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Rapidly cooling gas is commonly found near the centres of clusters of galaxies. The structure of the resulting gas flows is reviewed. Total gas cooling rates of several hundred M yr−1 have been observed in a number of cases. Thermal instability and the ultimate fate of the cooled gas are discussed. The cooled gas could easily have formed a massive central galaxy.  相似文献   
中俄联合火星电离层星-星掩星探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中俄联合火星星-星掩星探测是人类首次在火星空间环境进行此类的联合试验。用于探测火星电离层的星-星掩星技术较以前星地间的探测技术相比,有可接收高信噪比信号,反演精度高,可探测火星上太阳天顶角大于43°,或者小于138°的区域电离层等优点。本文介绍了中俄联合火星星-星掩星探测方案、基本原理,给出了主要技术指标、地面模拟测试结果。  相似文献   
Our work focuses on a comprehensive orbital phase-dependent spectroscopy of the four High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars (HMXBPs) 4U 1538-52, GX 301-2, OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1. We hereby report the measurements of the variation of the absorption column density and iron-line flux along with other spectral parameters over the binary orbit for the above-mentioned HMXBPs in elliptical orbits, as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the BeppoSAX satellites. A spherically symmetric wind profile was used as a model to compare the observed column density variations. Out of the four pulsars, only in 4U 1538-52, we find the model having a reasonable corroboration with the observations, whereas in the remaining three the stellar wind seems to be clumpy and a smooth symmetric stellar wind model appears to be quite inadequate in explaining the data. Moreover, in GX 301-2, neither the presence of a disk nor a gas stream from the companion was validated. Furthermore, the spectral results obtained in the case of OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1 were more or less similar to that of GX 301-2.  相似文献   
基于CFD技术的鼻腔输药的流动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鼻腔输药作为一种新颖的输药方式,具有方便可靠的特点,不仅可以适用于局部而且适用于全身用药,已经受到广泛的重视。但由于人类的呼吸道复杂的立体结构使得鼻腔输药成为生物医药研究的一个长期的挑战。利用CFD(计算流体动力学,Computational Fluid Dynamics)技术对鼻腔输药的流动特性进行研究,对一个基于真实的人类鼻腔解剖的3D模型的输药的流动过程进行了分析,着重研究了不同的药物颗粒的流动和沉淀特性。利用CFD的商用软件FLUENT在层流情况下对不同的密度、直径和流动速率的药物颗粒在鼻腔中流动进行了数值模拟,并对计算结果进行了比较分析。CFD研究的结果为鼻腔输药这种新颖的药物输送方式的优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   
A hardness assurance program suitable for a retaliatory or deterrent missile system is discussed. The program consists of three phases: the establishment of suitable controls and screens to ensure piece part hardness, a supplier data monitoring program to measure hardness related parameters in a timely fashion to obtain advanced warning of potential problems, and a hardness assurance verification testing (HAVT) program to periodically measure the radiation response of parts, circuits, subsystems, and systems on a sample basis to ensure proper functioning in simulated radiation environments. All of the data relevant to hardness assurance is stored in computer memory and routinely interrogated with programs which compare current results with the engineering baseline data and other data from preceding lots. Other computer programs enable statistical estimation of system response to the radiation environment with confidence based on the expanding data base provided by the HAVT program.  相似文献   
Reconfiguration of multiprocessor systems makes it possible to improve their failure-resistance that is especially important for the integrated modular avionics systems. The algorithm considered in this paper allows minimizing the reservation and providing the better safety level and more effective flight completion or even its further execution in the case of failures of airborne equipment.  相似文献   
AeroSuite给出了一个飞行器制造过程有效管理整个产品制造流程的解决方案。它包括FiberSIM复材工艺软件、SyncroFIT机身设计制造装配软件、对于首件鉴定过程的流程化的质量规划模块(QPE)。  相似文献   
The motion of a spacecraft (SC) with double rotation and variable mass on the active leg of its descent is considered. The SC consists of two coaxial bodies. The coaxial scheme is used for gyroscopic stabilization of the SC longitudinal axis by the method of partial spin-up. The equations of spatial motion of coaxial bodies of varying composition are derived and approximate solutions for the angles of spatial orientation are found. The condition of decreasing amplitude of nutation oscillations is obtained, which allows the estimation of efficiency of the stabilization by partial spin-up. The errors in the magnitude and direction of the vector of braking thrust are also determined.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 224–232.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Aslanov, Doroshin, Kruglov.  相似文献   
We present measurements of energetic hydrogen and oxygen atoms (ENAs) on the nightside of Mars detected by the neutral particle detector (NPD) of ASPERA-3 on Mars Express. We focus on the observations for which the field-of-view of NPD was directed at the nightside of Mars or at the region around the limb, thus monitoring the flow of ENAs towards the nightside of the planet. We derive energy spectra and total fluxes, and have compiled maps of hydrogen ENA outflow. The hydrogen ENA intensities reach 105 cm−2 sr−1 s−1, but no oxygen ENA signals above the detection threshold of 104 cm−2 sr−1 s−1 are observed. These intensities are considerably lower than most theoretical predictions. We explain the discrepancy as due to an overestimation of the charge-exchange processes in the models for which too high an exospheric density was assumed. Recent UV limb emission measurements (Galli et al., this issue) point to a hydrogen exobase density of 1010 m−3 and a very hot hydrogen component, whereas the models were based on a hydrogen exobase density of 1012 m−3 and a temperature of 200 K predicted by Krasnopolsky and Gladstone (1996). Finally, we estimate the global atmospheric loss rate of hydrogen and oxygen due to the production of ENAs.  相似文献   
Solar flares efficiently accelerate electrons to several tens of MeV and ions to 10 GeV. The acceleration is usually thought to be associated with magnetic reconnection occurring high in the corona, though a shock produced by the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with a flare can also accelerate particles. Diagnostic information comes from emission at the acceleration site, direct observations of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs), and emission at radio wavelengths by escaping particles, but mostly from emission from the chromosphere produced when the energetic particles bombard the footpoints magnetically connected to the acceleration region. This paper provides a review of observations that bear upon the acceleration mechanism.  相似文献   
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