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For the first time, the spin axis orientation of an inactive box-wing geosynchronous satellite has been estimated from ground-based optical photometric observations of Echostar-2’s specular reflections. Recent photometric light curves obtained of Echostar-2 over four years suggest that unusually bright and brief specular reflections were occurring twice within an observed spin period. These bright and brief specular reflections suggested two satellite surfaces with surface normals separated by approximately 180°. The geometry between the satellite, the Sun, and the observing location at the time of each of the brightest observed reflections, was used to estimate Echostar-2’s equatorial spin axis orientation coordinates. When considering prograde and retrograde rotation, Echostar-2’s spin axis orientation was estimated to have been located within 30° of either equatorial coordinate pole. Echostar-2’s spin axis was observed to have moved approximately 180° in right ascension, within a time span of six months, suggesting a roughly one year spin axis precession period about the satellite’s angular momentum vector.  相似文献   
A new view of the ring current as an active element in the geospace system has emerged in which the ring current responds not only to changing convection electric fields imposed by solar wind interactions but to internal dynamics of the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere (geospace) system. Variations in the plasma sheet density, temperature and composition, saturation of the polar cap potential drop (and presumably the cross-tail potential drop), modifications to the imposed convection potential in the inner magnetosphere due to ring current shielding effects, the presence of a pre-existing ring current population, storm-substorm coupling, and strong convection with and without accompanying substorm activity all have an impact on the ring current strength, formation and loss. All of these internal processes imply that the geoeffectiveness of a solar wind driver cannot be predicted on the basis of the characteristics of the driver alone but must reflect key aspects of the dynamically changing geospace environment, itself. This review gives a summary of new information on ring current input and decay processes focusing on implications for the global geospace response to solar wind drivers during magnetic storms and on open questions that can be addressed with new ENA imaging techniques.  相似文献   
Most of the southern hemisphere of Mars is densely cratered and stands 1–3 km above the topographic datum. The northern hemisphere is more sparsely cratered and elevations are generally below the datum. A broad rise, the Tharsis bulge, centered at 14° S, 101° W, is 8000 km across and 10 km above the datum at its summit. The densely cratered terrain has two main components; very ancient crust, nearly saturated with large craters, and younger intercrater plains. In many areas the older unit is fractured and extensively dissected by small channels. The younger intercrater plains are distinctly layered in places and less dissected, less fractured, and less cratered. Both units probably date from very early in the planet's history. Cratered plains cover much of the northern hemisphere and are highly variegated. Those around the large volcanoes are covered with numerous volcanic flows whereas in other areas the plains are featureless except for craters and lunar mare-like ridges. Between 40° N and 60° N the plains are complex with various kinds of striped and patterned ground, low escarpments, and isolated irregularly shaped mesas. Their peculiar morphology has been attributed, in part, to the repeated deposition and removal of volatile-rich debris layers. Along the boundary between the northern plains and the densely cratered terrain to the south, the plains and cratered terrain complexly inter-finger. The old terrain forms the high ground and appears to have undergone mass wasting on a large scale. In several areas, particularly south of Chryse Planitia, the old, cratered surface has collapsed to form chaotic terrain. Large channels, tens of kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long, with numerous characteristics suggestive of catastrophic flooding, commonly emerge from the chaotic areas. Much of the area between 50° W and 180° W and 50° N and 50° S is cut by fractures radial to the center of the Tharsis bulge. The equatorial canyon system, Valles Marineris, is radial to the bulge and appears to have formed largely by faulting along the radial fractures, although it has also been extensively modified by various mass wasting and fluvial processes. Most but not all volcanoes are in the Tharsis and Elysium regions. The largest resemble terrestrial shield volcanoes except for scale; the edifices, flow features and calderas are all far larger than their terrestrial counterparts. Most impact craters on Mars are surrounded by layers of ejecta, each with a distil ridge. This unique morphology coupled with other surface characteristics suggests large amounts of ground ice. Layered deposits at both poles appear to be relatively young, volatile-rich, aeolian deposits. The north pole is also surrounded by a continuous belt of dunes several tens of kilometers across. In most other places, aeolian modification of the surface at a scale of several tens of meters appears slight despite annual global dust storms.  相似文献   
