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在涡轮叶片新型超级冷却技术机理研究的基础上,对新型冷却热驱动换热特性进行数值模拟,得到了旋转条件下微小封闭通道内流体热驱动换热规律。进一步研究了旋转条件下,浮力数(Bu)、旋转雷诺数(Rew)和冷气雷诺数(Rez)等准则参数对热驱动换热的影响,结果表明:浮力数、旋转雷诺数和冷气雷诺数对封闭通道内流体的热驱动换热具有显著的影响,并且随着这些准则参数的增大,热驱动平均换热效果有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   
在分析几种常用背景抑制方法的基础上,利用二代曲线波变换具有的优良特性,提出一种基于二代曲线波变换的红外弱小目标背景抑制方法.首先利用曲线渡变换对图像进行分解提取图像的多尺度细节特征;然后对分解后的低、高频子带分别采用变分和模糊非线性变换进行处理来调整目标特征的强度,重构子带获得预测的背景图像;最终将其与原图相减得到背景抑制后的图像.实验结果表明,与几种经典方法相比,该方法在主现视觉和客观评价指标两方面均表现出良好的效果.  相似文献   
高强度钢内螺纹冷挤压成形与强化试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内螺纹冷挤压成形是提高内螺纹疲劳强度的有效方法.作者研制出挤压扭矩和温度的测量系统,并从理论上证明了挤压变形区金属在挤压过程中受到三向压应力的作用,这可以大大增加金属的塑性,改善内螺纹的成形条件.高强度钢内螺纹成形与强化的关键在于挤压丝锥结构的优化设计以及工件底孔尺寸、挤压速度和冷却润滑液的合理选择.疲劳对比试验结果表明:在两个不同应力水平下,用挤压丝锥挤压强化的300M高强度钢螺纹,其寿命是切削螺纹的4~30倍.  相似文献   
基于核心能力的增长型战略机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增长型战略的实施是企业发展过程中必不可少的环节,也是对企业创新能力的严峻考验.基于增长型战略型的重要性及特征,必须以核心能力为基础来构建其机制.具体表现在实行以核心能力为基础的关联多元化,建立基于核心能力的隔绝机制,在产业链的某一点横向扩张,培育基于技术轨道和技术平台的创新集群.  相似文献   
以丙烯为碳源气体,研究平板针刺预制体在不同倾斜角放置和不同进气方式条件下化学气相渗透( CVI)工艺制备C/C复合材料的致密化效果。采用工业CT、浸泡介质法和偏光显微镜对沉积样品的密度分布、开孔孔隙率和织构分别进行表征。沉积102 h后,倾斜17°、前进气条件下试件的密度最高,达到1.45 g/cm-3。结果表明,试样由底端到顶端的密度是有小幅递增的,开孔孔隙率是逐渐减小的。4块试件热解炭的织构以光滑层为主,试样消光角的测量结果表明直立状态和倾斜17°、后进气状态热解炭织构取向度从底部到顶端有增大的趋势,这种织构的增长趋势与锥形回转体扩张段的材料设计相符合。  相似文献   
多任务模式电推进技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调研了多任务模式电推进技术在地球静止轨道卫星和深空探测器中的应用情况,电推进技术的应用由南北位置保持任务模式逐步向南北位置保持和轨道转移等多任务模式发展;总结了多任务模式电推进技术在功率需求、比冲、推力等方面的技术特点;从卫星平台技术、推力器技术、可变功率电源转换及控制技术、可变流量调节技术,以及多自由度、大角度矢量调节技术等方面,分析了多任务模式电推进在工程应用中要解决的关键技术。  相似文献   
在任意曲线坐标系下对采用两种不同组分(天然气掺混氮气、一氧化碳)的低热值燃料环管燃烧室燃烧流场进行计算,结果表明低热值燃料的化学反应速率与其组分直接有关,燃料一氧化碳的燃烧效率高于天然气与氮气掺混物燃料,燃料组分变化对燃烧室燃烧效率与出口温度影响很大,因此选用合适的燃料十分重要.计算所得的燃烧室的燃烧效率和出口温度分布与试验数据符合较好,表明所用的数学模型与计算方法合理,计算程序可靠,可为低热值气体燃料燃烧室研制和优化设计提供有用的数据.   相似文献   
Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as relay platforms have attracted considerable attention due to the advantages of extending coverage and improving connectivity for long-range communications. Specifically, in the scenario where the access point (AP) is mobile, a UAV needs to find an efficient path to guarantee the connectivity of the relay link. Motivated by this fact, this paper proposes an optimal design for beamforming (BF) and UAV path planning. First of all, we study a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) wireless relay network, in which a UAV is used as relay between a mobile AP and a fixed base station (BS). In the network, both of the AP and the BS are equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the UAV has a single antenna. Then, we obtain the output signal~to-noise ratio (SNR) of the dual-hop relay network. Based on the criterion of maximizing the output SNR, we develop an optimal design to obtain the solution of the optimal BF weight vector and the UAV heading angle. Next, we derive the closed-form outage probability (OP) expression to investigate the performance of the dual-hop relay network conveniently. Finally, computer simulations show that the proposed approach can obtain nearly optimal flying path and OP performance, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, we find that increasing the antenna number at the BS or the maximal heading angle can significantly improve the performance of the considered relay network.  相似文献   
An upgrade of Wuhan Ionospheric Backscattering Sounding System (WIOBSS) was developed in 2015. Based on the Universal Serial Bus (USB), and a high performance FPGA, the newly designed WIOBSS has a completely digital structure, which makes it portable and flexible. Two identical WIOBSSs, which were situated at Mile (24.31°N, 103.39°E) and Puer (22.74°N, 101.05°E) respectively, were used to investigate the ionospheric irregularities. The comparisons of group distance, Doppler shift and width between Mile-Puer and Puer-Mile VHF ionospheric propagation paths indicate that the reciprocity of the irregularities is satisfied at midlatitude region. The WIOBSS is robust in the detection of ionospheric irregularities.  相似文献   
Chang'E-1,the orbiter circling the moon 200km above the moon surface,is the first Chinese Lunar exploration satellite.The satellite was successfully launched on 24th October 2007.There are 8 kinds of scientific payloads onboard,including the stereo camera,the laser altimeter,the Sagnac-based interferometer image spectrometer,the Gamma ray spectrometer,the X-ray spectrom-eter,the microwave radiometer,the high energy particle detector,the solar wind plasma detector and a supporting payload data management system.Chang'E-1 opened her eyes to look at the moon and took the first batch of lunar pictures after her stereo camera was switched on in 20th November 2007.Henceforth all the instruments are successfully switched on one by one.After a period of parameter adjustment and initial check out,all scientific instruments are now in their normal operating phase.In this paper,the payloads and the initial observation results are introduced.  相似文献   
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