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为了研究GPS/INS(Inertial Navigation System)组合导航方案和算法,设计了一种GPS中频信号和IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)信号的软件模拟器.首先建立了载体的运动模型,然后介绍了信号的仿真方法.根据载体的运动产生IMU信号,载体的典型运动包括平飞运动、横滚运动、俯仰运动和偏航运动.建立了典型的干扰模型,包括欺骗式干扰和压制式干扰(窄带干扰、宽带干扰、连续波干扰和锯齿调频连续波干扰等4种),实现了干扰环境下的场景模拟.GPS/INS组合导航软件接收机对模拟器输出的数据进行解算,结果表明:信号的仿真算法是正确的,模拟器可以为组合导航接收机提供有效的中频信号和IMU信号.  相似文献   
提出一种基于故障观测器的无人机直接自修复控制。首先,根据系统本身存在的故障,设计了一个非线性故障观测器对其进行观测。其次,设计了一个快速终端滑模面和直接自修复控制器,将指数函数和符号函数引入到新型滑模面里。同时引入了自适应技术,对不确定的故障估计其上界。最后,通过对无人机进行了相应的仿真数值验证得出所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   
In the paper, two kinds of intermediate orbits for asteroid explorations are proposed. One is around the collinear libration points of the Sun-asteroid restricted three-body problem. The other is around the asteroid itself. The first kind of intermediate orbit is applicable to asteroids with known masses, while the second is suitable for asteroids with unknown or negligible masses. Analytical solutions of these two intermediate orbits in the simplified models are introduced first, and then numerical algorithms are used to refine them to obtain the true orbits in the real force model. At last, the problem of station-keeping is addressed. The linear optimal feedback control law is used, and numerical simulations are made to both kinds of intermediate orbits. The results show that both kinds of orbits are feasible. The cost is reasonable and mainly depends on the initial insertion error.  相似文献   
载人航天器大气环境控制系统性能集成分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
考虑到载人航天器大气环境控制系统设计参数和控制参数众多,文章建立了一种载人航天器大气环境控制系统性能集成仿真分析模型,包括舱体模块、航天员模块、舱压控制模块、温湿度控制模块和二氧化碳净化模块。利用该模型对载人航天器常规工作模式下大气环境控制系统性能进行了计算分析,得到了在不同热负荷水平下载人航天器密封舱空气各个参数随在轨时间的变化趋势,结果表明:氧分压控制、二氧化碳净化和人区温湿度控制之间存在着密切的相互影响关系,不可孤立地进行分析。此外,文章还分析确定了非常规工作模式下热负荷水平允许上限,为载人航天器工作模式的确定提供了依据。研究结果有助于载人航天器大气环境控制系统的设计和流程改进。  相似文献   
For special demands, some notable orbit types have been developed by human, including the Molniya orbits, which have a relatively high eccentricity up to about 0.7, and a period of 12 h. Considering that space debris with high area-to-mass ratio (A/M) has been discovered, such objects may also exist in Molniya orbits due to spacecraft and upper stages fragmentation events. However, there are not sufficient studies of the complex dynamical phenomena of such orbits. These studies can enrich the knowledge about the long-term evolution of these orbits, be helpful to propose uncatalogued objects observation and identification, and also set the protected region as well as active debris removal. In this paper, the characteristics of 2:1 resonance of Molniya satellite orbits are studied. A large set of numerical simulations, including all the relevant perturbations, is carried out to further investigate the main characteristics, and special attention is payed to the dynamical evolution of objects with high A/M, particularly affected by the direct solar radiation pressure. The long-term dynamical evolution of orbital elements, as well as the dependency of lifetime on the A/M value, is discussed.  相似文献   
强电磁脉冲对武器装备电子系统具有很强的干扰和破坏作用。通过超宽带电磁脉冲对无线电引信的辐照实验,研究了无线电引信在超宽带电磁脉冲作用下的效应。实验表明:无线电引信在超宽带电磁脉冲照射下,会产生早炸现象。在介绍无线电引信工作原理的基础上,分析了无线电引信产生早炸的原因,得出超宽带电磁脉冲直接作用无线电引信点火电路从而引起旱炸的结论。  相似文献   
基于润滑理论的二维积冰数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将基于润滑理论的水膜-冰层模型推广到在任意二维截面上建立的正交曲线坐标系,得到描述二维型线表面水膜流动和积冰的偏微分控制方程.采用一种隐式-显式有限差分格式建立控制方程组的代数形式,给出求解非稳态控制方程组的数值方法.为验证模型和数值解法的有效性,在典型的航空积冰和传输线积冰环境下对翼型和传输线表面的积冰算例进行数值模拟.将水膜-冰层模型的冰形计算结果与传统Messinger模型的模拟结果以及冰风洞试验结果进行对比,低温明冰条件下采用当前方法计算的翼型表面冰形接近于Messinger模型的模拟冰形曲线;相对高温条件下的计算结果比传统Messinger模型更为精确.低速积冰环境下Messinger模型难以模拟的传输线表面积冰同样可以采用水膜-冰层模型进行有效 预测.  相似文献   
虚拟仿真技术与正交试验设计方法的结合可为汽车产品的开发提供新思路.对汽车稳态回转性能进行研究时,可在多体动力学仿真软件ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems)中建立汽车虚拟样机模型,利用正交试验设计方法对试验方案进行合理设计,按照设计好的试验方案在ADAMS中进行仿真,通过对试验数据进行必要的处理与分析可得最优试验方案和各试验因素的影响程度.经分析可知,对汽车稳态回转性能影响较大的4个因素按影响程度排序依次为质心前后位置、前后轮胎的侧偏刚度、质心高度、前螺旋弹簧刚度.   相似文献   
供氧模式对载人航天器气压控制的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
载人航天器气压控制系统主要负责控制密封舱内氧分压和总压满足指标要求,承担长期载人任务的载人航天器通常配备电解制氧系统用于维持密封舱内氧分压水平。文章建立了一种载人航天器密封舱气压控制系统仿真分析模型,利用该模型分析对比了氧气瓶供氧和电解制氧供氧2种模式对应的密封舱氧分压和总压变化规律。结果表明,驻留24 h内,氧气瓶供氧模式对应的氧分压单调下降;电解制氧供氧模式对应的氧分压并非单调下降,而是取决于供氧速率与乘员代谢耗氧间的关系,且氧分压变化范围要远小于氧气瓶供氧模式。驻留60 d内,电解制氧供氧模式对应的氧分压在上下限间的变化周期以及总压的变化周期要明显长于氧气瓶供氧模式。为避免空气温度的影响,氧分压和总压的控制范围应比允许范围窄。  相似文献   
For the solutions of random variations of metal jet breakup and difficulties in controlling and predicting the process parameters (e.g. jet length) in micro droplet deposition manufacturing technique, experimental methods combining with theoretical analyses have been developed. The jet formation, jet length and their dominant factors (oxygen concentration and disturbance frequency, etc.) are discussed. The statistical law of jet length is found that the probability density function (PDF) of jet length is a log-normal distribution. The results show that the formation and size accuracy of metal jet breakup are improved by adjusting the gas pressure and optimizing the disturbance frequency. Under this circumstance, the jet length and morphological deviation can be minimized, which provides a stable droplet stream for the subsequent manufacturing process.  相似文献   
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