It has been underappreciated that inorganic processes can produce stromatolites (laminated macroscopic constructions commonly attreibuted to microbiological activity), thus calling into question the long-standing use of stromatolites as de facto evidence for ancient life. Using lossless compression on unmagnified reflectance red-green-blue (RGB) images of matched stromatolite-sediment matrix pairs as a complexity metric, the compressibility index (delta(c), the log ratio of the ratio of the compressibility of the matrix versus the target) of a putative abiotic test stromatolite is significantly less than the delta(c) of a putative biotic test stromatolite. There is a clear separation in delta(c) between the different stromatolites discernible at the outcrop scale. In terms of absolute compressibility, the sediment matrix between the stromatolite columns was low in both cases, the putative abiotic stromatolite was similar to the intracolumnar sediment, and the putative biotic stromatolite was much greater (again discernible at the outcrop scale). We propose tht this metric would be useful for evaluating the biogenicity of images obtained by the camera systems available on every Mars surface probe launched to date including Viking, Pathfinder, Beagle, and the two Mars Exploration Rovers.  相似文献   
The availability of water-ice at the surface in the Mars polar cap and within the top meter of the high-latitude regolith raises the question of whether liquid water can exist there under some circumstances and possibly support the existence of biota. We examine the minimum temperatures at which liquid water can exist at ice grain-dust grain and ice grain-ice grain contacts, the minimum subfreezing temperatures at which terrestrial organisms can grow or multiply, and the maximum temperatures that can occur in martian high-latitude and polar regions, to see if there is overlap. Liquid water can exist at grain contacts above about -20 degrees C. Measurements of growth in organisms isolated from Siberian permafrost indicate growth at -10 degrees C and metabolism at -20 degrees C. Mars polar and high-latitude temperatures rise above -20 degrees C at obliquities greater than ~40 degrees, and under some conditions rise above 0 degrees C. Thus, the environment in the Mars polar regions has overlapped habitable conditions within relatively recent epochs, and Mars appears to be on the edge of being habitable at present. The easy accessibility of the polar surface layer relative to the deep subsurface make these viable locations to search for evidence of life.  相似文献   
Duke MB 《Acta Astronautica》2002,50(6):379-383
The Clementine mission has revived interest in the possibility that ice exists in shadowed craters near the lunar poles. Theoretically, the problem is complex, with several possible sources of water (meteoroid, asteroid, comet impact), several possible loss mechanisms (impact vaporization, sputtering, photoionization), and burial by meteorite impact. Opinions of modelers have ranged from no ice to several times 10(16) g of ice in the cold traps. Clementine bistatic radar data have been interpreted in favor of the presence of ice, while Arecibo radar data do not confirm its presence. The Lunar Prospector mission, planned to be flown in the fall of 1997, could gather new evidence for the existence of ice. If ice is present, both scientific and utilitarian objectives would be addressed by a lunar polar rover, such as that proposed to the NASA Discovery program, but not selected. The lunar polar rover remains the best way to understand the distribution and characteristics of lunar polar ice.  相似文献   
The Solar Dynamo     
Observations relevant to current models of the solar dynamo are presented, with emphasis on the history of solar magnetic activity and on the location and nature of the solar tachocline. The problems encountered when direct numerical simulation is used to analyse the solar cycle are discussed, and recent progress is reviewed. Mean field dynamo theory is still the basis of most theories of the solar dynamo, so a discussion of its fundamental principles and its underlying assumptions is given. The role of magnetic helicity is discussed. Some of the most popular models based on mean field theory are reviewed briefly. Dynamo models based on severe truncations of the full MHD equations are discussed.  相似文献   
Space Science Reviews - Time measured by an ideal clock crucially depends on the gravitational potential and velocity of the clock according to general relativity. Technological advances in...  相似文献   
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