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We review recent work that directly or indirectly addresses the habitability of terrestrial (rocky) planets like the Earth. Habitability has been traditionally defined in terms of an orbital semimajor axis within a range known as the habitable zone, but it is also well known that the habitability of Earth is due to many other astrophysical, geological, and geochemical factors. We focus this review on (1) recent refinements to habitable zone calculations; (2) the formation and orbital stability of terrestrial planets; (3) the tempo and mode of geologic activity (e.g., plate tectonics) on terrestrial planets; (4) the delivery of water to terrestrial planets in the habitable zone; and (5) the acquisition and loss of terrestrial planet carbon and nitrogen, elements that constitute important atmospheric gases responsible for habitable conditions on Earth's surface as well as being the building blocks of the biosphere itself. Finally, we consider recent work on evidence for the earliest habitable environments and the appearance of life itself on our planet. Such evidence provides us with an important, if nominal, calibration point for our search for other habitable worlds.  相似文献   
八十年代初期,在两次民兵Ⅲ型导弹发射中(编号为PVM-18,19),试飞了一种四信道全球定位系统(GPS)接收机——弹载接收设备(MBRS)。这两次发射试验是称为“飞-2”系列飞行中的一部分。每次带两个NS20惯性测量装置。这两次试验的主要目的是在洲际导弹实际飞行环境中验证、测定全球定位系统的性能。本文概括了这两次飞行中GPS性能的分析结果。由此验证了如何利用这种质量的数据来高精度地鉴定制导误差,并用该数据来识别出飞行过程中各种制导误差。这两次试飞所得到的GPS数据证实了短期精度达到了预期能力。典型的随机误差为2英尺~*和0.01英尺/秒(一秒平均)。有了这一精度就可利用GPS作为外部测量仪器,对自由段中摆式积分陀螺加速度表(PIGA)的磁敏感效应进行直接观测。实现这种观测还是第一次。由于缺乏合适的标准,尚不容易进行绝对精度鉴定。显然,GPS的精度比同时参与导弹跟踪的雷达(多台)的好,拟合后残差非常一致,说明总精度很高。因此可得出结论,GPS的总精度达到了预期性能指标。 (本文常用缩略语AIRS——高级惯性基准球,BREW——民兵导弹上装的第二惯性测量装置,CSDL——Charles Stark Draper实验室,ECI——地心惯性座标系,GPS——全球定位系统,MBRS——导弹装载的GPS接收机,MISTRAM——米斯特拉姆,高精度无线电外测系统,PIGA——摆式积分陀螺加速度表,PVB——民兵导弹试验编号,TI——德克萨斯仪器公司)  相似文献   
航天飞机提出一系列从未遇到过的工程技术问题。在许多问题中首先考虑的是表面的研制和表面的材质问题——需能够经得住重返大气层时的热量。 现请作者(加工工程师协会副会长)谈谈它是如何制做的……。 对于外层空间研究的下一个阶段将由航  相似文献   
The tail-cast suspension rat model has been developed in ground laboratories interested in space physiology for extensive study of mechanisms causing the pathophysiological syndrome associated with space flights. We used individually-caged male rats to explore the effects of acute and chronic (7d) orthostatic restraint (OR) and head-down anti-orthostatic restraint (AOR) on a series of physiological variables. The acute restraint study showed that (1) the installation of the OR device induced an acute reaction for 2 days, with a substantial rise in ACTH (x2) and CORT (x6), and that (2) the head-down tilt from OR to AOR induced (i) within 10 min and lasting 60 min a 2-fold rise in the intra-cerebro-ventricular pressure (Picv) monitored with an icv telemetric recording system, which receded to normal between 60 and 120 min; and (ii) within 30 min a short-lived 4-fold rise in plasma ACTH and CORT levels. Chronic OR induced (1) the suppression of the diurnal ACTH/CORT rhythm, with increased mean levels, especially for ACTH, (2) a degraded circadian locomotor activity rhythm manifested by a significant reduction in the spectral power of the 24h periodicity and a concomitant emergence of shorter (ultradian) periodicities, (3) an associated, but less pronounced alteration of the diurnal rhythm in body temperature; and (4) a marked increase in baseline plasma levels of IL-1β and an increased reactivity in cytokine release following an E. coli endotoxin (LPS) challenge. AOR induced (1) a similar obliteration of the circadian ACTH/CORT rhythm, (2) the loss of close correlation between ACTH and CORT, (3) a generalized increase in baseline plasma IL-1β levels and (4) more extensive degradation of the arcadian periodicity for both locomotor activity and, to a lesser extent, body temperature, replaced by dominant spectral powers for ultradian periodicities (3 to 10h). In conclusion, both experimental paradigms — but AOR more than OR — caused a blockade of the arcadian rhythmicity of major physiological variables, the loss of normal correlations between ACTH and CORT, and inflammatory-immune hyperreactivity. These pathophysiological disorders may all be parts of a complex chronic stress syndrome.  相似文献   
目前已存在许多不同程度地考虑了固体火箭发动机(SRM)设计的程序。本文描述的分析工具,并非企图取代现有各种程序,而是使设计师在初步设计阶段能够用一台微机去完成有意义的工作。从事这项研究是为了满足固体火箭发动机定尺寸和性能敏感性分析的需要,因为在研究阶段,确定SRM尺寸及分析其敏感性是有竞争力的承包商常常难以应付的。本文描述的模型以交互/图形方式提供发动机的重量、尺寸及结构数据。  相似文献   
One year after the achievemant of the 2 weeks ANTARES french-russian mission in the MIR station in July 1992, a 22 days ALTAÏR mission with a french cosmonaut has been performed in July 1993, making use of the scientific payload remaining on board. Taking benefit of the analysis of the previous mission, the experimental protocols were adapted to refine scientific objectives and gave to the scientists the opportunity to enhance quantitatively and qualitatively their results. The french biomedical program, conducted in close scientific cooperation with IMBP and associated laboratories, was composed of 8 experiments out of which 2 were new with regards to the ANTARES program. In the field of cardio-vascular physiology and fluid regulation, the experiments: ORTHOSTATISME, DIURESE have been renewed and complemented by the TISSU experiment (proposed by a german scientist) and a real-time tele-assistance program using US echography technic and ground support from the french CADMOS support control center located in Toulouse. With respect to neurosciences objectives, to the experiments VIMINAL (cognitive processes) and ILLUSIONS (study of proprioceptives cues), was added the SYNERGIES experiment to analyse the postural adjustements during movement. The IMMUNOLOGIE experiment carried on and the radiobiological experiment BIODOSE ended.

