this receiver have been taken into account during the implementation phase of the two chains.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of a box in a stellar corona can be modeled employing a 3D MHD model for different levels of magnetic activity. Depending on the magnetic flux through the surface the nature of the resulting coronal structures can be quite different. We investigate a model of an active region for two sunspots surrounded by magnetic field patches comparable in magnetic flux to the sunspots. The model results in emission from the model corona being concentrated in loop structures. In Gudiksen and Nordlund (2005) the loops seen in EUV and X-ray emission outline the magnetic field, following the general paradigm. However, in our model, where the magnetic field is far from a force-free state, the loops seen in X-ray emission do not follow the magnetic field lines. This result is of interest especially for loops as found in areas where the magnetic field emerging from active regions interacts with the surrounding network.  相似文献   
This paper adopts a scale analysis technique to investigate the properties of intermediate-scale plasma structures observed by ROCSAT-1 in the equatorial F-region. A procedure of scale analysis that is developed via the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method of Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT) technique allows the mutually correlated components in velocity, density and relative density gradient to be identified and extracted. Comparing the three parameters, good match in wave form is found for density and velocity in the scales between kilometers and hundred meters (few kilometers to 300 m). It implies that there are electric fields proportional to density fluctuation −δn/n in the form similar to what is expected for the generalized Rayleigh–Taylor instability. We find that such a one-to-one match holds for various pre- and post-midnight ESF bubbles during quiet and storm times. It, therefore, means that spatial structures of electric field in the intermediate-scale (300 m to few kilometers) correlates to the density structures in a manner of δE ∝  −δn/n that is not necessarily depending on the driving mechanism of ESF bubbles, although it is known that ESF bubbles can be driven by different mechanisms under different space weather conditions. In smaller scales (300–50 m), fluctuation patterns of density and velocity do not correlate to each other any more, the good match is then found in the density gradient ∇xn/n and velocity. It is known as the manifestation of the Boltzmann relation. We note that the GRT instability related relationship δVz ∝  −δn/n for irregularities in scale of kilometers holds only for ESF bubbles that occur within ±5 dip latitude, while the Boltzmann relation (δVz proportional to ∇xn/n) holds for small-scale irregularities without such a limitation.  相似文献   
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