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随着科学技术的迅速发展和人民生活水平的提高,民用航空已成为人们出行和旅游的主要交通方式之一。飞机的迅速、舒适和安全,使人们真正实现了“天涯若比邻”。众所周知,轮船在大海上航行,依靠雷达和航标灯的引导和船长精确的指挥,才会安全到达彼岸。飞机在天空中飞行,更离不开空中交通管制(简称空管,下同)、通信导航台和机场地面灯光的引导。  相似文献   
在平方根卡尔曼复判决反馈均衡器原理的基础上,针对短波信道经常存在的多径在前主径在后的情况,对应用于短波高速数据传输的均衡器进行了结构上的改进,不立刻对输入均衡器的码元进行判决,而是延迟一定码元时间后再进行判决。MATLAB仿真结果表明,进行延迟判决的均衡器在既不影响均衡器的收敛速度,且算法复杂度增加很少的前提下,比常规结构的复判决反馈均衡器在抗干扰性能上有很大提高。  相似文献   
A new orbit-attitude-vibration coupled dynamic model of the tethered solar power satellite (Tethered SPS) is established based on absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The Hamilton’s equation of the system is derived by introducing generalized momentum through Legendre transformation. The correctness of the proposed model is verified by an example. The dynamic characteristics of the Tethered SPS are studied using the symplectic Runge-Kutta method. Simulation results show that the orbital radius and the total energy of the system are well preserved. The attitude of the system is unstable when the mass of the bus system is small. However, the attitude stability is dependent on some other parameters of the system, which requires further studies. It is also found that the average tether force/deformation can be roughly estimated by simplifying the solar panel as a particle. The proposed model can be used to study the orbit-attitude-vibration coupled dynamics and control problems.  相似文献   
During solar flares, the X-ray radiation suddenly increases, resulting in an increase in the electron density of the atmospheric D region and a strong absorption of short-wave radio waves. Based on Langfang medium frequency (MF) radar, this paper analyzed the variation characteristics of D region in the lower ionosphere from 62 km to 82 km. The analysis focused on multiple C-level and M-level solar flare events before and after the large-scale flare event at 11:53 (UT) on September 6, 2017. The results show that it is difficult to detect the electron density over 70 km in Langfang during solar flares, but the electron density value can be obtained as low as 62 km, and the stronger the flare intensity, the lower the detectable electron density height. Besides, the equal electron density height, the received power of X and O waves will also be significantly reduced during the flares, and the reduction of equal electron density height has a weak linear relationship with flare intensity.  相似文献   
As the lighter-than-air (LTA) flight vehicle, the stratospheric airship is a desirable platform to provide communication and surveillance services. During the ascent from sea-level to the mission altitude, the volume of the lifting gas may change significantly, which will result in the change of the center-of-buoyancy (CB). A general calculation method is developed to specify CB for the stratospheric airship with a double-ellipsoid hull and an arbitrary number of the gas cells. The cross-section-integral (CSI) method is used as a basic calculation scenario to specify CB. Considering the complexity in determining the boundary between the helium and air in the gas cell, a searching algorithm is put forward and the specification of CB can be conducted by the iterative calculation. As an important application, the stable condition of the pitch angle is analyzed when the change of CB is involved. Under different initial configurations, the stable pitch angle of the stratospheric airship during the ascent is specified and compared, which shows the advantages of the multi-gas-cell configuration. The results of this paper may provide an important reference for the engineering application of the stratospheric airship.  相似文献   
Atmospheric water vapour plays an important role in phenomena related to the global hydrologic cycle and climate change. However, the rapid temporal–spatial variation in global tropospheric water vapour has not been well investigated due to a lack of long-term, high-temporal-resolution precipitable water vapour (PWV). Accordingly, this study generates an hourly PWV dataset for 272 ground-based International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service (IGS) stations over the period of 2005–2016 using the zenith troposphere delay (ZTD) derived from global-scale GNSS observation. The root mean square (RMS) of the hourly ZTD obtained from the IGS tropospheric product is approximately 4 mm. A fifth-generation reanalysis dataset of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF ERA5) is used to obtain hourly surface temperature (T) and pressure (P), which are first validated with GNSS