Adding the results of the 2 missions ANTARES and ALTAÏR, and the data obtained in between onboard with russian cosmonauts, the scientists have received a wealth of physiological data and gained reproducibility and confidence in their results.  相似文献   

近来,使用小尺寸喷管试验,鉴定了有希望的新型碳酚醛烧蚀材料。这些材料采用短粘胶纤维.聚丙烯腈纤维和沥青基碳布制成。为喷气推进试验室48英寸碳发动机设计的4英寸喉径潜入式喷管,用来鉴定有20种烧蚀材料的5种不同的设计。这种装有3200磅航天飞机固体火箭发动机使用的推进剂(聚丁二烯丙烯酸丙烯腈)药柱,提供的燃烧室压力——时间条件,类似于航天飞机固体火箭发动机最初45秒的工作环境。  相似文献   
During extravehicular activities (EVA) outside the spacecraft, astronauts have to work under reduced pressure in a space suit. This pressure reduction induces the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) by the formation of gas bubbles from excess nitrogen dissolved in the organism by breathing air at normal pressure. Under laboratory conditions the gas bubbles moving in the blood stream can be detected by the non-invasive ultrasonic Doppler method. By early detection of excessive bubble formation the development of DCS symptoms may be prevented by early application of preventative measures. The method could also be useful when applied in the space suit in order to compare the results of laboratory tests with operational results, because there is a discrepancy according to the DCS risk of laboratory experiments and actual EVA missions, where no symptoms have been reported yet. A prototype Doppler sensor has been developed and implemented in the Russian Orlan suit. To investigate the feasibility of this method under simulated space conditions, the equipment has been used in a series of 12 thermovacuum chamber tests with suited subjects, where intravenous bubble formation was compared to unsuited control experiments. In more than 50% of the suited tests good Doppler recordings could be achieved. In some cases with unsatisfying results the signal could be improved by breathholding. Although the results do not yet allow any conclusion about a possible difference between suited and unsuited subjects due to the small number of tests performed, the method proved its feasibility for use in EVA suits and should be further developed to enhance the safety of EVA procedures.  相似文献   
Radiation risk on a future long-duration manned space mission appears to be one of the basic factors in planning and designing the mission. Since 1988 different active dosimetric investigations has been performed on board the MIR space station by the Bulgarian-Russian dosimeter-radiometer LIULIN and French tissue-equivalent proportional counters CIRCE and NAUSICAA. A joint French-Bulgarian-Russian dosimetry experiment and the dosimetry-radiometry system RADIUS-MD have been developed for the future MARS-96 mission. On the base of the results and experience of these investigations a conception for a new radiation dose control system for the future orbital stations, lunar bases and interplanetary space ships is proposed. The proposed system which consists of different instruments will allow personal radiation control for crew members, radiation monitoring inside and outside each habitat, analysis and forecasting of the situation and will suggest procedures to minimize the radiation risk.  相似文献   
The cardiovascular function is one of the main disturbed by weightlessness: it is particularly affected by the astronaut's return to Earth, where symptoms linked to the cardiovascular deconditioning syndrom appear in the following forms: (1) orthostatic intolerance with its risk of syncope: (2) higher submaximal oxygen consumption for an equivalent work load. Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) is intended to stimulate the venous system of the lower limbs; however, the specific effects of periodical LBNP sessions on the orthostatic intolerance have never been studied. With this objective in mind, 5 volunteers took part in two recent antiorthostatic bedrest experiments for 30 days. In the first experiment 3 subjects were submitted to several sessions of LBNP experiment per day and 2 others were controls; in the second experiment the LBNP group of the 1st one became controls and vice-versa. Two orthostatic investigations were performed: (1) 5 days before the bedrest; (2) at the end of the 30 day bedrest period. The results showed: (1) when the subjects were control, a high orthostatic intolerance post bedrest with 3 syncopes and one presyncopal state during the first minutes of the tilt test; (2) when the subjects were submitted to LBNP sessions, no orthostatic intolerance.  相似文献   
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