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By developing approximate analytical models considering the J2 perturbation, the effects of an in-track maneuver on the orbital Sun illumination conditions of near-circular low Earth orbits are analyzed. First, two approximate models for the variations in orbital sunshine angles are developed, one for variations at a given time and the other for variations at a given argument of latitude. Next, two approximate models for variations in orbital arc in Earth shadow are developed, one considers the small eccentricity and the other uses the zero eccentricity. Finally, the developed approximate models are applied to analyzing the Sun illumination conditions of a typical in-track maneuver mission on a near-circular low Earth orbit. From the results obtained, three major conclusions can be drawn. First, the variations in orbital sunshine angles at a given time may reach tens of degrees when the drifting time reaches hundreds of orbital periods, and the approximate model for that situation cannot effectively approach the numerical results. Second, the variations in orbital sunshine angles for any given argument of latitude are only a couple of degrees even when the drifting time reaches 500 orbital periods, and the approximation model developed can effectively approach the numerical results. Third, for variations in orbital arc in Earth shadow, the approximate model considering the small eccentricity has simple expressions and can effectively approach the numerical results; in contrast, the approximate model using the zero eccentricity has relatively worse precision.  相似文献   
研究了推力矢量喷管、升力风扇以及气动舵面共同作用下 ASTOVL升力风扇飞机的飞控问题 ,采用非线性动态逆理论进行控制系统的设计。针对 ASTOVL升力风扇飞机的俯仰控制设计了动态逆控制律 ,并将所设计的控制律进行了仿真。结果表明 ,该方法能够满足控制系统性能的要求 ,具有工程应用前景。  相似文献   
控制转换组合是某型进口导弹上的重要分组件,担负整个导弹电力供应及信号转换功能.控制转换组合的修理存在开壳困难、无相关参考方法、内部电路不明确的问题.通过设计控制转换组合壳体分解工装,对控制转换组合进行分解,获得了完整的内部电路,通过对电路典型故障进行分析、修理,解决了控制转换组合的修理难题.  相似文献   
陈冲冲  曾凡  王毅飞  樊虎  张进 《遥测遥控》2021,42(4):112-118
针对谐振式加速度计成品率不高、精度低等问题,以石英振梁加速度计为例,采用引进标准信号,将谐振电路作为"黑盒子",对其开展独立的评价.通过评价电路的驱动电压幅值稳定性、移相稳定性、全温幅值/相位对称性等指标,与加速度计实际指标建立了一一对应的关系,为加速度计研制与性能提升提供了有效依据.实际运用表明,电路噪声性能、温度性...  相似文献   
简要介绍了共因失效相关概念及分析方法,通过共因失效案例分析,对航天器如何开展共因失效分析以及如何预防共因失效进行了初步探讨,提出了航天器开展共因失效分析的定性和定量方法以及预防共因失效的措施。  相似文献   
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been a very powerful and important contributor to all scientific questions related to precise positioning on Earth’s surface, particularly as a mature technique in geodesy and geosciences. With the development of GNSS as a satellite microwave (L-band) technique, more and wider applications and new potentials are explored and utilized. The versatile and available GNSS signals can image the Earth’s surface environments as a new, highly precise, continuous, all-weather and near-real-time remote sensing tool. The refracted signals from GNSS radio occultation satellites together with ground GNSS observations can provide the high-resolution tropospheric water vapor, temperature and pressure, tropopause parameters and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) and electron density profile as well. The GNSS reflected signals from the ocean and land surface could determine the ocean height, wind speed and wind direction of ocean surface, soil moisture, ice and snow thickness. In this paper, GNSS remote sensing applications in the atmosphere, oceans, land and hydrology are presented as well as new objectives and results discussed.  相似文献   
针对某些特种飞机无线电罗差无法沿用传统校正方法在地面进行校正的状况 ,首次提出了运用 GPS接收机在空中校正飞机无线电罗差的方法。本文对影响该校正方法校正精度的各项误差因素进行了分析。  相似文献   
汽车产业作为我国的支柱产业,其人才极为匮乏.高级人才、领军人才重金难求.广西汽车产业虽然不强,但它是关联产业最广、科技成果应用最多,吸收劳动力最多的产业,它承载着大量的知识、技术和资本,是广西经济快速发展的最大支撑点.广西汽车产业要成为强者,需要走自己特色的路,构建广西特有的实战型汽车人才培养新平台,可以培养出一批领军人才、高级人才,让人才培养成为企业聚集财富的有效手段.  相似文献   
客车车身强度的有限元计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章以某国产中型客车车身为研究对象,建立了该车的有限元计算模型,并运用有限元分析软件I-DEAS分别对其在弯曲工况和扭转工况下的车身骨架强度进行了计算和分析,找出了应力最大、位移最大的节点,为后续的轻量化改进设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   
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