synoptic station data and radiosonde data, respectively. Then, T and P are used to calculate the water vapour-weighted atmospheric mean temperature (Tm) and zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD), respectively. T and P at the GNSS stations are obtained via an interpolation in the horizontal and vertical directions using the grid-based ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Here, Tm is calculated using a neural network model, whereas ZHD is obtained using an empirical Saastamoinen model. The RMS values of T and P at the collocated 693 radiosonde stations are 1.6 K and 3.1 hPa, respectively. Therefore, the theoretical error of PWV caused by the errors in ZTD, T and P is on the order of approximately 2.1 mm. A practical comparison experiment is performed using 97 collocated radiosonde stations and 23 GNSS stations equipped with meteorological sensors. The RMS and bias of the hourly PWV dataset are 2.87/?0.16 and 2.45/0.55 mm, respectively, when compared with radiosonde and GNSS stations equipped with meteorological sensors. Additionally, preliminary analysis of the hourly PWV dataset during the EI Niño event of 2014–2016 further indicates the capability of monitoring the daily changes in atmospheric water vapour. This finding is interesting and significant for further climate research.  相似文献   
The Kumtag meteorite strewn field was found in the Kumtag desert, 132 km south of Hami city in the Xinjiang province, China. It is an ellipse of 2.5 × 7.9 km, with a long axis extending along the northeast-southwest direction. The largest individual meteorite of the strewn field weighs about 10 kg; the smallest individual has a mass of only 27 g. In total, more than 100 individuals with a total mass of more than 180 kg were collected. The location and the distribution of the fragments suggest that the Kumtag meteoroid entered the atmosphere in the direction Northeast-Southwest. All meteorites collected in this strewn field are samples from the same unique meteorite shower. The Kumtag meteorite is an H5 ordinary chondrite with a shock stage S2, and a weathering grade W2. The cosmic ray exposure age of Kumtag is 6.7 ± 0.8 Ma, which is rather typical for H chondrites and which indicates that Kumtag was derived from the massive impact event on its parent body ~7 Ma ago. A significant amount of He has been lost during certain unknown processe(s) before the Kumtag meteorite was ejected from its parent body.  相似文献   
A parachute-payload model with randomize wind gust is developed to study the landing accuracy of the parachute decelerator system,which can be exactly described by the landing site distribution.The research focuses on the steady descent phase of the parachute descent process,so the parachute and the payload suspension formulation during the phase are mainly discussed.In addition,since the wind effects have a significant impact on the land site distribution of the passive decelerator system and it is difficult to obtain the exact wind profile in practice,major features of parachute-payload system are studied via the randomized wind gust formulation.As the randomized wind gust formulation is adopted,the wind effect can be considered without the exact wind gust profile and the parachute aerodynamic simulation can be fulfilled with uncertainties.Finally,the model is validated and discussed,and the parachute land site distributions with different wind randomize profiles are presented for comparison.The results show that when parachute is less stable,the land site tends to have a larger variance.  相似文献   
By taking a 2.3 MW double-fed asynchronous generator as an example,a new method for fast simulation analysis of ventilation cooling system inside generator is proposed based on the one-dimensional simulation software FLOWMASTER.The thermal-fluid coupling simulation model of ventilation cooling system inside generator is established.Under the stable running state of the generator,the flow velocity distribution and temperature rise of the key parts of the generator are analyzed.The results prove that the ventilation structure design of the generator meets the temperature rise limit.The simulation results are compared with the theoretical calculation results and the experimental results,which verify the correctness of the thermal-fluid coupling simulation method proposed in this paper.  相似文献   
针对遥感卫星星上目标的定位及识别,本文面向快速响应应用需求,首先对星上目标定位及识别工作模式进行研究,总结出狭义和广义两种模式,其次重点对像方-物方坐标双向定位算法进行梳理,并针对典型地物目标星上自动识别算法提出研究思路,最后给出算法的应用方法流程。本文研究为快速响应产品星上智能处理提供方法参考。  相似文献   
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