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An analysis of the relationship between a linear amplifier chain and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in a digital microwave receiver, with respect to sensitivity and dynamic range issues, is presented. The effects of gain, third-order intermodulation products and ADC characteristics on the performance of the receiver are illustrated and design criteria for the linear amplifier chain (given a specified ADC) are developed. A computer program is included which calculates theoretical receiver performance based on gain and third-order intermodulation product selections. Experimental results are also presented and compared with theoretical values  相似文献   
A remarkable streaming beam-like particle event of 60 keV-5 MeV ions and of 38–315 keV electrons has been reported previously. This event has been associated with the passage of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) over the Ulysses spacecraft on June 9–13, 1993. At this time, the spacecraft was located at 4.6 AU from the sun and at an heliolatitude of 32° south. It was proposed (Armstrong et al., 1994) that the particle injection source could have been of coronal origin. In this study, we analyse the solar activity during this period. We identify a region of solar radio noise storms in the corona and in particular, a flare on June 7 that presents all the required characteristics to produce the hot plasma beam observed in the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   
Ulysses plasma observations reveal that the forward shocks that commonly bound the leading edges of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) beyond 2 AU from the Sun at low heliographic latitudes nearly disappeared at a latitude of S26°. On the other hand, the reverse shocks that commonly bound the trailing edges of the CIRs were observed regularly up to S41.5°, but became weaker with increasing latitude. Only three CIR shocks have been observed poleward of S41.5°; all of these were weak reverse shocks. The above effects are a result of the forward waves propagating to lower heliographic latitudes and the reverse waves to higher latitudes with increasing heliocentric distance. These observational results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a global model of solar wind flows that originate in a simple tilted-dipole geometry back at the Sun.  相似文献   
In the 25 months since Jupiter flyby, the Ulysses spacecraft has climbed southward to a heliolatitude of 56°. This transit has been marked by an evolution from slow, dense coronal streamer belt solar wind through two regions where the rotation of the Sun carried Ulysses back and forth between streamer belt and polar coronal hole flows, and finally into a region of essentially continuous fast, low density solar wind from the southern polar coronal hole. Throughout these large changes, the momentum flux normalized to 1 AU displays very little systematic variation. In addition, the bulk properties of the polar coronal hole solar wind are quite similar to those observed in high speed streams in the ecliptic plane at 1 AU. Coronal mass ejections and forward and reverse shocks associated with corotating interaction regions have also been observed at higher heliolatitudes, however they are seen less frequently with increasing southern heliolatitude. Ulysses has thus far collected data from 20° of nearly contiguous solar wind flows from the polar coronal hole. We examine these data for characteristic variations with heliolatitude and find that the bulk properties in general show very little systematic variation across the southern polar coronal hole so far.  相似文献   
Human computational vision models that attempt to account for the dynamic perception of egomotion and relative depth typically assume a common three-stage process: first, compute the optical flow field based on the dynamically changing image; second, estimate the egomotion states based on the flow; and third, estimate the relative depth/shape based on the egomotion states and possibly on a model of the viewed surface. We propose a model more in line with recent work in human vision, employing multistage integration. Here the dynamic image is first processed to generate spatial and temporal image gradients that drive a mutually interconnected state estimator and depth/shape estimator. The state estimator uses the image gradient information in combination with a depth/shape estimate of the viewed surface and an assumed model of the viewer's dynamics to generate current state estimates; in tandem, the depth/shape estimator uses the image gradient information in combination with the viewer's state estimate and assumed shape model to generate current depth/shape estimates. In this paper, we describe the model and compare model predictions with empirical data.  相似文献   
This paper presents a review of theoretical and experimental results on stability and other unsteady properties of aircraft wakes. The basic mechanisms responsible for the propagation and the amplification of perturbation along vortices, namely the Kelvin waves and the cooperative instabilities, are first detailed. These two generic unsteady mechanisms are described by considering asymptotic linear stability analysis of model flows such as vortex filaments or Lamb–Oseen vortices. Extension of the linear analysis to more representative flows, using a biglobal stability approach, is also described. Experimental results obtained using LDV, hot wire and PIV in wind tunnels are presented and they are commented upon the light of theory.  相似文献   
A parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) scheme is described for solving the governing equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in three space dimensions. This solution algorithm makes use of modern finite-volume numerical methodology to provide a combination of high solution accuracy and computational robustness. Efficient and scalable implementations of the method have been developed for massively parallel computer architectures and high performance achieved. Numerical results are discussed for a simplified model of the initiation and evolution of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the inner heliosphere. The results demonstrate the potential of this numerical tool for enhancing our understanding of coronal and solar wind plasma processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
By combining quiet-region Fe XII coronal images from SOHO/EIT with magnetograms from NSO/Kitt Peak and from SOHO/MDI, we show that the population of network coronal bright points and the magnetic flux content of the network are both markedly greater under the bright half of the large-scale quiet corona than under the dim half. These results (1) support the view that the heating of the entire corona in quiet regions and coronal holes is driven by fine-scale magnetic activity (microflares, explosive events, spicules) seated low in the magnetic network, and (2) suggest that this large-scale modulation of the magnetic flux and coronal heating is a signature of giant convection cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Using empirical velocity distributions derived from UVCS and SUMER ultraviolet spectroscopy, we construct theoretical models of anisotropic ion temperatures in the polar solar corona. The primary energy deposition mechanism we investigate is the dissipation of high frequency (10-10000 Hz) ion-cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves which can heat and accelerate ions differently depending on their charge and mass. We find that it is possible to explain the observed high perpendicular temperatures and strong anisotropies with relatively small amplitudes for the resonant waves. There is suggestive evidence for steepening of the Alfvén wave spectrum between the coronal base and the largest heights observed spectroscopically. Because the ion-cyclotron wave dissipation is rapid, even for minor ions like O5+, the observed extended heating seems to demand a constantly replenished population of waves over several solar radii. This indicates that the waves are generated gradually throughout the wind rather than propagated up from the base of the corona. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
俯仰三角翼的流态及结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对俯仰三角翼的流动特性进行了实验研究,给出了俯仰三角翼的截面流态特点,对三角翼俯仰运动的流动机理进行了分析.  相似文献   
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