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The paper presents the methods and algorithms for positioning the dynamic (moving) objects using the oblique-incidence ionospheric sounding by chirp signals. Full-scale experiments have been performed to determine a distance to an object and its location.  相似文献   
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) Balloon Experiment had a successful test flight and a science flight in 2000–01 and 2002–03 and an unsuccessful launch in 2005–06 from McMurdo, Antarctica, returning 16 and 19 days of flight data. ATIC is designed to measure the spectra of cosmic rays (protons to iron). The instrument is composed of a Silicon matrix detector followed by a carbon target interleaved with scintillator tracking layers and a segmented BGO calorimeter composed of 320 individual crystals totaling 18 radiation lengths to determine the particle energy. BGO (Bismuth Germanate) is an inorganic scintillation crystal and its light output depends not only on the energy deposited by particles but also on the temperature of the crystal. The temperature of balloon instruments during flight is not constant due to sun angle variations as well as differences in albedo from the ground. The change in output for a given energy deposit in the crystals in response to temperature variations was determined.  相似文献   
The earthward displacement of the magnetopause observed during a southward IMF (or the magnetopause erosion) and its dependence on the solar wind plasma and magnetic field parameters is studied by investigating data of about 30 magnetopause crossings by the ISEE 1 and 2 spacecraft. It is shown that the magnetopause erosion may be explained by a depression of the magnetic field intensity in the dayside magnetosphere caused by the penetration of the magnetosheath magnetic field (component perpendicular to the reconnection line) into the magnetosphere. The penetration coefficient (the ratio of the intensity of the penetrated field to the intensity of the magnetosheath magnetic field) is estimated and found to equal approximately 1.  相似文献   
Methods are discussed to estimate energy transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere during substorm growth phases. Observational and modeling constraints are then used to assess quantitatively the total amount of energy stored in the magnetotail. The major avenues of energy dissipation are examined and the energy that is released in the form of plasma sheet heating, ionospheric Joule heating, plasmoids, and energetic particle production during substorms is assessed. Energy sources are evaluated to drive substorm evolution in a particularly well-observed case: stored tail-lobe energy is sufficient to drive observed substorm dissipation processes (by large margins). On the other hand, energy in the closed field lines of the plasma sheet is insufficient to supply the substorm energy. Hence, magnetic reconnection is required on energy grounds during well-observed substorm cases.  相似文献   
Yohkoh X-ray images, multifrequency two-dimentional observations of the Nancay Radioheliograph, Kitt Peak and Mees magnetograms provide a unique set of data with which to study a C4.7 long-duration flare that was observed close to the equator (S07, W11) on 25 Oct. 1994 at 09:49 UT. Linear force-free field extrapolations indicate a very high degree of non-potentiality in the active region. The X-ray flare started with the expansion of spectacular twisted loops. Fifteen minutes after the flare onset sporadic radio (type III) bursts were observed spreading over an area of almost 1/3 of the solar disc and two remote X-ray brightenings appeared over quiet regions of opposite magnetic polarity located in on opposite hemispheres of the Sun. In the close vicinity of these remote brightenings two coronal holes formed. The timing and location of these events combined with the overall magnetic configuration provide evidence for a large-scale magnetic reconnection occurring between the expanding twisted loops and the overlying huge loops which inter-connect quiet solar regions.  相似文献   
Radio observations of the eclipse on November 3, 1994, were carried out at Chapecó, Brazil by using a decimetric spectrograph having high spectral and time resolution. The light curve shows that: (1) Time variation of the radio flux before the totality was more compared to that after. (2) During the totality radio emission at 1.5 GHz was observed. Advantage of high spatial resolution ( 3.2 arc sec) possible during solar eclipse enabled us to determine the height of radio emission at 1.5 GHz. (3) Microwave bursts were observed associated with metric Type III-RS bursts. The source size of one of the microwave bursts was 7 arc sec and its physical parameters have been estimated. (4) The time difference between radio and optical contacts suggested for the first time asymmetrical limb brightening at 1.5 GHz.  相似文献   
Imaging X-ray observations of the Fornax cluster of galaxies centered on NGC 1399 and NGC 1404 are presented. NGC 1399 and NGC 1404, which are separated by about 10 arc minutes, are found to have an unusually high ratio of x-ray to optical flux. We consider the possibility that the x-radiation is produced by hot gas in the cores of the galaxies. Weak X-ray emission is also detected from a point almost exactly mid-way between NGC 1399 and NGC 1404. The combined emission from the galaxies is insufficient by over an order of magnitude to account for the the low-energy X-ray emission detected from this region by the HEAO-l satellite. It is suggested that the bulk of the HEAO-1 source is diffuse gas associated with the cluster as a whole, rather than individual galaxies.  相似文献   
The effect of adjacent channel interference on the probability of error in a binary bandpass communication system with an integrating and dumping detector is investigated. Narrowband filters are assumed in the receiver of the main signal and transmitters of both main and interfering signals. Plots of the probability of error as a function of signal to noise ratio in the main channel or as a function of carrier frequency difference between the main and interfering signals are presented, assuming that the filters are of the Butterworth type. These figures are helpful in the selection of minimal frequency spacing of adjacent channels.  相似文献   
The use of linearized error equations in the design of model-reference adaptive systems developed by Part I is illustrated. Using standard control specifications on the system error (e.g., percent overshoot, rise time, etc.), a set of desired root locations on the root loci can be obtained. Then constants in the adaptive scheme can be chosen to obtain the desired root locations. Simulation results are given to illustrate the validity of the linearized error characteristic equation design procedure.  相似文献   
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