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Removing orbital debris with lasers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orbital debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) are now sufficiently dense that the use of LEO space is threatened by runaway collision cascading. A problem predicted more than thirty years ago, the threat from debris larger than about 1 cm demands serious attention. A promising proposed solution uses a high power pulsed laser system on the Earth to make plasma jets on the objects, slowing them slightly, and causing them to re-enter and burn up in the atmosphere. In this paper, we reassess this approach in light of recent advances in low-cost, light-weight modular design for large mirrors, calculations of laser-induced orbit changes and in design of repetitive, multi-kilojoules lasers, that build on inertial fusion research. These advances now suggest that laser orbital debris removal (LODR) is the most cost-effective way to mitigate the debris problem. No other solutions have been proposed that address the whole problem of large and small debris. A LODR system will have multiple uses beyond debris removal. International cooperation will be essential for building and operating such a system.  相似文献   
The Cassini mission provides a great opportunity to enlarge our knowledge of atmospheric electricity at the gas giant Saturn. Following Voyager studies, the RPWS (Radio and Plasma Wave Science) instrument has measured again the so-called SEDs (Saturn Electrostatic Discharges) which are the radio signature of lightning flashes. Observations by Cassini/ISS (Imaging Science Subsystem) have shown cloud features in Saturn’s atmosphere whose occurrence, longitudinal drift rate, and brightness were strongly related to the SEDs. In this paper we will review the main physical parameters of the SEDs. Lightning does not only give us clues about the dynamics of the atmosphere, but also serves as a natural tool to investigate properties of Saturn’s ionosphere. We will also discuss other lightning related phenomena and compare Saturn lightning with terrestrial and Jovian lightning.  相似文献   
Close to the current solar activity minimum, two large solar cosmic ray ground-level enhancements (GLE) were recorded by the worldwide network of neutron monitors (NM). The enormous GLE on 20 January 2005 is the largest increase observed since the famous GLE in 1956, and the solar cosmic-ray event recorded on 13 December 2006 is among the largest in solar cycle 23. From the recordings of the NMs during the two GLEs, we determined the characteristics of the solar particle flux near Earth.  相似文献   
Plans for interplanetary manned space missions imply significant risks arising from human's exposure to the hostile space environment. Thus the design of reliable protection systems against the ionizing cosmic radiation becomes one of the most relevant issues. In this paper the composition and magnitude of the atmospheric radiation on the planetary surface and for typical interplanetary transfer configurations have been analyzed. The investigation based on prior NASA and ESA mission results, using a manned mission to planet Mars as a case study. According to this, the time-dependent character of the consistency of cosmic radiation has been taken into account, which is justified by the interdependence of the radiation magnitude to the solar cycle. With regard to this paper it implies even solar particle events. The results have been compared to the protective character of different materials potentially usable as a habitat's structural shell and for interplanetary spacecrafts. The investigation aimed on particle energy degradation rates and reduction of secondary particle production. In this regard the physical process of absorbing effectiveness against particle radiation has been examined by analytical calculation and given scientific results, depending on thickness and molecular composition of the materials. The most suitable materials have been used for shield design proposals using different configurations, evaluating the use of aluminium, water tanks and polyethylene bricks.  相似文献   
This paper describes a microwave limb technique for measuring Doppler wind in the Earth’s mesosphere. The research algorithm has been applied to Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) 118.75 GHz measurements where the O2 Zeeman lines are resolved by a digital autocorrelation spectrometer. A precision of ∼17 m/s for the line-of-sight (LOS) wind is achieved at 80–92 km, which corresponds to radiometric noise during 1/6 s integration time. The LOS winds from Aura MLS are mostly in the meridional direction at low- and mid-latitudes with vertical resolution of ∼8 km. This microwave Doppler technique has potential to obtain useful winds down to ∼40 km of the Earth’s atmosphere if measurements from other MLS frequencies (near H2O, O3, and CO lines) are used. Initial analyses show that the MLS winds from the 118.75 GHz measurements agree well with the TIDI (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Doppler Interferometer) winds for the perturbations induced by a strong quasi 2-day wave (QTDW) in January 2005. Time series of MLS winds reveal many interesting climatological and planetary wave features, including the diurnal, semidiurnal tides, and the QTDW. Interactions between the tides and the QTDW are clearly evident, indicating possible large tidal structural changes after the QTDW events dissipate.  相似文献   
Michael Prior  Larry Dunham   《Acta Astronautica》2007,61(11-12):1010-1018
For 15 years, the science mission of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) required using three of the six on-board rate gyros for attitude control. Failed gyros were eventually replaced through Space Shuttle Servicing Missions. To ensure the maximum science mission life, a two-gyro science (TGS) mode has been designed and implemented with performance comparable to three-gyro operations. The excellent performance has enabled a transition to operations with 2 gyros (by intentionally turning off a running gyro to save it for later use), and allows for an even greater science mission extension. Predictions show the gain in mission life approaching two years. In TGS mode, the rate information formerly provided by the third gyro is provided by another sensor. There are three submodes, each defined by the sensor used to provide the missing rate information (magnetometers, star trackers, and fine guidance sensors). Although each sensor has limitations, when used sequentially they provide the means to transition from relatively large, post-maneuver attitude errors of up to 10, to the arcsecond errors needed to transition to fine pointing required for science observing. Only small reductions in science productivity exist in TGS mode primarily due to more difficult target scheduling necessary to satisfy constraints imposed by the use of the star trackers. Scientists see no degradation in image quality due to the very low jitters levels that are nearly equivalent to three-gyro mode.  相似文献   
The science payload on the Deep Impact mission includes a 1.05–4.8 μm infrared spectrometer with a spectral resolution ranging from R∼200–900. The Deep Impact IR spectrometer was designed to optimize, within engineering and cost constraints, observations of the dust, gas, and nucleus of 9P/Tempel 1. The wavelength range includes absorption and emission features from ices, silicates, organics, and many gases that are known to be, or anticipated to be, present on comets. The expected data will provide measurements at previously unseen spatial resolution before, during, and after our cratering experiment at the comet 9P/Tempel 1. This article explores the unique aspects of the Deep Impact IR spectrometer experiment, presents a range of expectations for spectral data of 9P/Tempel 1, and summarizes the specific science objectives at each phase of the mission.  相似文献   
The Deep Impact mission will provide the highest resolution images yet of a comet nucleus. Our knowledge of the makeup and structure of cometary nuclei, and the processes shaping their surfaces, is extremely limited, thus use of the Deep Impact data to show the geological context of the cratering experiment is crucial. This article briefly discusses some of the geological issues of cometary nuclei.  相似文献   
Future of Space Astronomy: A global Road Map for the next decades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of space techniques continues to play a key role in the advance of astrophysics by providing access to the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high energy γ rays. The increasing size, complexity and cost of large space observatories places a growing emphasis on international collaboration. Furthermore, combining existing and future datasets from space and “ground based” observatories is an emerging mode of powerful and relatively inexpensive research to address problems that can only be tackled by the application of large multi-wavelength observations. While the present set of astronomical facilities is impressive and covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum, with complementary space and “ground based” telescopes, the situation in the next 10–20 years is of critical concern. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), to be launched not earlier than 2018, is the only approved future major space astronomy mission. Other major highly recommended space astronomy missions, such as the Wide-field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), the International X-ray Observatory (IXO), Large Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA), have yet to be approved for development.  相似文献   
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